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how many calories do you burn on a 10 mile bike ride

by Mr. Candelario Upton Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

On a firm, level surface biking at 10mph (6min/mile, or 16kph) a 200 pound person is estimated to burn 649 calories per hour and a 150 pound person 487 calories per hour. How many calories are burned cycling?

As a rough average, expect to burn about 500 to 600 calories on a 10-mile bike ride at a normal traveling speed. Don't forget to account for variables like your body weight, exercise intensity and duration.Oct 11, 2019

Full Answer

How many calories are burned after biking 10 miles?

Mar 01, 2022 · How Much Weight Do You Lose Biking 10 Miles? When the speed of your bike is increased from approximately 13 to 15 miles per hour, there is a third less time you need to cover 10 miles to 45 minutes, and a 170-pound person burns …

Does bike riding really burn lot of calories?

Mar 07, 2022 · How Many Calories Does A 10 Mile Bike Ride Burn. The average person burns about 500-600 calories during a 10 mile bike ride at normal traveling speed. Don’t forget to account for variables like body weight, intensity and duration of exercise when determining how many nutrients are burned in your workout!

Is cycling 10 miles a day enough to lose weight?

Sep 25, 2020 · On a firm, level surface biking at 10mph (6min/mile, or 16kph) a 200 pound person is estimated to burn 649 calories per hour and a 150 pound person 487 calories per hour. Calculator How many calories are burned cycling? Formula Calories burned per minute = (MET x body weight in Kg x 3.5) ÷ 200

What burns more calories a brisk walk or bike ride?

Is a 10 mile bike ride good?

10 miles is a great riding distance for new riders. Not only is this a popular distance for most Greenways, it's also a great distance goal for a beginner cyclist. Whether you plan to take the kids on a quick bike trip or start biking on your own, you should definitely know how long it takes to bike 10 miles.

How many calories do you burn cycling at 10 miles per hour?

Calories burned with Cycling (weight: 180 lbs)MET15 min.Cycling 10 mph6.2133Cycling 12 mph7.2154Cycling 14 mph9193Cycling 16 mph112366 more rows

How long should a 10 mile bike ride take?

A good average for a ten mile bike ride is between 45 minutes and an hour. If you're a beginner, it's more likely to be closer to the hour mark. Over time your average speed for each of your rides will increase and so the time it takes to cycle 10 miles will be reduced.

How many calories burned 10 miles?

Overall, you can expect to burn 700–1,200 calories when walking 10 miles, depending on several factors. Your pace will matter less in regards to the total number of calories burned. However, walking faster will help you hit the 10-mile mark much sooner.Dec 9, 2019

Will I lose weight biking 10 miles a day?

The average person burns around 40-50 calories per mile traveled when biking. This means that even if you only bike 10 miles each day, this could still result in 400 or 500 total calorie burned during your workout!

How long should a 10 mile bike ride take?

To get the most out of your ten mile bike ride, plan on spending around an hour.

How can I burn 1000 calories a day?

Walking on a treadmill is the most efficient way to burn calories. This can be done for an hour at least, and will help you lose weight quickly! Biking also has many benefits such as being fun while it’s easy enough that anyone could do them in their free time – even if they don’t own any bikes!!

Is biking 10 miles in 30 minutes good?

Biking at a fast pace for an hour is not easy on the body. It’s best to do this if you have physical fitness or cycling experience, because even though it may seem flat there are still high intensity workouts involved when biking 10 miles in 30 minutes!

What is a good distance for a beginner cyclist?

As a beginner cyclist, it’s important to keep your speed down so that you can maintain an average distance of 8 miles per hour (12 km). The type and condition on the ground will affect how far you travel in one hour.

What are the disadvantages of cycling?

Cycling is a great way to get around town but it comes with some baggage.

Will I lose weight cycling 100 miles a week?

If you want to lose weight, biking is an excellent way of doing so. I’ve been riding 100 miles per week since February and have lost 50 pounds in just over three months!

How many calories do you burn cycling in 2020?

LAST UPDATE: September 25th, 2020. The average person will burn 400 to 800 calories per hour bicycling. The number of calories burned cycling will depend on your weight, the distance and speed you cycle, and the type and level of terrain.

How fast can a person ride a bicycle?

A person weighs 180 pounds (81.65kg) and bicycles for leisure at a pace of 9.4 mph (a task that has a MET value of 5.8) for 1 hour (60 minutes).

Does a stationary bike burn calories?

A stationary bike will help you burn about the same number of calories for the same level of effort as a road bike. Here is a chart using watts of energy on a stationary bike.

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