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how do i open the developer command prompt in vs2015

by Margaret Ledner Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The “VS Command Prompt” will now be available in: Tools -> VS Command Prompt.Jun 16, 2015

How do I open developer command prompt in Visual Studio?

May 21, 2017 · Right Click on your project name under solution explorer, then locate open command line, select developer command Prompt or use shortcut: shift + Alt + ,

How do I open external tools in developer command prompt?

May 10, 2020 · Start the command prompt from inside Visual Studio. Open Visual Studio. On the start window, choose Continue without code. On the menu bar, choose Tools > External Tools. On the External Tools dialog box, choose the Add button. Enter a Title for your new menu item …

How to access Visual Studio command prompt from Solution Explorer?

Apr 29, 2022 · Follow these steps to open Developer Command Prompt or Developer PowerShell from within Visual Studio: Open Visual Studio. On the menu bar, select Tools > Command Line > Developer Command Prompt or Developer PowerShell .

How do I run a Visual Studio project from the command line?

Mar 08, 2017 · In VS2015, right-click the project, choose properties, go to the Debug section -- there is a box for "Command Arguments". To launch VS, you could try to use the command line …

How do I get to the developer command prompt?

Follow these steps to open Developer Command Prompt or Developer PowerShell from within Visual Studio:
  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. On the menu bar, select Tools > Command Line > Developer Command Prompt or Developer PowerShell.
Apr 29, 2022

How do I start the developer command prompt using Visual Studio as an administrator?

Run Visual Studio as an administrator
  1. Open the Start menu, and scroll to Visual Studio.
  2. From the right-click or context menu of Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio 2022, select More > Run as administrator. When Visual Studio starts, (Administrator) appears after the product name in the title bar.
Apr 29, 2022

What is the developer command prompt?

Developer Command Prompt - Sets the environment to use 32-bit, x86-native tools to build 32-bit, x86-native code. 2. x86 Native Tools Command Prompt - Sets the environment to use 32-bit, x86-native tools to build 32-bit, x86-native code. These two options have different names, but the same annotations.Nov 22, 2021

How do I run a command in Visual Studio?

The Command window is used to execute commands or aliases directly in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). You can execute both menu commands and commands that do not appear on any menu. To display the Command window, choose Other Windows from the View menu, and select Command Window.Aug 5, 2021

How do I open a Command Prompt as an administrator?

From your desktop, click Start > All Programs > Micro Focus Enterprise Developer > Tools.
  1. From the Start screen, right-click either the Enterprise Developer Command Prompt (32-bit) or the Enterprise Developer Command Prompt (64-bit) tile.
  2. On the bottom of the page, click Run as administrator.
  3. If prompted, click Yes.

How do I open visual code from Command Prompt?

How to Open Visual Studio Code From Your Terminal
  1. Next, run Command + Shift + P . Now you should see this:
  2. What we've done here is opened up the VS Code command palette. ...
  3. Once you hit enter, voilà! ...
  4. Now you can open VS Code from your terminal. ...
  5. Once you hit enter , VS Code will now open.
Jan 4, 2022

How do I open a dotnet Command Prompt?

If your project lacks an . xproj file
  1. Install . NET Core SDK Preview 3 or higher.
  2. Open a command prompt at your project's directory.
  3. Run dotnet migrate .
  4. Open the resulting . csproj in Visual Studio 2017.
Dec 31, 2016

How do I open a Terminal in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio 2022/2019
  1. Add an external tool. Menu Tools → External Tools → Add. Title: Terminal (or name it yourself) Command = cmd.exe or Command = powershell.exe. Arguments = /k. Initial Directory = $(ProjectDir)
  2. Menu Tools → Terminal (or whatever you put in title)
  3. Enjoy!

How do I access the console in Visual Studio?

Press F11 . Visual Studio calls the Console.Feb 25, 2022

How do I access Command Prompt on Mac?

To open it, either open your Applications folder, then open Utilities and double-click on Terminal, or press Command-space to launch Spotlight and type "Terminal," then double-click the search result.Mar 21, 2018

How do I open Visual Studio project code?

You can open any solution, project, folder or file in Visual Studio Code by simply right-clicking it in Solution Explorer and select Open in Visual Studio Code.Jun 11, 2021

How to find Visual Studio 2019 version?

On the desktop, open the Windows Start menu, and then scroll to find and open the folder for your version of Visual Studio, for example, Visual Studio 2019. In the folder, choose the Developer Command Prompt for your version of Visual Studio.

What is a developer command prompt?

NET Framework tools more easily. It's a command prompt that automatically sets specific environment variables.

Where is the command prompt file?

Search for the name of the command prompt file, which is VsDevCmd.bat, or go to the Tools folder for Visual Studio, such as % ProgramFiles (x86)%Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityCommon7Tools (path changes according to your Visual Studio version, edition, and installation location).

What is Visual Studio 2019?

Starting in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 , Visual Studio includes an integrated terminal that can host either of these shells (Developer Command Prompt and Developer PowerShell). You can also open multiple tabs of each shell. The Visual Studio terminal is built on top of Windows Terminal.

Where are the shells in Visual Studio?

Usually, the shortcuts for the shells you have installed are placed in the Start Menu folder for Visual Studio, such as in %ProgramData%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgram sVisual Studio 2019Visual Studio Tools. But if searching for the command prompt doesn't produce the expected results, you can try to manually locate the files on your machine.

How many shells are there in Visual Studio 2019?

Visual Studio 2019 includes two command-line shells for developers:

How to get to the start screen?

Go to the Start screen, by pressing the Windows logo key on your keyboard for example.

Where is the PowerShell script file?

Search for a PowerShell script file named Launch-VsDevShell.ps1, or go to the Tools folder for Visual Studio, such as %ProgramFiles (x86)%Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityCommon7Tools. (The path changes according to your Visual Studio version, edition, and installation location.) Once you've located the PowerShell file, run it by entering the following command at a Windows PowerShell or PowerShell 6 prompt:


I would like to launch VS2015 from the command prompt so that it begins debugging a solution with the command line arguments I would have put in the project properties. How do I do it?

All replies

Visual Studio debugger can be invoked on a program from the command line, allowing one to specify the command line arguments when invoking a command line program, directly on the command line.

What is the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio?

Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio enables you to use .NET Framework tools more easily.

How to open Visual Studio command prompt?

Windows 8.1. Go to the Start screen, by pressing the Windows logo key on your keyboard for example. On the Start screen, press Ctrl + Tab to open the Apps list, and then press V. This brings up a list that includes all installed Visual Studio command prompts.

How to get Visual Studio 2019?

1. Go to windows start. 2. Go to Run command (Windows +R ) 3. Type %ProgramData%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsVisual Studio 2019Visual Studio Tools. But if, for some reason, searching for the command prompt doesn't produce the expected results, you can try to manually locate the shortcut on your machine.

DavidA2014 commented on Nov 13, 2019

A Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt can be accessed by opening a cmd prompt in Windows and then running the appropriate vcvarsall.bat command file.

encladeus commented on Nov 13, 2019

Sure. This is the way I have my profile configured for such a command prompt. One for x86 and one for x64 cross compiler.

DavidA2014 commented on Nov 13, 2019

Thanks for your answer. Would I need to have unique guid for each entry? Currently I have:

encladeus commented on Nov 13, 2019

Yes, each will require a unique GUID. I just incremented the last number in the duplicate GUID to make it unique.

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