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how do you take care of a dying bromeliad plant

by Cordia Parker Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Revive a Bromeliad

  1. Examine the Bromeliad. Check the bromeliad's soil for light, even moistness. ...
  2. Switch to Distilled Water. Pour the water out of the plant's center cup, and refill the center cup with distilled water. ...
  3. Adjust the Plant's Light Level. Monitor the light levels the bromeliad receives. ...
  4. Mist the Bromeliad. ...
  5. Keep the Plant Warm. ...
  6. Prune the Bromeliad. ...

How to Revive a Bromeliad
  1. Examine the Bromeliad. Check the bromeliad's soil for light, even moistness. ...
  2. Switch to Distilled Water. Pour the water out of the plant's center cup, and refill the center cup with distilled water. ...
  3. Adjust the Plant's Light Level. ...
  4. Mist the Bromeliad. ...
  5. Keep the Plant Warm. ...
  6. Prune the Bromeliad.

Full Answer

How to water a bromeliad plant?

  • Epiphytes – Epiphytes can take in moisture and nutrients through both their roots and their leaves. ...
  • Air Plants – Air plants only take in moisture and nutrients through special cells on their leaves. ...
  • Saxicolous – Like epiphytes, saxicolous bromeliads can draw in moisture through their roots and leaves. ...

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How do I know if my bromeliad is dying?

  • Examine the Bromeliad
  • Check the bromeliad's soil for light, even moistness. ...
  • Switch to Distilled Water
  • Pour the water out of the plant's center cup, and refill the center cup with distilled water. ...
  • Adjust the Plant's Light Level
  • Monitor the light levels the bromeliad receives. ...
  • Mist the Bromeliad

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How often to water bromeliads?

  • Use only plastic or glass containers to collect rainwater—metal containers will taint the water and hurt the plant.
  • As an alternative, take water from the faucet and let it sit for 1 to 2 days. ...
  • Distilled or purified bottled water doesn’t have certain minerals your plant needs, so don’t use these types.

Why is my Bromeliad dying?

Why are my bromeliads dying?

  • Natural reasons: Bromeliads only bloom once and after they are done blooming they start to fade out. ...
  • Not enough or too much sunlight: Getting the right amount of sunlight for your plant can be quite tricky. ...
  • Overwatering: Bromeliads are quite tolerant of droughts, however, they do not do well with overwatering. ...

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What to do if bromeliad is dying?

Well, it might sound harsh, but once your bromeliad bloom has begun to die, you can cut it off! Bromeliads are known for their exotic, long-lasting flowers. These tropical plants can bloom for months, in fact. However, once a bromeliad's flower begins to die, it is signaling the next cycle in its life.

How do you save a rotting bromeliad?

Remove the plant from the substrate. Dip it in a fungicide or a root hormone that also contains fungicide. Then, stake it up in a well draining potting medium or next to a healthy bromeliad. The bromeliad should recover and develop roots.

How do you know when your bromeliad is dying?

The flower starts to turn brown after a few months, completely dies and you cut it off. Eventually you notice that the plant is slowly turning brown too. In the case of aechmeas, the leaves tend to bend and droop a bit. If the tip of your bromeliad leaves are turning brown, no worries about that.

Can you revive a dried out bromeliad?

You can help revive your dying bromeliad by providing it with optimal living conditions, including the correct level of light and the right type of water. Prune your plant to encourage healthy growth and increase its humidity levels by misting it.

What does an overwatered bromeliad look like?

Confusing as it may sound, bromeliad leaves turning brown – even the tips turning brown – can also indicate too much water. The difference here is that browning leaves as a result of underwatering feel dry and crisp, while overwatered leaves usually feel soft and mushy.

Why is my bromeliad drying out?

Brown and dry leaves are most likely caused by a lack of moisture. This could mean you're not watering enough, your plant is in an environment with low humidity or a combination of both.

How often should I water my bromeliad?

While their roots prefer to be moist, they can never be allowed to remain soggy. Water that does not drain properly through your potting medium can cause your plant to develop root or crown rot. It is often times sufficient to water your bromeliad once a week.

How do you get bromeliads to bloom again?

Forcing a bromeliad to bloom also requires an appropriate environment. Empty the depression in the plant and encase it in a large plastic bag accompanied by a slice of apple, kiwi or banana. These fruits give off ethylene gas, which will help force the plant into bloom.

Do bromeliads like full sun?

Bromeliads make great low-maintenance indoor plants as they don't require much sun and only need to be watered about once a week when kept indoors. As bromedliads love humidity, be sure to keep them away from air conditioning and cold draughts and mist with a spray bottle every couple of days.

Why is my bromeliad leaves drooping?

Low humidity and dry soil cause leaves to droop and brown on their edges, later followed by entire yellowing, browning, and leaf drop. Misting the leaves of your Bromeliad often and using a humidifier or pebble tray will increase the humidity for your plant.

How long do bromeliad plants live?

two to five yearsBromeliads live for two to five years. They're one of those plants that blooms once when it hits maturity, and then slowly dies off as it puts all its energy into producing new plants, called pups. Bromeliad blooms last up to six months, so you get a long-lived bloom for the plant's lone flower show.

Can you trim bromeliad leaves?

Although bromeliads do not require regular pruning, remove unhealthy leaves with sharp, sterile pruning shears. A bromeliad only flowers once, producing offshoots (pups) after the blossom is spent. To encourage healthy pups, trim away the dead flower stalk as close to the central cup as possible.

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How do you save or revive a dying bromeliad plant?

The best way you can revive a dying bromeliad plant is by pruning off any leaves or flowers that show signs of brownness. Also, ensure to prune off the flowers once the blooming season is over. Give your plant the proper amounts of water and bright but indirect sunlight to keep it happy.

Why are my bromeliads dying?

There can be multiple reasons as to why your bromeliad is not doing so well which is why you must cater to it and help revive it.

What to do with a dying bromeliad?

Bromeliads have a shorter lifespan and the best thing you can do is pruning it off once they are done blooming. You can save the pup they grow after the bloom.

Can you bring a bromeliad back to life?

Once your bromeliad has bloomed it is quite difficult to keep it going and it is easier to revive if it has not bloomed before. You can never expect it to bloom again since it blooms only once.

How to care for a dying bromeliad plant?

The best way to care for a dying bromeliad plant is by mimicking its ideal living conditions which are tropical conditions. This includes giving them an adequate amount of bright but indirect sunlight daily. Water the soil only when the top inch of the soil is dry.

Should I repot my bromeliad?

Bromeliads do not have any complex rooting system. This is why it is not quite necessary to repot your plant. However, if you feel like you have examined all the other areas and your plant is still not thriving then you can give repotting a shot.

How to repot a bromeliad?

The most important part when repotting your plant is ensuring that you have chosen the right well-drained soil mix. Ensure to pick a proper pot that is a well-draining system and since the plant does not grow too big do not use a larger pot.

How to get rid of dead bromeliads?

All you can do is continue to care for the plant in a way that encourages healthy foliage and the production of new plants, called pups. To do so, begin by removing the spent flower from the plant. Cut the dead flower from the bromeliad using a pair of pruning shears or a sharp knife. Whatever tool you choose, wipe it with alcohol to sanitize it before cutting into your plant.

How to fertilize bromeliads after transplant?

When your young bromeliad's leaves form a cup, keep the cup filled with water rather than watering the soil. You can begin your normal fertilization routine immediately after transplanting the pup. Give your new plant at least a year to establish itself before forcing flowers. Advertisement.

How to make a bromeliad bloom?

This is often done in nurseries and is easy to do at home. To do so, pour out any water from the cup of the plant. Place a ripe apple or two in the plant's pot and cover the plant with a clear plastic bag. Seal the bag tightly with a rubber band and then place the plant in an area full of diffused natural light as you normally would. As they decay, the ripe apples will produce ethylene gas, encouraging your plant to bloom.

How to cut dead flowers from bromeliad?

Cut the dead flower from the bromeliad using a pair of pruning shears or a sharp knife. Whatever tool you choose, wipe it with alcohol to sanitize it before cutting into your plant. Clean the plant's leaves with a soft, damp cloth and place the bromeliad in filtered or diffused light.

How to cut a pup from a plant?

Cut the pups from the mother plant with a sharp, clean knife. Dig under the soil a bit and make your cut at the base of the pup where it splits from the mother plant, cutting as close to the parent plant as you can without causing damage.

How to make a ripe apple plant?

To do so, pour out any water from the cup of the plant. Place a ripe apple or two in the plant's pot and cover the plant with a clear plastic bag.

Do bromeliads bloom once?

Bromeliad blossoms are big, bold and absolutely dazzling. Unfortunately, bromeliads bloom only once. After that, you can continue to admire the plant for its foliage but won't see another flower. You can, however, encourage the plant's pups to bloom.

How long does it take for a bromeliad to bloom?

Remove the bag after a couple of days, and the bromeliad should begin blooming in six weeks to approximately three months.

What is a bloody bromeliad?

Neoregelia cruenta: Hardy in USDA zones 10 through 11, Neoregelia cruenta is called bloody bromeliad due to the reddish coloring of its foliage. Depending on the variety, its thick, strappy, spine-covered foliage can be yellowish-green with reddish tips, striped horizontally or diagonally in red, or mostly red.

How many flowers does a bromeliad have?

Each bromeliad produces only one flower, and once the flower completely dies, you can either leave it in place to slowly deteriorate or snip it off the mother plant at its base, using a sterilized pruning tool. Bromeliad flowers also make attractive, exotic cut flowers that last for weeks.

How to cut off pups from mother plant?

To avoid transferring diseases, use a sterilized knife to cut the pups away from the mother plant. To sterilize, wipe your knife blade with alcohol before pruning off the pups.

Where do bromeliads come from?

Native to tropical regions of North and South America, many bromeliads are prized for their colorful exotic flowers and foliage, although not all types produce flowers that form outside of their inner rosettes or cups. What you do with the spent bloom and spent mother plant depends more on personal preference than on cultural requirements.

Do bromeliads harm trees?

Even though some types live in trees, they're not considered parasitic and don't harm trees by robbing them of their nutrients. Bromeliad size, shape, flower formation and color are as diverse as the many species, with some types growing only 1 inch tall to those towering up to 15 feet and producing a mammoth-size flower stem.

Can bromeliads grow in containers?

Even if you live in regions where winters are cold, don’t let that stop you from growing bromeliads. Most grow quite well in containers that drain freely if they're planted in well-drained soil. You can keep them outdoors during warm weather and bring them indoors to a bright location when conditions cool. Outdoors, they work well as a focal point in beds, used en masse as ground covers, and add interest and color to shady locations. Wherever you decide to use them, they’ll add a tropical and exotic feel for many years to come.

What does it mean when a bromeliad plant is unusual?

Bromeliad Plants. The unusual appearance of the bromeliad would seem to indicate that the plant is high maintenance and requires special gardening skills. The plant is prized for its thick foliage that grows in a natural rosette.

What is a bromeliad plant?

Bromeliad plants provide an exotic touch to the home and bring a sense of the tropics and sun-kissed climates. Growing a bromeliad as a houseplant is easy and brings interesting texture and color to the interior garden. Learn how to care for a bromeliad plant and you will have a long lasting unique houseplant that is low maintenance.

How to get pups off a sphagnum plant?

Watch for pups at the base of the plant and nurture them until they are large enough to break away from the parent plant. To remove them, cut them away from the parent and then plant them in sphagnum moss mix or any well-draining medium.

How to keep a pot moist?

The water that collects in the pot should be emptied out weekly to remove debris and dead insects that stagnant water tends to lure into the cup. Set the pot in a saucer of gravel filled partially with water to increase humidity and help provide a moist atmosphere.

Do bromeliads die back after flowering?

These epiphytes are not long lived but will generally start to die back after flowering. Although interior bromeliad plants will fail after a while and cease growth, they will produce offsets, or pups, that you can remove and start as new plants.

Do bromeliads need water?

These baby bromeliads require the same care as the parent plant. As soon as the pup forms a cup, it is important to keep it filled with water so the new plant receives adequate moisture. Growing bromeliads is a rewarding hobby that can continue for years if you harvest the pups. Printer Friendly Version.

Do bromeliads need potting soil?

New gardeners learning how to grow bromeliads will find that the plant doesn’t need deep pots or thick potting soils. They do even better in shallow pots and may grow in low soil mediums such as orchid mix, a blend of bark, sphagnum moss and other organic amendments.

How to save a dying bromeliad

Check the soil moisture around the dying plant. Bromeliads acquire moisture through their center cup as well as their roots, and like the soil moist but not wet. If the soil is too wet and the roots sit in stagnant water, the plants may start to wither.

Tips to care for bromeliads

Bromeliads thrive in areas where they can receive bright light. Ideally, they should have indirect light so as not to develop sunburn. Place the plants near a window but away from direct sunlight if you are keeping them indoors. If you intend to put them outdoors, position them in a spot where they can get indirect sunlight.


Bromeliads are popular for their vibrant colors and unique, sword-shaped leaves. Like most plants, they are susceptible to certain problems and diseases and may become sickly or even die if not given proper care and attention.

How to keep bromeliads warm?

Place the bromeliad where it receives consistently warm temperatures. Move an indoor plant away from air conditioning and heating vents, where the temperature tends to fluctuate throughout the day. Keep an outdoor plant away from external dryer vents and other sources of sudden hot or cold air.

How to keep bromeliads from turning brown?

Trim off the plant's bloom when it starts to turn brown by cutting it with pruning shears or scissors where it joins the center of the plant's cup. Most bromeliads bloom only once, but removing the bloom helps the plant redirect energy to staying alive a bit longer and growing pups.

What temperature should bromeliads be outside?

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln reports that bromeliads do best in daytime temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and night temperatures of 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

How to get more humidity in bromeliads?

Mist the Bromeliad. Spritz the leaves with water every two to three days, increasing the humidity. Alternatively, place river rocks on a large plate, and pour water over the rocks. Put the plate under the bromeliad's pot, ensuring the pot touches only rocks, not water. The evaporating water provides extra humidity.

Do bromeliads die after blooming?

Thriving outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, depending on the variety, bromeliads often die after blooming and growing new offshoots, which are called pups. Whether or not you can revive your bromeliad depends on where it is in its life cycle.

Do bromeliads need light?

Monitor the light levels the bromeliad receives. The exact light requirements vary among bromeliad varieties, says the University of Florida IFAS Gardening Solutions, but in general, a plant growing longer, leggier leaves and losing its bright colors to more green leaves probably doesn't receive enough light.

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