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is throughout all one word

by Dr. Zion Grimes Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Throughout is correct and should be written as one word. When through and out are used as separate words they retain their individual meanings. While the compound word throughout shares the definition of from one side to the other with through, throughout can also indicate every part of a space or object.

Read more to find out is throughout all one word. With that being said, the word throughout is a single word that can describe the totality of an event, item, or anything. Throughout also means in or during the entire time or part of the time.Sep 29, 2021

Full Answer

What is the synonym of throughout?

Synonyms for throughout. all over, everyplace, everywhere, far and wide, high and low.

What is a good sentence for the word throughout?

Adverb The house is painted white throughout. The house has wood floors throughout. He had a difficult year, but his supporters remained loyal throughout. Recent Examples on the Web: Preposition Indy Parks will host holiday events throughout the holiday season.

What is the difference between throughthrough and throughout?

Through often has a sense of one end to the other, while throughout suggests into every corner. The latter gives a feeling of being more pervasive than the former. Show activity on this post.

What is the difference between throughout and through the forest?

"Throughout" means through the whole area. So if you said "The screech cicadas reverberated throughout the forest," that means that most or all of the forest heard the noises. If you said "Through the forest," that just says that the noise was heard in some of the forest, not all of it, as in, it went from one side to the other,...

Can Throughout be two words?

Throughout is correct and should be written as one word. When through and out are used as separate words they retain their individual meanings. While the compound word throughout shares the definition of from one side to the other with through, throughout can also indicate every part of a space or object.Jun 24, 2021

How do you write throughout?

Throughout sentence exampleThroughout a difficult pregnancy, he had never raised his voice once. ... Fred's mood remained somber throughout the meal. ... This happy condition has obtained throughout her life. ... There was no sound to be heard anywhere throughout the country. ... He watched as fights broke out throughout the city.More items...

Is it through or throughout?

“Through” suggests moving toward the completion or end of something. For example, “The sale goes through the end of June” means the sale will continue or last until the end of June. “Throughout” means during an entire situation or period of time.Jun 26, 2020

Is there a word throughout?

Correct spelling for ALTHROUGHOUT We think the word althroughout is a misspelling.

Does Throughout have a hyphen?

Is the word throughout hyphenated? The throughout word can be written as a single word or hyphenated to form 2 syllable words. The meaning of throughout in a sentence is received from other surrounding words in that sentence.Sep 29, 2021

What is all throughout?

1 : all the way from one end to the other of : in or to every part of cities throughout the United States. 2 : during the whole course or period of troubled her throughout her life.

Is throughout a preposition?

throughout ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌ Throughout can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): He remained in Paris throughout the war. as an adverb (without a following noun): It was a wonderful game and Johnson played brilliantly throughout.

What is the difference between thorough and throughout?

As prepositions the difference between throughout and thorough. is that throughout is in every part of; all through while thorough is (obsolete) through.

Is it through or throughout the years?

Senior Member. I'd use through. Perhaps this is just me, but I tend to use throughout only when referring to a specific time (or place), e.g., "throughout the week" or "throughout the year." So with something undefined such as "the years," I'd stick with through.Nov 4, 2014

What can I use instead of throughout?

Synonyms of throughoutabout,across,around,over,round,through.

How do we use throughout the years?

It's always seemed to me that "throughout the years" implied persistence or a sense of static: "Throughout the years, he kept searching but never found her." "Over the years" seems to me to imply a slow change: "Over the years, he grew pessimistic about finding her and eventually gave up the search."Oct 16, 2015

What is throughout the day?

The second statement, "throughout the day" means the person fasted at regular intervals during a 24 hour period and not necessarily in one continuous act. In example, the person fasted throughout the day at breakfast, lunch and dinner.Sep 4, 2007

What is the meaning of "throughout"?

“Throughout” is one of many compound words, which are two or more words brought together to form a new word and meaning. Earlier, we discussed how to write “throughout” properly. Now, let’s explore how a few other compound words shape our sentences.

What does "throughout" mean in a compound word?

While the compound word “throughout” shares the definition of from one side to the other with “through,” “throughout” can also indicate every part of a space or object.

What is a closed compound word?

Closed compound words are two words that come together to form one word ( source ). Hyphenated compound words are two or more words joined together with a hyphen in between. If you regularly use two or more words together with a specific intended meaning, they are likely compound words.

How to use "throughout" in a sentence?

To use “throughout” in a sentence as a preposition, you’ll need to place it before a pronoun or noun. As an adverb, “throughout” modifies an adjective, verb, or another adverb. Below are some examples: He remained in the city throughout his vacation . “Vacation” is the noun, and it follows “throughout.”.

What does "repainted throughout" mean?

He repainted throughout the building. “Repainted” is the verb that “throughout” modifies. When you use “throughout” in a sentence, it is important to keep the word together on the same line. If a line breaks up the sentence, always keep your compound word together.

What does "through" mean in a sentence?

It can mean entering from one side and going through the other. “Through” can also mean to go all of the way.

Why do you use "throughout"?

Using “throughout” here indicates that he went for multiple walks the entire time of his wife’s surgery. Another way that you can use “throughout” is to keep your sentences short and simplify a bigger group of synonymous words. Synonyms are words that mean the same or near the same as another word.

Is "throughout" a preposition?

Throughout is defined as in every part, during every part or all the way through. An example of throughout used as a preposition is in the sentence, "The park is open throughout the year," which means that the park is open year round. preposition. 3. 1.

Is "throughout" an adverb?

Throughout means in or during the entire time or part. An example of throughout used as an adverb is in the sentence, "He remained relaxed throughout the surgery," which means that he was relaxed for the whole surgery, from start to finish. adverb. 5. 2.

What is the difference between "through" and "throughout"?

Through and throughout are two words that often confuse many of us. Though these two words look and sound similar, they cannot be used interchangeably. The main difference between through and throughout is that throughout means in every part of a place of place or an object whereas through can refer to several meanings, ...

What does "through" mean in a sentence?

Through can be used to indicate, The manner in which something is achieved. Location (from one location to another or across something) Time (during the whole period of) Completion of an activity. Throughout can be used to indicate, In every part of a place or object.

Is "throughout" an adjective?

Throughout can be used as an adjective as well as a preposition. It is similar to all over, right through, all around, etc. It has two principal meanings. In every part of a place or object. His voice reverberated throughout the forest. The king ordered that this rule should be followed throughout his kingdom.

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