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aztec language

by Ms. Tressie Altenwerth PhD Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What language did Aztec speak?

The language of the Aztecs, Nahua, is spoken by all the Nahua peoples in a variety of dialects. Does the Aztec language still exist? Nahuatl has been spoken in central Mexico since at least the seventh century CE. Today, Nahuan languages are spoken in scattered communities, mostly in rural areas throughout central Mexico and along the coastline.

What languages were spoken by Aztec people?

  • Zoque languages • Tabasco, Chiapas, E Oaxaca • 35,000
  • Sierra Popoluca & Texistepec Popoluca • S Veracruz • 25,000
  • Chimalapa

What does language did the Aztecs speak?

Table of contents

  1. Is the Aztec language still spoken?
  2. What is the spoken and written language of the Aztecs?
  3. Is Nahuatl a dead language?
  4. Did all Aztecs speak the same language?
  5. Is Nahuatl an official language?
  6. What language do the Aztecs speak today?
  7. Is the Aztec language extinct?
  8. Is Nahuatl a dying language?
  9. Where do they still speak Nahuatl?

More items...

Where do people speak the Aztec language?


  • in xochitl, in cuicatl
  • "The flower, the song" – meaning "poetry"
  • in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli
  • "the tail, the wing" – meaning "the common people"
  • in toptli, in petlacalli
  • "the chest, the box" – meaning "something secret"
  • in yollohtli, in eztli
  • "the heart, the blood" – meaning "cacao"
  • in iztlactli, in tencualactli
  • "the drool, the spittle" – meaning "lies"

What language do the Aztec speak?

NAHUATLNAHUATL USED to be the language of the Aztec empire. It is from Nahuatl that we borrowed the words chilli, avocado and chocolate. Today, it is an endangered indigenous language in Mexico.

Does the Aztec language still exist?

Today, the Aztec language is spoken by only one to one-and-a-half million people in Mexico, many of whom live in the state of Veracruz on the western edge of the Gulf of Mexico. Yet modern Nahuatl is rarely taught in schools or universities, whether in Mexico or the United States.

How do you say hello in Nahuatl?

A collection of useful phrases in Nahuatl or Aztec, a Uto-Aztecan language spoken mainly in central Mexico....Useful phrases in Nahuatl.Englishnāhuatl / nawatlahtolli (Nahuatl)Hello (General greeting)Niltze Tialli PialliHow are you?¿Quen tinemi? (How do you live?) ¿Quen tica? (inf)54 more rows

How many Aztecs are left today?

Today the descendants of the Aztecs are referred to as the Nahua. More than one-and-a-half million Nahua live in small communities dotted across large areas of rural Mexico, earning a living as farmers and sometimes selling craft work.

Is Nahuatl difficult to learn?

In spite of Nahuatl being 100% a Mexican language and me currently residing in Mexico, finding resources and teachers with whom to learn this language, even within my country, was actually really hard.

How do you say love in Aztec?

Yollotl. Love is a universal language, but it's always fun, and romantic, to learn some words that describe it in other languages. Yollotl is the Nahuatl word for “heart.”

How do you say God in Nahuatl?

Teotl ( modern Nahuatl pronunciation (help·info)) is a Nahuatl term that is often translated as "god". It may have held more abstract aspects of the numinous or divine, akin to the Polynesian concept of Mana.

How do you say Sun in Aztec?

Welcome to our Nahuatl vocabulary page!...Nahuatl Word Set.English (Français)Nahuatl wordsMan (Homme)TlacatlWoman (Femme)CihuatlSun (Soleil)TonaltzintliMoon (Lune)Metztli6 more rows

What was the Aztec language written in?

Before the advent of the Spanish conquistadors, the Aztec language did not have its own alphabet. Instead, it was written with a pictographic script. This pictographic script was not a fully developed writing system but served as a sort of mnemonic reminding readers of the text they had learnt orally.

What was the Aztec language before the Spanish invasion?

Before the Spanish invasion of the Aztec Empire, the Aztec language consisted almost exclusively of pictograms and logograms. They did not have alphabets and hence there was no written script. Due to the lack of the written script, abundant use of pictograms was made and codices containing these pictograms were written about every important sphere of information such as religion, history, poetry, astrology, and warfare. With the advent of the Spaniards, Latin alphabet was introduced in the Aztec language which considerably increased the scope of the language. With the new development, rich literature and poetry was produced in the Aztec language and their history was also documented.

What were the symbols used in Aztec education?

In the absence of the written script, the pictographs and logograms were used in Aztec education. The educational texts containing these pictographs and logograms were mainly used to educate the children in such disciplines as religion, history, astrology, poetry, and others. One of the most important aspects of Aztec education, ...

What are the three main parts of the Aztec language?

These were the mnemonics which did not represent particular words, logograms representing entire words instead of syllables, and another kind of logograms used to signify the sound values of the words.

What are the Aztec codices?

It is a documentation of the Mesoamerican 52-year cycle and consists of a separate section on rituals and ceremonies. Other famous Aztec codices include the Boturini Codex, Codex Mendoza, Codex Tlatelolco, and Codex Osuna etc.

Why did the Aztecs not have a written language?

Aztec Written Language. Pre-Columbian Aztec society did not have a fully developed writing system due to the lack of an alphabet. This, however, was not true for all the Mesoamerican cultures since the Maya script was fully developed before the Aztecs.

When did the Nahuatl language come to America?

The speakers of the language are thought to have migrated into the Mesoamerican region around 500AD. By the time the Spaniards arrived in America, the Nahuatl language was the most widely spoken language in the region and the language of the Aztec Empire.

What was the language of the Aztecs?

Aztec Writing. The language of the ancient Aztecs in one of their codices. Aztec language was very complex and was designed to really be spoken and not read, causing issues with translating the language to written form. The system the Aztecs used was through the use of pictures and symbols for their alphabet and vocabulary.

Where did the Aztecs speak?

The Aztecs spoke the classical Nahuatl language at their great city of Tenochtitlan, which is now the heart of central Mexico. The Nahuatl language really only lasted about a century starting in the mid 1300’s until a little over the 1500’s.

What is the Nahuatl language?

Classical Nahuatl was used as a literary language with works such as poetry, history, and administrative documents written around the 16th and 17th centuries. Literary samples included a compilation of Aztec Culture by Franciscan Bernardino de Sahagun called the Florentine Codex, song collections like Cantares exicanos, ...

What are the Aztec codices?

These codices serve as a basis for most of the study about the Ancient Aztec Empire, and feature a mix of images and Aztec writing. The Codices hold all kinds of information about the Aztec’s history, from religion and rituals to their daily routines and way of living.

Which language was used to write the most of the literary works of and about the Aztec society?

It was later during the Spanish conquest when the Spaniards introduced the Latin Alphabet that most of the literary works of and about the Aztec society were written. An example of the Aztec pictographs.

What was the largest city in Central America during the Aztec Empire?

During the Aztec empire, the city of Tenochtitlan grew to become the largest city in central America, and with it grew the number of speakers of Nahuatl from various areas which resulted to the transition of the language into many dialects.

What language did the Aztecs speak?

AZTEC LANGUAGE (NAHUATL) The language of the Aztec is called Nahuatl, which was the dominant language of Central Mexico from as early as the 7th century CE. While historians and linguists have identified several different varieties of Nahuatl, it is best known as the language of the Aztecs from their rise to prominence in ...

Why are the Aztec codices important?

The codices are important to our modern understanding of the Aztec because they are some of the best first-hand accounts of Aztec history.

What does the word "toltec" mean?

As well, the Nahuatl word for Toltec, in the Aztec society, came to mean ‘artisan’ in reference to their view that the Toltec were the height of culture, art and design in Mesoamerica.

What is Teotihuacan known for?

The word ‘Teotihuacan’ is a Nahuatl word (language of the Aztec) for ‘city of the gods’ . The Aztec gave the city this name and believed it to be a particularly important site in Mesoamerica.

When was Teotihuacan founded?

Historians are unsure of exactly how or when the city-state was founded but believe that it emerged to prominence around 100 BCE to 300 BCE, nearly 1000 years before the height of the Aztec civilization. Archeologists studying the ruins of Teotihuacan estimate that it reached its peak as a city-state around 450 CE.

Where was the Toltec civilization located?

The Toltec were a Mesoamerican civilization that was located in central Mexico from about 900 CE to 1168 CE. They are an important civilization in the history of Mesoamerican culture because many different later societies in the same area considered the Toltec to be an example of the height of craftsmanship and civilization.

When did Teotihuacan reach its peak?

Archeologists studying the ruins of Teotihuacan estimate that it reached its peak as a city-state around 450 CE. At its height it may have had a population of around 150,000 people and the influence of the city likely extended throughout much of Mesoamerica.

What is the Aztec language?

Now, the term "Aztec" is rarely used for modern Nahuan languages, but linguists' traditional name of "Aztecan" for the branch of Uto-Aztecan that comprises Nahuatl, Pipil, and Pochutec is still in use (although some linguists prefer "Nahuan").

What were the two social registers of language in the Aztecs?

The Aztecs distinguished between at least two social registers of language: the language of commoners ( macehuallahtolli) and the language of the nobility ( tecpillahtolli ). The latter was marked by the use of a distinct rhetorical style. Since literacy was confined mainly to these higher social classes, most of the existing prose and poetical documents were written in this style. An important feature of this high rhetorical style of formal oratory was the use of parallelism, whereby the orator structured their speech in couplets consisting of two parallel phrases. For example:

What are the phonological systems of Nahuatl?

Classical Nahuatl and most of the modern varieties have fairly simple phonological systems. They allow only syllables with maximally one initial and one final consonant. Consonant clusters occur only word-medially and over syllable boundaries. Some morphemes have two alternating forms: one with a vowel i to prevent consonant clusters and one without it. For example, the absolutive suffix has the variant forms -tli (used after consonants) and -tl (used after vowels). Some modern varieties, however, have formed complex clusters from vowel loss. Others have contracted syllable sequences, causing accents to shift or vowels to become long.

What is stress in Nahuatl?

In Mexicanero from Durango, many unstressed syllables have disappeared from words, and the placement of syllable stress has become phonemic .

Where is Nahuatl spoken today?

Today, a spectrum of Nahuan languages are spoken in scattered areas stretching from the northern state of Durango to Tabasco in the southeast. Pipil, the southernmost Nahuan language, is spoken in El Salvador by a small number of speakers.

What language family is Nahuatl?

Language of the Nahuan branch of the Uto-Aztecan language family. Nahuatl. Aztec, Mexicano. Nāhuatl, Nāhuatlahtōlli, Mēxihcatlahtōlli, Mācēhuallahtōlli, Mēxihcacopa. Nahua man from the Florentine Codex. The speech scrolls indicate speech or song. Native to.

What is the meaning of Nahuatl?

The verb is composed of a root, prefixes, and suffixes. The prefixes indicate the person of the subject, and person and number of the object and indirect object, whereas the suffixes indicate tense, aspect, mood and subject number.

What is the most spoken language in Mexico?

The truth is that Nauatl is, after Spanish, THE most spoken language in Mexico to this day. It was the lingua franca of the prehispanic world and still holds influence in worldwide culture. You can learn about aztec culture by visiting

How many words are in the Nauatl language?

1- If you want to learn how to speak nauatl, this can serve as a support along with your studies. It contains around ten thousand words and phrases that can help you talk like a native or an aztec.

What language do Nahuatl people speak?

Most Nahuatl speakers also speak Spanish, except for some of the elderly. Classical Nahuatl was the language of the Aztec empire and was used as a lingua franca in much of Mesoamerica from the 7th century AD until the Spanish conquest in the 16th century. The modern dialects of Nahuatl spoken in the Valley of Mexico are closest ...

What language was used to write Nahuatl?

The script appeared in inscriptions carved in stone and in picture books, many of which the Spanish destroyed. The Spanish introduced the Latin alphabet to write Nahuatl, and a large amount of prose and poetry was subsequently written. Ever since there has been considerable debate about how to spell Nahuatl.

Where is Nahuatl spoken?

Nahuatl is an Uto-Aztecan language spoken by about 1.5 million people in Mexico. The majority of speakers live in central Mexico, particularly in Puebla, Veracruz, Hildago, San Luis Potosi, Guerrero, Mexico (state), El Distrito Federal, Tlaxcala, Morelos and Oaxaca, and also in El Salvador. There are smaller numbers ...

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