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input devices of computer

by Maxine Friesen Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

1. Define Input Devices.

Input devices are equipment that helps in providing data and controlling signals to an information processing system, like a computer.This is a ver...

2. Mention Some Examples of Input Devices.

A few examples of input devices that are commonly used are:Keyboard- the most common input device that is used is the keyboard it helps to enter da...

3. What is the latest syllabus for coding for kids?

with the improving technologies there is a need to provide knowledge to our children about the techniques and systems that will help them to grow a...

4. How to prepare for chapter computer input devices?

To prepare this chapter students need to study about what are the input devices and the various types of input devices and their functioning. Peopl...

5. Where can I find the best study material for computer input devices?

computer input devices is one of the important chapters that provide students complete knowledge about the working of computers and the uses of var...

What are the input devices in a computer?

In other words, the computer system reads the program and the data from the input devices. Most common input devices are the keyboard and mouse. Following are some of the important input devices which are used in a computer −.

What is the most common input device?

The keyboard is the most common and very popular input device which helps to input data to the computer. The layout of the keyboard is like that of the traditional typewriter, although there are some additional keys provided for performing additional functions.

What are the keys on a keyboard?

The keys on the keyboard are as follows −. Category. Keys & Description. 1.Typing keys. These keys include the letter keys (A-Z) and digit keys (09) which generally give the same layout as that of typewriters. 2.NumericKeypad. It is used to enter the numeric data or cursor movement.

What is barcode data?

Barcoded data is generally used in labeling goods, numbering the books, etc. It may be a handheld scanner or may be embedded in a stationary scanner. BarCode Reader scans a barcode image, converts it into an alphanumeric value, which is then fed to the computer that the bar code reader is connected to.

What is a digital camera?

The digitizer is an input device which converts analog information into digital form. The digitizer can convert a signal from the television or camera into a series of numbers that could be stored in a computer. They can be used by the computer to create a picture of whatever the camera had been pointed at.

What is the left and right button on a computer?

Generally, it has two buttons called the left and the right button and a wheel is present between the buttons. A mouse can be used to control the position of the cursor on the screen, but it cannot be used to enter text into the computer.

What is a joystick used for?

The function of the joystick is similar to that of a mouse. It is mainly used in Computer Aided Designing (CAD) and playing computer games.

What is an input device?

Introduction to Computer Input Devices. An input device is essentially computer hardware that transmits data to a computer. Most input devices interact or manage the computer somehow. The most widely used input tools are the mouse and the keyboards, but many more. The main difference is that the former sends data to the computer while ...

What is the most common form of input device?

Keyboard . The most common form of the input device is keyboards. In general, interaction with computers using punch cards and paper tape was performed before keyboards . The QWERTY layout for alphabetic keys, surrounded by numbers, functions, symbols, and other key characters in most English-language keyboards.

What is a scanner?

In general, a scanner is an input device used for the transmission of images (or, often, text) through a machine with a digital image transformation of the signal. You can view the digital image on an edited, recorded, emailed, monitored screen or printed. 7. Keyboard.

How does a mouse work?

Every user who moves the mouse on a mouse pad moves the pad in the corresponding directions on the computer’s display screen, but this mouse communicates with a device in a mechanism known as a “point and click.” The electronic mouse idea is rooted in the trackball, which was invented in 1946 using a so-called roller ball to guide a pointer. Most contemporary computer mice have two click buttons and a wheel in the center to scroll up and down web pages.

What is a stylus on a computer?

Graphical tablets are also called digitizers, which are input tools used for hand-drawn image conversion. With a stylus, the user draws on a particularly flat surface like a piece of paper. The drawing can be edited, saved, or displayed on the computer screen.

What is a joystick in video games?

Joysticks are usual in computer video games for controlling characters and vehicles. A handle that rotates on the foundation and sends its angle or direction as data to the computer is essentially a joystick. Many video game joysticks have activators, buttons and arms to be pressed in games.

What is a sensitive monitor?

As the name implies, a sensitive monitor reacts to the passing of fingers. Mobile devices are especially popular with touch screens such as laptops, palmtops, tablets, or smartphones. 5. Microphone. A mic is captured and sent to a device to a digital format.

What are the input devices in a computer?

The input devices can be divided into different categories, such as pointing devices, keyboard devices, speech or voice input devices, draw devices, recognition devices, etc. The most common input devices of a computer system are listed below:

What is input device?

In simple terms, an input device is a kind of peripheral device that helps communicate with processing units of the computer. Note: Input devices and Input Units are the same things. They are two similar terms used in different ways by different people. They are also known as peripheral or auxiliary devices.

Why are input devices important?

Because input devices perform essential functions for computers, they are considered as parts of computer systems. They are electro-mechanical devices that help users input raw data into a computer. However, computers do not understand data in raw formats. Therefore, input devices convert raw data into the appropriate format or language that can be easily understood by a computer. The translated or converted data is stored in primary memory and sent to the CPU for further processing.

What is the most common pointing device?

A mouse is the most common and very popular pointing device that helps interact with a computer through a process called 'point and click'. This is mainly used to move a cursor on the computer's screen and click on the corresponding object using its buttons (usually left, right, and middle key roller buttons).

What is the keyboard used for?

The keyboard is one of the primary input devices, which helps in entering data and commands in a computer. The layout of the keyboard is almost identical to a traditional typewriter with additional keys that help in performing specific tasks. A normal keyboard usually has a variety of keys, such as alphabetic character keys, function keys, number keys, arrow keys, and control keys.

What is the name of the device that feeds instructions into a computer?

Feeding instructions or data into a computer machine is done using hardware devices. During the process, the data is referred to as the input to a computer machine while the device or hardware device used to input the data is referred to as the input device or input unit .

Why are computers important?

Computers are essential for this technological era. They are helping people in almost every field and making life easier. We cannot think of a world without computers because they are working efficiently and with incredible speed. We cannot communicate with a computer without an input device. Although the computer can work on its own, we will ...

What does an input device send to a computer?

What an input device sends (inputs) to a computer depends on the device. Additionally, all input devices send data from the device over a cable or wireless transmission to the computer. For example, as you move a computer mouse, the data sent to the computer is the X-Y axis movements used to display the mouse cursor on the screen.

What is input device?

Updated: 11/13/2018 by Computer Hope. An input device is any hardware device that sends data to a computer, allowing you to interact with and control it. The picture shows a Logitech trackball mouse, which is an example of an input device. The most commonly used or primary input devices on a computer are the keyboard and mouse.

Why are input devices important?

Today, input devices are important because they are what allows you to interact with and add new information to a computer. For example, if a computer had no input devices, it could run by itself but there would be no way to change its settings, fix errors, or other various user interactions.

Is a stylus an input device?

Stylus (with touch screen). Voice (using voice speech recognition or biometric verification). Although OMR cards and punch cards contain data, they are not considered input devices by themselves. It is the readers that interpret the cards that are considered an input device.

1. Keyboard

A computer keyboard, often known as a laptop keyboard, is a piece of hardware that allows you to input data into a computer. It is often a plug-and-play gadget. The alphabets (A-Z), numerals (0-9), symbols, and function keys are all found on a computer keyboard. These days, USB and wireless keyboards are widely used.

2. Mouse

The most widely used pointing device is the mouse. It is a well-known cursor-control gadget made out of a tiny palm-sized box with a spherical ball at its base that detects mouse movement and sends suitable signals to the CPU when mouse buttons are pressed.

3. Joystick

A joystick is a pointing device for computers that allows you to move the pointer around the screen. Both the bottom and top ends of the stick are connected to a spherical ball, and the bottom spherical ball slips in a socket. You may move the joystick in all four directions.

4. Scanners

A scanner, like a photocopier, is an input device that is used when paper data has to be transferred to a computer's hard disc and subsequently modified.

5. Light Pen

The light pen's tip has a light-sensitive detector that allows users to pick items on the display screen by pointing to them. The item's position is detected by its light-sensitive tip, which transmits the appropriate signals to the CPU. It can also assist you in drawing on the screen if necessary.

6. Digitizer

A digitizer is a device that transforms analog data into digital data. A digitizer can transform a television or camera feed into a series of numbers stored in a computer. They can be used to create an image of the object at which the camera is pointed by the computer.

7. Microphone

A microphone is a type of sound input device used by computers. It absorbs sound vibrations and transforms them into audio signals or records them on media. The audio impulses are transformed into digital data, which is then saved in the computer. The user can also utilize the Microphone to converse with others.

What is input device?

Input Devices are the electronic parts of the Computer. The input devices of Computers are used to input the user’s data or information into computers for the output results. Input Devices can be defined as an electro-mechanical device that allows a user to input the data into a computer, by usually typing on a keyboard, or by clicking a mouse, ...

What is the purpose of input devices?

The main function of input devices is to allows users to input the user data or information into computers for output results. The computer accepts instructions from the user and converts the accepted instruction into machine language.

What is a joystick?

The joystick is another input devices examples that is a vertical stick-shaped device that looks like a movable vertical handle. With the help of these computer input devices, we can move the cursor in any direction on the screen.

What is the most prominent input device in a computer?

1.Keyboard. The keyboard one of the most prominent input devices of the computer. It operates similarly to typewriters. The keyboard is designed to input text numbers and characters. By using a keyboard, we do entire writing work on the computer. The computer keyboard is one of the real examples of input devices in computing. ...

How many buttons does a mouse have?

A Mouse that can have 2 or 3 buttons and a scroll on the upper side.

How many keys are in a keyboard?

It has a set of keys or buttons arranged horizontal contains about 108 Keys, which act as electronic switches or mechanical levers, allowing us to the entry of information encoded to the computer system by pressing the keys. The keyboard is probably the primary means of communicating the user with the computer system.

How many keys are in a numeric keypad?

The numeric keypad consists of about 17 keys ( the pattern of keys can differ from keyboard to keyboard). In which numbers up to 0-9, Mathematics operators like – +, -. *, / and Enter button.

What Actually is an Input Device?

It’s pretty easy to understand and acknowledge that, to feed info and data to a particular computer, you’ll need a certain kind of hardware or instrument. This piece of hardware enables human interaction with the computer. In other words, it allows us to control or give commands to the computer itself.

Why Do We Need Input Devices?

Well, just like output devices, input devices serve particular purposes. As the definition is given beforehand, it should be pretty clear by now that, to operate a computer, you WILL need a set of input devices. You don’t have to look far to understand the crucial fact here.


Keyboards are very very common, and you surely have used and come across them quite often. Keyboards are used to take input data commands that are in return converted to displayed texts.


This input device is meant to be held by the palm and to operate/ move the cursor. It’s ideal for navigation in multiple applications. Mice can be connected to computers through USB ports or wirelessly through Bluetooth dongles.


If you’re willing to input audio into your computer, microphones are probably the best way to go about it.Microphones can be as various types and sizes. Some are even wireless. Each type of microphone captures audio in a particular manner. But in any case, the purpose is the same.

Digital Camera

We’re all pretty familiar with digital cameras. As the name suggests, they take pictures digitally and the images are stored as data in memory cards. These cameras have an LCD screen and can display images directly. These devices can be connected to a PC through a dedicated cable.


A gamepad or a joystick is yet another input device that can be used to play computer games. These really don’t have professional or office use. Rather, the buttons and the analog sticks that are integrated can be used to control in-game characters and events.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9