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how much does a pallet of flagstone weigh

by Jaylin Huel Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

about 4,000 pounds

How thick is a pallet of flagstone?

The average thickness variance on a pallet is 1" to 3" and an average pallet weighs about 4,000 pounds. The approximate coverage per ton is 70 - 140 sq. ft. Flagstone pieces range approximately 1 - 4 sq. Click to see full answer. In this manner, how much does a pallet of flagstone cost?

How much does a pallet of stone weigh?

A: Most pallets way between 1.5 and 2 tons (3000 to 4000 pounds) depending on the type and thickness of the stone. How many tons is a pallet?

How much does flagstone paving cost?

Flagstone pricing is usually given in one of three measurements: Make sure you clarify the size or unit of measurement when talking to your local paving installers so you know exactly how much paving you're getting for your money. Flagstone costs between $200 and $550 per ton, just for the stone.

How many square feet is a flagstone patio?

If the length of the patio was 8.5 feet and the width was 7.75, you'd multiply those numbers to come to 65.88 square feet. To account for sizing and waste, add 10 to 15 percent to your square footage. In this example, 65.88 x 1.15 = 75.76 square feet. Choose the thickness of your flagstone. This will depend on your base.

Is a pallet of flagstone one ton?

Pallet weights vary but generally fall between three and four tons, which equates to a cost of $0.20 to $0.55 per pound. An average pallet covers between 210 to 560 square feet, but, just as with the coverage of flagstone priced by the ton, how much square footage you get depends on thickness and density.

How much flagstone is in a pallet?

A pallet of 1" thick holds approx. 160-180 square feet of stone. A pallet of 1-1/2" thick holds approx. 120-140 square feet of stone.

How much does a pallet of natural stone weigh?

One pallet of dry stack stone weighs approximately 3,000 lbs.

How much does a cubic foot of flagstone weigh?

Natural Stone CalculationsMaterialWeight of Lbs per Cubic Footoutcropping, 8″ cut drywall, flagstone, and most other natural stone0.165Wisconsin Sandstonesandy creek, highland brown0.1503 more rows

How much does a pallet of pavers weight?

Single SizesPaver SizeSquare Feet Per PalletWeight Per Pallet12" x 12"288 ft23,600 lbs12" x 18"216 ft22,700 lbs12" x 30"360 ft24,400 lbs18" x 18"180 ft22,300 lbs3 more rows

Why is flagstone so expensive?

Let's just bottom line it right up front: flagstone costs more than pavers. The material itself costs a bit more and the labor to install it costs more. A true professional flagstone guy, whether a mason, waller or good landscaper–is going to have years of experience. Natural stone, to do it well, is an art.

How much does pallet of landscape rocks weigh?

Depending on the type of material on the pallet, a pallet weighs between 1 and 2 tons. Most of our stone products are packaged on 1½-ton pallets.

How many tons is a pallet of Fieldstone?

Palletize Wall Stone, most Pallets are 3000 lbs. 1½ tons.

How many stones are in a pallet?

480 stonesEach pallet contains 480 stones, a total of 103 square feet.

How many square feet is a ton of flagstone?

70 - 140 sq. ft.The approximate coverage per ton is 70 - 140 sq. ft. Flagstone pieces range approximately 1 - 4 sq.

How much does a pallet of Bluestone weigh?

~ 300 lbsDescriptionThicknessApprox. Sq. Ft./ PalletApprox. Weight/ Pallet1″~ 300 sq. ft. +/-~ 300 lbs.

Is flagstone cheaper than concrete?

Laying stone will cost around $30 per square foot, while pouring, stamping and coloring concrete will cost around $15 per square foot. That means the overall cost for a concrete patio or walkway could be half that of flagstone.

How much does a ton of flagstone cost?

A ton of flagstone can cover 80 to 130 square feet, depending on the type of stone. Minimum – A lower priced flagstone, such as Pinola (Pine Log), costs around $295 per ton. Average – A mid-range material costs from $350 to $450 per ton. How many tons of flagstone do I need?

How many square feet does a ton of flagstone cover?

How many tons of flagstone do I need? For one ton of flagstone: ½” thi ck will cover about 300 square feet. 1″ thick will cover about 150 square feet. 1 ½” thick will cover about 100 square feet. 2″ thick will cover about 75 square feet.

How much does it cost to install flagstone?

For walkways and other more complicated hardscaping projects, installing flagstone can cost between $1,800-$2,000. This will cover a walkway of about 230 square feet in size. Most average size porches and patios of about 100-150 square feet will cost an average of $2,000 to install flagstone.

What is flagstone made of?

Made primarily of feldspar and quartz, flagstone is an attractive and useful material for outdoor walkways, driveways and patios referred to collectively as hardscaping. The stone easily chips into smaller pieces that fit well into an attractive mosaic pattern. Flagstone is relatively durable and can handle fluctuations in temperature during ...

What factors influence flagstone prices?

One of the factors that will significantly influence flagstone prices is the installation cost . The installation process will vary depending on the specific project. For example, installing flagstone on driveways may cover a larger area than simply covering up your patio.

How much does a ton of sandstone cost?

Here are the prices of some of the most common types used: Sandstone- $125 per ton. Quartzite (a harder variant of sandstone that comes in different colors and patterns) costs about $550 per ton. Limestone (commonly found in aquatic environments, limestone can be polished to be used for various indoor applications) costs about $600 per ton. ...

Is it expensive to transport stone?

Transporting the stone to a specific site can be costly, especially in situations where a property is difficult to access. In addition, if the installation is being carried out deep within a property, the materials may need to be passed through tight spaces before they get to the actual site.

How many pallets of stone can a flatbed truck hold?

A regular flatbed truck holds approximately 14 pallets of stone depending on the type of stone and up to approximately 45,000 lbs. Trips within a 4 - 5 hour radius can use a day cab truck which can hold 48,000 lbs.

What is a millennium cut stone?

What is "millennium cut" and "natural cleft" stone? The difference between millennium cuts stone and natural cleft stone is in the production process of the stone . Millennium cut means that the stone has been sawn on all six sides (length, width, thickness).

How thick should flagstone be?

This will depend on your base. If you're installing flagstone over concrete, the stone can be thinner--a half to 1.5 inches. If you're laying the stone over a sand base, it should be 1.5 to 4 inches thick to prevent breaking.

What is flagstone used for?

Use flagstone for patios and paths. Flagstone provides a clearly-defined walkway or patio area while maintaining a natural look. Stone is an attractive and durable alternative to concrete, which can crack or spall, creating potential hazards and expensive repairs.

How many square feet does a stone cover?

Two thousand pounds of stone will cover: 400 square feet if the stone is a half-inch thick 200 square feet if the stone is 1 inch thick 150 square feet if the stone is 1.5 inches thick 100 square feet if the stone is 2 inches thick 75 square feet if the stone is 3 inches thick 50 square feet if the stone is 4 inches thick.

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