Algae: what are their properties and how do you cook them?

Green, brown and red algae have common nutritional properties. Rich in fiber and vitamin B12, they are also powerful antioxidants and cholesterol-lowering. Zoom in on the properties of this superfood and the ways to cook it with Alternative V, which offers an online training course devoted entirely to cooking with seaweed.

Interesting nutritional properties

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Natural source of magnesium

Every day our body needs its dose of magnesium, which is 420 mg for men, 320 mg for women and 400 mg for teenagers, pregnant and breastfeeding women. The good news is that seaweed is rich in minerals, usually containing 5 g magnesium for a 100 gram portion.

Powerful Antioxidants

Every algae has a high amount of antioxidants : polyphenols, carotenoids, zeaxanthin, fucoxanthin or even phycoerythrin. These properties act on our body and protect our cells from free radicals. In this way they prevent skin aging, cardiovascular diseases and certain forms of cancer.

Rich in fiber

Algae have a good fiber content. Depending on the variety, a serving of fresh seaweed can even contain up to 8% of the daily recommended amount, while dried seaweed has up to 50% of its weight in fiber. So why deny it to yourself?

Source of Vitamin B12

If you don’t consume animal products, algae are your allies. And it’s not for nothing that they are one valuable source of vitamin B12 (found in high amounts in meat, fish and eggs).

Cholesterol Shields

Do you have cholesterol problems? Did you know that algae, and more specifically spirulina, act on our thyroid? In fact, they are effective for: lower cholesterol in the blood and blood pressure.

Taste properties to discover

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Fresh or dried seaweed: what’s the difference?

Sea lettuce, dulse (rhodymenia palmate or seaweed), sea hair, Irish moss (or carrageenan), sea bean or spaghetti, nori (or porphyry), wakame, hijiki, kelp or kelp, it consists of a lot edible and beneficial algae for our body. But what’s the difference between fresh, dried or canned seaweed? This is a real question that many consumers ask themselves.

First of all, know that the so-called “fresh” seaweed have more iodine. This property is essential for our health as it enables the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. However, beware of an iodine overdose that can lead to adverse effects on the heart and kidneys.

Dry algae, on the other hand, to own more vitamins. And rightly so, the excessive presence of salt (as is the case with fresh seaweed) alters the quality of the benefits. It is therefore preferable to consume dehydrated seaweed.

And if you don’t know how to choose or how to prepare these superfoods on a daily basis, Alternative V. offers you 100% digital training to integrate them into delicious daily meals. A great way to enjoy practical advice and nutrition and discover simple, gourmet recipes that will appeal to young and old alike. by more than 31 video lessonscut into 2 modules :

  • Identify and harvest edible algae,
  • 31 original “step-by-step” recipes with Catherine Le Joncour, chef specialized in seaweed and awarded by Gault et Millau.

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Learn to cook with seaweed

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Recipes from Alternative V.

Do you want to vary the taste sensations? To satisfy your hunger, a few gourmet and original recipes from Chef Catherine Le Joncour, who provides her recipes in the Alternative V online training:

Tonic morning juice : In a blender, mix 1 l of plant-based milk (almond, soy, coconut, oats, etc.), 1 tablespoon of sea bean powder, a banana and 1 tablespoon of acacia honey. To enjoy every morning to replenish your energy.

Fried fresh vegetables with dulse : cut into pieces 400 g seasonal vegetables and 400 fresh mushrooms. In a frying pan, fry 2 onions and 2 cloves of garlic, chopped in a little olive oil. Then add the mushrooms and vegetables. When the mixture is soft, add 2 tablespoons of dry dulse and season with salt, pepper and chives.

Guacamole with, among other things, nori : peel 2 very ripe avocados and mix the fruits with 2 organic lemon juice in a salad bowl. Add Espelette pepper, salt, pepper and the zest of an organic lime. Add the ao nori and set aside in the fridge.

Photo: Shutterstock

Would you like to continue? To learn all about the properties of seaweed (and the benefits of each vegetable) and learn how to cook them step by step, it’s here.

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