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how do buddhist feel about the caste system

by Beth Nikolaus Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Buddha denounced the caste system and taught that a person's actions are the measure of who a person is, whether a priest or outcast. He denounced the authority of Brahmin priests, their scripture and their rituals.Jun 7, 2017

Full Answer

Why did Buddhism reject the caste system?

Who is the greatest atheist of all time?

  • Albert Camus.
  • Richard Dawkins.
  • Daniel Dennett.
  • Ludwig Feuerbach.
  • Sam Harris.
  • Christopher Hitchens.
  • Baron d’Holbach.
  • Bertrand Russell.

What does Buddhism say about the caste system?

  • If there is no caste and varnashra dharma in buddhism how come buddha known as kshatriya and he belongs to ishkvag descendant?
  • Before medieval age there was many Buddhism emperors in indian and we have lots of inscriptions about caste under their buddhism emperor rule. ...
  • Busshism and jainism is divided peoples in the name of food habit. those peo

Do Buddhists reject caste systems?

The real cause of the Buddhists’ rejection of the Caste System is Buddha and His teachings. Let’s see why. Why Do Buddhists Reject The Idea Of The Hindu Caste System? It is a system that places Hindus in different categories or groups. These castes work like classes. Which depend on the family an individual is born into.

What gods the do Buddhists believe in?

Do Buddhists believe in God? In a word, no. There is no divine creator god or supreme being in the Buddhist teachings, so that Buddhism is often called a nontheistic religion. The historical Buddha began as an ordinary person, who gained awakening by training his own mind and apprehending the true nature of reality.

Does Buddhism reject the caste system?

Buddhism and Hinduism agree on karma, dharma, moksha and reincarnation. They are different in that Buddhism rejects the priests of Hinduism, the formal rituals, and the caste system. Buddha urged people to seek enlightenment through meditation.

Does Buddhism support the caste system?

Nor did Buddha reject the caste system per se; as an enlightened being, a person of prestige, he called himself a “Brahmin”. Most of his followers were upper caste and all later Buddhist thinkers were Brahmins. The future Buddha, Maitreya, is predicted to be a Brahmin, according to Buddhist tradition.Apr 19, 2016

Why did Buddhism not like the caste system?

Buddhists do not believe in the caste system. They believe their soul goes into a different life form if they did not have enough good karma to reach moksha when their soul dies, and it might not be a human but a snake or a rabbit.

What is the caste of Buddhist?

Buddhist / Neo-Buddhist Community comes under the category of religious minority. Originally, these peoples belong to Hindu religion having different castes. As par constitution, they come under Scheduled Castes category.

Is the caste system part of Hinduism or Buddhism?

In Hinduism, the Hindus strongly believe in the caste system, but for Buddhists reject this system. The caste system is a type of social organization where a person's occupation and position in life is determined by what you are born into. Hindus believe that the caste system is a necessity in order to reach Moksha.Dec 15, 2021

Does Buddhism believe in Varna system?

According to Mahavira, a person is born in a high or in lower varna in consequence of the sins or the virtues acquired by him in the previous birth. Hence, Jainism did not condemn the varna system, while Buddhism did. Hence, statement 2 is not correct.

What does Buddha mean by treating all people equally?

When the Buddha teaches treating all people equally, as fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters and family, irrespective of race or caste, there seems to be some sense of ultimate veracity in this assertion, something higher than mere village convention.

Why did Buddha believe that humans have free will?

(M.II.222) The Buddha, on the other hand, held that humans have free will and a capacity for becoming moral or immoral, happy or unhappy, by transforming positively or degenerating morally, and he denied that there are genetically determined fixed human types.

What does the word "Aryan" mean in Buddhism?

Buddhists use the word Aryan in the sense of “noble” and “spiritual,” as opposed to non-Aryan in the sense of “ignoble” and “immoral,” and this indicates how Buddhism ignores racial claims and distinctions, thereby avoiding conflict while directing perceptive listeners in a wholesome direction.

What are the six types of saints?

They were the black species (kanhabhi jati), the blue species, the red species, the yellow species, the white species, and the pure white species.* The range of wickedness or saintliness differed in degree and not in their power to alter. The pure white species were reckoned to be perfect saints, although their saintliness was considered as natural to them as their physical formulation and being in no way achieved by an effort of will. To the black species belonged the butchers, fowlers, hunters, fishermen, dacoits, and executioners, all of whom adopted a cruel mode of living. They belonged to the lowest castes and had the darkest complexions.

What are the characteristics of Brahmins?

Brahmins claimed that their hereditary characteristics included being handsome (obhirupo), fair (dassaniyo), endowed with an excellent complexion (paramaya vanna-pokkharataya samannagato), and of the fairest color (brahma-vanni), by virtue of which they claimed superiority over those of a dark complexion (D. I. 114), but a little empirical research quickly proves this not to be true.

Who is the first disputant of the Buddha?

Being unable to convince one another, they approach the Buddha and request his help in resolving the quandary. The first disputant, Bharadvaja, argues that a Brahmin is superior based on birth alone, while the second disputant, Vasettha, asserts that a person becomes a Brahmin based upon meritorious actions only.

Who wrote Buddhism and the race question?

Jayatilleke, K. N. and G. P. Malalasekera. 1958. Buddhism and the Race Question. Paris: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

What are the problems associated with caste system?

The problems associated with this arrangement are universal — arrogance, hubris, discrimination, inequality, oppression, exploitation, coercion etc. - all of which are common to every society and indeed every human being. They are not unique to the caste-system. If they were then there would be no social-justice warriors anywhere except in India. Just wind back and read about the treatment of the working class and the poor in Victorian England and the theories of Marx - all based on European social conditions!

Which religion rejects caste system?

A ccording to Theravada Buddhism, Buddha rejects the caste system and Buddha only accepts the individual by his/her action.

What was Bhagwan Buddha's goal?

Bhagwan Buddha had higher purpose in life .His goal was to attain enlightenment ,nothing less and more than that.He was not a social reformer .Anything He wanted to reform was to reform oneself , one's mind and consciousness.

Where did the caste system originate?

These studies reveal that the origin of the caste system is mainly rooted in male-mediated Indo-Aryan migration that pushed indigenous Dravidian speaking populations towards southern India and Sri Lanka, and suggest that the Indo-Aryans established themselves as the upper caste [ 39 ]. Further, it has been shown that the caste populations are closer to Europeans and Central Asians and differ significantly from tribal populations [ 34, 39, 43, 45 ].

Which castes are indo-aryans closer to?

b. It is clear that indo-aryans are closer to upper-castes than the lower-

Who went to the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him?

Then Vacchagotta the wanderer went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, exchanged courteous greetings with him. After an exchange of friendly greetings and courtesies, he sat down to one side. As he was sitting there he asked

Did caste come anywhere in his philosophy?

Caste didn't come anywhere in His philosophy.

How many castes are there in Sanskrit?

Descriptions of castes and sub-castes date back to the Manusmṛti of about 100 ACE. In this text there are about fifty different lineage groups, called jāti in Sanskrit, defined as arising out of an admixture of other lineage groups. Jāti becomes the prominent word for caste (a Portuguese word) subsequently, but for centuries prior to it the word varṇa = “color” was used to designate social class divided into the four occupational groups of brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, and śudra. These words designate reference groups rather than specific lineage groupings, but within them all kinds of sub-groups developed that came to be called caste, with the proviso that members of such groups could be recognized, usually by the surname as belonging to a particular varṇa. Rau 1957 deals with pre-Buddhist social groupings, and Brinkhaus 1978 is a careful study of the development of “mixed-castes” as they are treated in late Vedic literature and the Dharmasūtras. Dumont 1970 is a classic on the ideology behind caste, and Quigley 1993 gives an excellent critique of many contemporary theories of caste. Smith 1994 discusses the origins of the four classes ( varṇa) in Vedic literature.

What is the Portuguese word for caste?

Jāti becomes the prominent word for caste (a Portuguese word) subsequently, but for centuries prior to it the word varṇa = “color” was used to designate social class divided into the four occupational groups of brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, and śudra.

When did Buddhism become institutionalized?

Assuming Buddhism emerges as an institutionalized religion after the death of the Buddha at around 400 BCE and that Hinduism can be retrospectively identified at around 200 ACE as a religious development of several practical/theoretical streams, there is a six-hundred-year gap.

What is the most important idea in Buddhism with regards to caste?

The most important idea in Buddhism with regards to caste is that regardless of which background one is from, if one is righteous, consummate in virtue, and earnestly seeks the path to the end of suffering, he would definitely find it.

What is Buddhism stack exchange?

Buddhism Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people practicing or interested in Buddhist philosophy, teaching, and practice. It only takes a minute to sign up.

What is the backbone of Brahminism?

2. The Varnashrama dharma (caste system) is the backbone of Brahminism (Hinduism), untouchability is a part of that social order. We all know that Gautama Buddha was against Varnashrama dharma , and rejected the Vedic religion. But unfortunately, we see caste system and untouchability in many 'Buddhist' countries.

What does "outcastes" mean?

if one is tame, with good practices, righteous, consummate in virtue, a speaker of truth, with conscience at heart, one who's abandoned birth & death, completed the holy life.

Was Gautama Buddha against caste system?

Actually, Gautama Buddha was not against the caste system in mainstream non-Buddhist Indian society however he did emphasize social status ('caste'/'jati') was dependent upon here-&-now kamma rather than on physical & social birth (refer to MN 93, MN 98 and other suttas in the Brāhmaṇa Vagga ).

Did Buddha think of social reforms?

There is not really any evidence that the Buddha ever thought on such as "social reforms" and no where he actually denied the difference of peoples social status. He "only" explained it as a matter of kamma, deeds, whether one might be born in a good family or not, and that one to be called, become this or that, being a matter of ones deeds and not something inherent, gained by birth, or being given by someone.

Can wood make fire?

For any wood can surely generate fire .

Why did Buddha reject caste system?

Buddha never “rejected” the caste system because it was the social arrangement of his day - he merely emphasised that it should be a merit-based system and not birth-based.

Who practices the vow of Brahmacarya?

The gods know that bull among the twice-born for a brahmana who endued with boundless generosity practices the vow of brahmacarya and is devoted to study of the Vedas.

What do the Sages regard with equality?

5:18. The sages regard with equality one well-endowed with learning and humility, a Brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater.

What does the problem clause in the Gita-phobes' verse mean?

The “problematic” clause being pāpa-yoni = translated as sinful birth, or unfavourable birth and its syntactical relationship to striyo vaiśyās-tathā śūdrās = women, Vaishyas and indeed Sudras.

What is the cause of Brahminhood?

The cause of brahminhood is not birth, or sacraments, or learning or progeny, good conduct alone is the cause. (M.Bh. Anusasana Parva 143:50)

Why is it illogical to mention Vaishyas as being of sinful birth?

It is illogical to mention Vaishyas as being of “sinful-birth” because they are entitled to Upanayana and are classified as Dvijas. So how could they be of “sinful” or “unfavourable” birth – it makes no sense.

Can Karma and Dharma be separated?

There are always 2 things to bear in mind KARMA and DHARMA- these two are reverse and obverse sides of the same coin and cannot be separated.

How many castes are there in the world?

the existence of four castes: Catt?ro vann?, Ksatriya, Br?hmana, Vaisya and S?dra.

Did Buddhism challenge the caste system?

corroborative evidence that Buddhism did not challenge, nay accepted, the caste system.

Is there a justification for untouchables outside of a Buddhist society?

A priori, in a Buddhist society, there is also no justification for untouchables outside

Did the Buddha teach?

It is a common and widespread belief among scholars that the Buddha had taught

Did the caste system ever challenge the discriminatory laws?

accepted the caste system and never challenged it and the discriminatory laws.

What religion divided all humans into four castes?

Brahmanism, the predominant religion in India during the Buddha's time, divided all humans into four castes ( attu vanna ), priests, warriors, traders and labourers. Social contact between each caste was minimal and the lower one's position in the system the less opportunities, the less freedom and the less rights one had.

Was the caste system absorbed into Hinduism?

The caste system was later absorbed into Hinduism, given religious sanction and legitimacy and has continued to function right up till the present. The Buddha, himself born into the warrior caste, was a severe critic of the caste system.

What is caste system?

The Caste System. It is a system that places Hindus in different categories or groups. These castes work like classes. Which depend on the family an individual is born into. The caste also dictates the future of the individual. And the career that he might choose.

What are the 4 castes?

There are 4 major castes: Brahmana the class of spiritual teachers, masters and more. Kshatriya – the class of law and order, administration, public services. Vaishya – the class traders, marketers and dealers. Shudra – the class of laborers and qualified or non-qualified workers.

What is Buddhism all about?

In conclusion, Buddhism is all about equality. And dividing the population into classes does not fit their beliefs. Telling a person that he can or cannot achieve spiritual enlightenment due to the class that he was born into is not right, according to the Buddhist Teachings.

Why is Buddhism important?

We have to understand the fundamentals of Buddhism. Because in Buddhism every living beings is equal. Therefore, you are equally as precious as a bird flying over your head and singing . Buddhism also sustain, not only equality, but treating everyone and everything with kindness and compassion.

Is Buddhism pro dividing?

Therefore, Buddhism isn’t even a bit pro dividing. And this basically answers our question.

Is discrimination against an individual due to the caste that he belongs to against the law?

Looking at the castes, now you can see how highly dividing they are. But I have to mention, that discrimination against an individual due to the caste that he belongs to is against the law.

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