10 Best Clark Griswold Quotes From National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
- 10 "Burn Some Dust Here. Eat My Rubber!". To say that Clark Griswold was out of touch with the cool kids was definitely...
- 9 "Can't See The Line, Can You Russ?". Clark might have been a loving father and a devoted husband, but he clearly had...
- 8 "Russ, When Was The Last Time I Overdid Anything?".
What is a good Christmas quote from Clark Griswold?
Not bonuses or gifts or turkeys or trees. See kids, it means something different to everybody. Now I know what it means to me.” — Clark Griswold 99. “Play ball!” — Aunt Bethany 100. “I did it.” — Clark Griswold Think you could quote them all?! Next up— 50 fun Christmas trivia questions (and answers) for family gatherings! Uh-oh! Empty comment.
Who is Clark Griswold in National Lampoon's Christmas vacation?
You know exactly what you're getting in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: another goofball, slapstick comedy of chaos and catastrophe with Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) and family.
What happened to Mr Griswold in'Christmas vacation'?
Poor Mr. Griswold can never seem to catch a break, as it's made pretty clear in Christmas Vacation 's final act. Scenes include a burned turkey, a scorched Christmas tree, a fried cat, and a dog chasing a squirrel around the house - who trashes everything in the process.
What did Clark Griswold say about THITH tree?
— Clark Griswold “The most enjoying traditions of the season are best enjoyed in the warm embrace of kith and kin. Thith tree is a thymbol of the thpirit of the Griswold family Chrithmath.” — Clark Griswold “Well I'm gonna park the cars and get check the luggage, and well, I'll be outside for the season.”
What does Clark Griswold say in Christmas Vacation?
Clark W. Griswold Jr.: "Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas.Dec 1, 1989
Are you serious Clark quote?
Clark : Hey, Kids, I heard on the news that an airline pilot spotted Santa's sleigh on its way in from New York City. Eddie : [after a pause] You serious, Clark? Eddie : Don't go puttin' none of that stuff on my sled, Clark.
What does Clark Griswold say when he gets the Jelly of the Month Club?
"It's a one year membership to the Jelly of the Month Club." ~Clark Griswold. Have you ever received a gift you just couldn't believe? Good or bad?Dec 9, 2017
What does Clark Griswold say before sledding?
"Don't go puttin none of that stuff on my sled, Clark. You know that metal plate in my head? How could I forget, Eddie? Well, I had to have replaced cause every time Catherine would fire up the microwave, I'd piss my pants and forget who I was for about a half hour."Dec 10, 2018
What does Clark say to Eddie?
While talking about his RV with Clark: “Don't you go falling in love with it, now, because we're taking it with us when we leave here next month.”Dec 21, 2018
Why did Eddie say you serious Clark?
8 You Serious, Clark? This is Eddie's response to Clark when he says something about Santa Clause. The thing that makes it funny is the fact that Clark was not talking to Eddie. He was actually talking to his children, who still believe in Santa Clause.Nov 6, 2019
Where's the Tylenol Christmas vacation quote?
"Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where's the Tylenol?" "If that thing had nine lives, she just spent 'em all."Dec 6, 2021
When Santa squeezes his fat quote?
MEMORABLE QUOTE ”We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny f—ing Kaye,” Clark tells his miserable relatives. ”And when Santa squeezes his fat white a– down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of a–holes this side of the ...Dec 18, 2006
Who said it's the gift that keeps on giving?
Kodak'sThe ad for Kodak's Trimline Instamatic 18 Camera used the line "The gift that keeps on giving picture after picture" as part of its campaign. Throughout the years, Kodak used the tag line, "The gift that keeps on giving," in many of their ads and the slogan is perhaps most commonly associated with their products.
What does Clark spray on his sled?
During one scene, Clark Griswold takes his brother and the children to go sledding. He decided to spray the bottom of his sled with a kitchen lubricant, significantly decreasing the friction between his sled and the snow.Jan 20, 2013
Who says later dudes in Christmas Vacation?
Later Dudes Let 'Er Rip Hang Ten Clark Griswold Quote from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Movie Funny Christmas Shirt.
What does Clark put on his sled?
Anyone who has seen the classic movie “Christmas Vacation” will remember the sled scene. In the scene Clark Griswald (Chevy Chase) uses a “non-chloric, silicon-based kitchen lubricant” to grease his sled. The lubricant works too well and Clark goes for a memorable ride.Dec 20, 2012
Clark Griswold Movie Quotes
"If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised." — Clark
Celebrate Like Clark Griswold With These Fun 'Christmas Vacation' Gifts
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What is Clark's awkwardness in Christmas Vacation?
Clark tends to dial up his bumbling awkwardness when in the presence of attractive women, as he already established in the original Vacation. But this reaches a new level of goofiness in Christmas Vacation, during a funny scene where he's clothes shopping for Ellen.
What is Clark's rant at the end of Vacation?
During the chaotic climax of the film, Clark breaks into an unhinged rant that even manages to dwarf his "quest for fun" sermon at the end of the original Vacation. Clark is now on a crusade to have a great holiday, even if it means forcing his family to remain at the house while he barks at them to have the "hap-hap-happiest Christmas!"
What is the short fuse in Christmas Vacation?
One of Clark's many distinct traits is his somewhat short fuse, which is on full display in Christmas Vacation 's thrilling opening scene. As he's driving his family around to find a tree, Clark ends up in a road scuffle with a rugged driver who's also apparently easy to agitate.
What is the opening act of Chrismas Vacation?
The opening act of Chrismas Vacation sees the Griswold dad on a mission to secure a family Christmas tree - apparently even if that means ripping it from the ground without tools. When they finally get the tree and bring it home, it appears to take up roughly half of their family room.
What is the name of the holiday comedy that Clark starred in?
He also provides various quotes that waver between witty and goofy, particularly when it comes to the holiday comedy, Christmas Vacation. The amusing, colorful cast that makes up the Griswolds and their extended family sets the stage for some hilarious banter and one-liners from Clark.
What is Clark's second act?
Clark spends much of the second act laboring away at outdoor tasks, which mainly involve stapling hundreds of Christmas lights onto his roof, though he's also tasked with parking the cars of his abrasive parents and sorting out their luggage upon their arrival.
Who said "National Lampoon Christmas Vacation"?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is a holiday classic and made so by Clark's hilarious quotes that show just how close to the edge he is. By Stephen Lagioia Published Dec 21, 2020. Share.
Funniest Cousin Eddie Quotes
Randy Quaid steals the show as Cousin Eddie who comes to stay with Clark Griswold's family as they celebrates Christmas in retro comedy style.
Classic Quotes by Clark Griswold
"Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas."
Hilarious Quotes from the Rest of the Family
From Beverly D'Angelo as Clark's wife Ellen to Juliette Lewis as Audrey, the rest of the cast is hilarious as the extended Griswold family. The kids and grandparents will have you rolling on the floor with these funny lines.
Fun Christmas Vacation Gifts with Your Favorite Quotes
Love the movie? Celebrate with your favorite quotes on Christmas pajamas, t-shirts, and other great holiday gifts!