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are linseed and flaxseed the same

by Carolanne Graham DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

To start off with let's establish the difference between linseed and flax, as there are so many flax and flaxseed products available. Flax is actually a fibre plant which is used to produce linen, it’s taller than linseed and produces a much smaller seed, and can’t yield as much oil.

Nutritionally they are the same, the only difference can be seen in the plant itself. The confusing comes from the two big English-speaking countries. In the UK, they distinguish between linseed and flax, while in the United States and Canada, they refer to both as flax.Jan 24, 2019

Full Answer

What is the best way to eat linseed?

  • Meat or nut roasts
  • Homebaking such as in bread recipes
  • Flapjacks
  • Smoothies

What is the difference between linseed and flax?

  • It reduces the risk of cancers: Colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  • It reduces the risk of diabetes: Helps improve blood sugar.
  • It helps prevent cardiovascular disease: It works to reduce plaque build-up and helps cholesterol levels.

How to eat flaxseeds 10 ways without changing your diet?

  • In a small saucepan bring 1 cup almond milk and 3/4 cup water to a boil over medium heat. ...
  • Reduce the heat to medium-low and stir in 2 Tbsp. ...
  • Adjust the consistency as needed depending on your taste, add more liquid if needed to reach the consistency you desire.
  • Remove from heat, cover, and let the oatmeal rest at least 5 minutes before serving.

More items...

Is flax seed bad for You?

When taken by mouth: Flaxseed is likely safe for most adults. Adding flaxseed to the diet might increase the number of bowel movements each day. It might also cause side effects such as bloating, gas, stomachache, and nausea. Higher doses are likely to cause more side effects. Taking flaxseed extracts that contain lignans is possibly safe.

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Can you substitute linseed for flaxseed? may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Chia seeds, psyllium husk and hemp seeds can all work as substitutes for flaxseed. Flaxseed, also known as linseed, is a highly nutritious plant. It's commonly used as a thickener, binder or crust in vegan and vegetarian cooking.

Are Flax seeds also called Linseeds?

Also known as flaxseed, linseed are small seeds that can be eaten whole, ground or pressed to make oil. Find out more about this fibre-rich food.

Is flaxseed and linseed oil the same?

Flaxseed oil, also known as flax oil or linseed oil, is made from flax seeds that have been ground and pressed to release their natural oil. This health-promoting oil has a wide variety of uses, ranging from cooking to skin care.

Is linseed the same as flaxseed meal?

Flaxseed and linseed meal are the same thing, but flaxseed is most often used to refer to the human food source. Chia seed, hemp seed, sesame seed, flaxseed, linseed — it's hard to keep them all straight. One thing you can be sure of is that eating more of them can benefit your health.

Which is better flaxseed or linseed?

Nutritionally they are the same, the only difference can be seen in the plant itself. The confusing comes from the two big English-speaking countries. In the UK, they distinguish between linseed and flax, while in the United States and Canada, they refer to both as flax.

Do you need to soak linseeds before eating?

Linseeds can be taken whole, but if you prefer you can crush or grind them before use. If you do this, they should be stored in the fridge and last up to three months. Whole linseeds last much longer and can be stored in the cupboard. You do not need to soak them before use.

Is linseed oil made from flax seeds?

Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of the linseed–flax plant, one variety of which produces a high yield of seed and another a high yield of fiber (flax).

What is linseed used for?

People use it as a dietary supplement to prevent constipation, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, and several other conditions. The nutrients in flaxseed include lignans, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), or omega-3.

Can we eat linseed oil?

Flaxseed oil can be added to smoothies, used in salad dressings, or drizzled on vegetables after cooking. But you should not heat flaxseed oil, or it will become rancid, lose many of its nutritional properties, and have a bitter taste.

Do linseeds make you poop?

Most people get a good result with 1-2 tablespoons a day. It is common to see linseeds in the stool. This is normal. Promotes bowel movement and reduces constipation by increasing the water content and bulk of stools.

How do you eat linseed?

But it's incredibly easy to add ground flaxseed to muffin, pancake, or waffle batter, as well as to bread dough. Blend ground flaxseed into smoothies and juices, or use it to top hot or cold cereal. Flaxseed oil has a low smoke point (225°F), so you don't want to use it as a cooking oil for frying or sautéing.

Can you eat raw linseed?

Don't consume raw or unripe flax seeds. Not only will they cause indigestion, they may also contain toxic compounds.

What are Linseeds (or is it Flaxseeds)?

A linseed ( Linum usitatissiumum) is shaped like a sesame seed, but is a little larger and has a harder, shinier shell. It is a dark brown or sometimes a reddish-brown colour, but golden linseed is, well…a golden colour.

Nomenclature of Linseed vs Flaxseed

Have you noticed that North Americans tend to call it flaxseed while Europeans call it linseed? Well, just to make it more confusing, it depends on what it’s used for! Generally, they are called those names when referring to the edible version in each of those continents. For the purpose of this article we will refer to them as linseeds.


There are many different varieties, but the shorter stemmed-plant with more and fatter seeds is often used for oil (both for consumption and use in coating materials like paints). The taller variety has been traditionally been grown for the fibres used to make ropes, linen and ships’ sails.

Under the Spotlight

Linseeds are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids (ALA), but also:

Benefits to Your Health

The main benefits to your health from linseeds come from the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and lignans in them. Linseeds actually have more omega 3 fats than fish oil does, but they need to be converted into the same type (long-chain) as the fish oil has to obtain the health benefits.

What is ground flaxseed used for?

Ground flaxseeds are used as a magical egg replacement for vegan recipes or those with egg allergies. It gives structure to your baking, just as an egg would. 1 Tablespoon ground flax mixed with 3 Tablespoons water = 1 Egg

Is linseed the same as flax?

In the UK, they distinguish between linseed and flax, while in the United States and Canada, they refer to both as flax. As we get more influence from the American language, especially in the food industry, it seems the lines have become blurred. Linseed is a shorter plant, with lots of branches and lots of seeds.

Is linseed a carb?

Linseeds are low in carbohydrates, gluten-free, high in protein and very high in fibre. It has a pleasant nutty taste. It can be sprinkled over salads, baked on/in bread, or added to your smoothies.

Can you add flax seed to bread?

If you are looking to increase your fibre intake, or reduce the carb count of your baking you can add a few tablespoons of ground flax seed to most recipes, like bread, flapjacks, muffins, or even meatloaf or casseroles.

Is flaxseed oil high in kilojoules?

Tip for flaxseed oil: Despite having many health benefits, the oil is still high in kilojoules and should be eaten in moderation.

Is flaxseed good for oil?

Flaxseed is taller (3 foot) with fewer branches. Therefore, linseed is good for creating oil and flax has longed been used to make linen, rope, and nets. There is even a boat called Flaxland, made completely of flax. We, at Food Lover’s Market, are not too interested in farming, or making boats so let’s talk about EATING!

Why is linseed better than flaxseed?

This is the reason linseed Linum is better for those growing the plant for food or oil production from the plant . The yield per plant is much higher in the shorter Linum variety. It is hard to give an exact measure as to just how much higher the linseed yield is but farmers who intend to grow the plant for its seeds are encouraged to grow linseed while farmers who intend to grow the plant for its fibres are encouraged to grow flaxseed. To remove ambiguity between the two flax is referred to as fibre flax while linseed is referred to as oilseed flax.

How to tell the difference between flax seed and linseed seed?

The difference only comes from the plants which are almost identical save that flax is on average 3 times the height of linseed while linseed has a greater seed density.

What is the difference between linseed and flax seed?

The names of the two seeds are of course different. Flaxseed is named after the material derived from the fibrous stem of the plant. It was largely grown for its fibre and the use of food and oil came up over time. Linseeds on the other hand are mostly grown for the seeds. Linseed, rather confusingly was named so after the common usage of the plant for textiles as well. The products made from the fibres are commonly referred to as linen and this name stuck. The two names admittedly only add to the confusion between the two seeds but they do serve as a distinction to those who grow them. There is no doubt that the plant was initially grown for its fibre and eventually found favour as a food item. The linseed may have been the original plant associated with this use but fallen out of favour as flax provides longer fibres and hence became the choice for textile purposes. While the name linseed from linen was more appropriate historically it may serve to further confuse. Something else that adds to the confusion between flaxseed and linseed is the treatment of the two names in different places. In the United Kingdom, the distinction between flaxseed and linseed is drawn as we will see from the plants and seed density. However, in the USA and Canada, both are simply referred to as just flax.

How tall does flax grow?

Flax grows to almost a metre in height. Linseed comes from a shorter variety of Linum which only grows to around 30 centimetres, a third of the height of flax. The longer stems of flax make it more favourable for growing for textiles.

What are flax seeds?

Flaxseeds and Linseeds are very small seeds that come from a plant often referred to as flax. Its scientific name is Linum usitatissimum which is Latin for very useful. The seeds are mainly used for oil which is sold as linseed oil. The remaining meal from the process is also sold for human consumption or used in animal feed. Flaxseeds are also consumed as is and considered a health food with many benefits. You will largely come across two types of flaxseeds or linseeds and these are the brown and golden named after their colours. Another popular product made from flaxseeds and linseeds is flaxseed meal which is simply ground seeds with the oil drained. The plant they originate from was traditionally grown for the fibres that come from its stems and was used in textiles. The earliest evidence of flax usage in textiles dates back 30000 years ago in what is the modern-day republic of Georgia. So there is very little to separate the two seeds. Let us see what differences exist between the two.

Why is linseed used in textiles?

The linseed may have been the original plant associated with this use but fallen out of f avour as flax provides longer fibres and hence became the choice for textile purposes. While the name linseed from linen was more appropriate historically it may serve to further confuse.

Why is linseed called linen?

Linseed, rather confusingly was named so after the common usage of the plant for textiles as well. The products made from the fibres are commonly referred to as linen and this name stuck. The two names admittedly only add to the confusion between the two seeds but they do serve as a distinction to those who grow them.

Is Flaxseed the Same As Linseed?

Yes, they are the same thing. Flaxseed and linseed are just different names by which the same seed is referred to. Flaxseed (linseed) is one of the oldest crops grown on the planet with references dating back to ancient Mesopotamian times.

What is flax seed?

Flax seeds are rich in mucilage gum. This mucilage is a water soluble fiber that has immense benefits on the intestinal tract. It helps the foods stay in the stomach longer and allows the body to have enough time to extract all the necessary nutrients from the foods you consumed.

Why is flaxseed important?

The Journal of Nutrition found that flaxseeds play an important role in fighting obesity and weight loss. The healthy fats they contain help make people feel full for longer period, fight hunger pangs and reduce sugar cravings.

How tall does a flax plant grow?

This plant can grow up to 1.5 meters tall with attractive light-blue colored flowers. The primary reason for its popularity in ancient times was the fact that this crop could be cultivated in a wide variety of weather conditions. The flax fruit pod is round in shape and dry in texture.

What is the purpose of bile?

Bile, which is made from cholesterol, is essential in digestion. After being trapped, the body will be forced to make more of it by using up the cholesterol in the body, which helps lower cholesterol levels in the body.

Is flaxseed good for menopause?

The lignans found in flaxseeds are also of great benefits to menopausal women. They have certain estrogenic properties that help reduce the postmenopausal symptoms and can be used as an alternative to hormonal replacement.

Does flaxseed oil lower cholesterol?

It Helps Lower Cholesterol. Including flaxseeds into your diet can decrease cholesterol levels of the body. The soluble contents in flaxseeds are important in helping trap fat, bile, and cholesterol, thus reducing their levels in the blood. Bile, which is made from cholesterol, is essential in digestion.

Why is linseed called flax?

When it comes to food or health supplements in the UK the crop we grow is called “linseed”, which is why we still call our products linseed. However when the North Americans produce linseed for human consumption they call it “flax” We are called Flax Farm to try to bridge the language gap.

What is the species of linseed?

Both linseed and flax, for whatever purpose it is grown is the species Linum usitatissimum. Within the species different strains the plant have been developed over its centuries of cultivation.

What is linseed oil?

In the UK and most of the rest of Europe “linseed” is the term given to the strains of Linum usitatissimum which tend to have shorter stems, more and fatter seeds. The crop is left in the fields to ripen fully before harvesting. The plant has been grown mainly for its oil which has used for a variety of purposes including paint, varnish and oilcloth. A certain amount of the crop has always been eaten as seed and oil in various parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. North America also grows these varieties of Linum usitatissimum for oil but in North America they only call it linseed when it is going to be cold-pressed or used for human food. Europe always calls these varieties linseed and tells you it is a food by it’s packaging and the phrase “cold pressed”.

What is flaxseed used for?

Flax varieties have longer stems, produce fewer seeds and the crop harvested before it is fully ripe. “Flaxseed” was just the name for the seeds used for used for growing the crop for fibre. The seeds from this flax, because it is harvested before it’s ripe isn’t good to eat so usually fed to cattle.

Where is linseed grown?

A certain amount of the crop has always been eaten as seed and oil in various parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. North America also grows these varieties of Linum usitatissimum for oil but in North America they only call it linseed when it is going to be cold-pressed or used for human food. Europe always calls these varieties linseed ...

Can you use linseed oil for cricket bats?

However Flax Farm cold-pressed linseed oil will work well for most jobs like cricket bats, putty or woodwork.

Which country grows flax?

North America, just like the UK and many other countries in the world, also grows “flax” for the fibre which goes into linen and ropes, etc.

What is Linseed/Flaxseed?

Linseed, or flaxseed, is the richest source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. It contains 50 percent omega-3s which is almost twice as much as what you can get from fish oil. Although everybody can benefit from it, linseed is perfect for vegetarian and vegan diets because it comes from a plant source. Linseed/flaxseed oil is different from other vegetables as it contains linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid, which are fatty acids needed by the body and obtained through a healthy diet.

Which produces more oil, linseed or flaxseed?

Flax, on the other hand, is about 3ft tall and has fewer branches and not that many seeds. To sum it up, linseed produces more oil than flaxseed, but the latter is great for making ropes, linen and fishing line.

Why is linseed considered a staple food?

Linseed has been a staple food for centuries because of its numerous health benefits. As early as 800 BC, the Greeks would include flaxseed in their meals and use it as medicine. Flaxseed oil can treat a wide range of physical and mental conditions as well as support optimal health.

Why is flaxseed important?

Nowadays, the seeds of the plant are harvested and consumed to improve heart health and achieve overall wellness, thanks to its high soluble and insoluble fibre content. The first type of fibre helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, while the latter promotes healthy bowel movement to prevent digestive problems.

What are the three most important fatty acids?

Fish, seafood, nuts, legumes, eggs, yoghurt, flaxseed, green, leafy vegetables and dietary supplements like fish oil and algae, provide the three most important omega-3 fatty acids, namely alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A deficiency in any of these omega-3s has been linked to mental conditions like depression, as well as heart disease, dry skin, rashes, dull hair, fatigue and brittle nails.

How to fight depression with flaxseed?

Fighting depression with flaxseed. Using Linseed/Flaxseed. Meet the flax plant. Linseed/flaxseed oil. Ground flaxseed. Linseed, also known as flaxseed, is one of the best sources of omega 3 essential fatty acids, the good fats that have heart-healthy effects. It has a lot of health benefits, and best of all, these benefits are applicable ...

Is flaxseed oil good for you?

Linseed/flaxseed oil is different from other vegetables as it contains linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid, which are fatty acids needed by the body and obtained through a healthy diet. Adding flaxseed to your food not only improves its texture and flavour but also supports your dietary requirement. It's also worth mentioning that flaxseed helps ...

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