#Adoesexo, the first collaborative, inclusive and benevolent guide to sex education

Have you ever had THE discussion with your teens at home? And did your parents have them with you? Undoubtedly, talking about sex in the family evokes a lot of emotions. Between shame, taboo and tradition, lifting the veil on this crucial topic makes many of us uncomfortable, even in 2022. So many parents decide never to talk to their children about it. Serious mistake will tell you Camille Aumont Carnel! Thankfully, the Instagrammer at the heart of the Sexual Revolution 2.0 is taking over with #Adolescente, her inclusive and benevolent guide to sex education, freshly published by Albin Michel editions. And spoiler, it feels good to read it, even if you’re over 18!

#Adoesexo, the first collaborative, inclusive and benevolent guide to sex education

Can I be male if I don’t have hair? Is sex during your period dirty? What does sex smell like? Is the first time penetration? Is what I see in porn real? Throughout the pages of her thick manual, Camille Aumont Carnel, creator of the Instagram account @jemenbatsleclito, answers the questions everyone has already asked themselves, sometimes without daring to ask those around you.

Over 200 questions on various topics from menstruation, first time consent to porn through abortion, sexual pain, hygiene or masturbation. To achieve the goal and educate her readers on topics that really concern them, the young activist used a collaborative process. Through an Instagram account @adosexo that she created for the occasion, she invited her followers to ask her all the questions that tormented them about sexuality.

26,000 testimonials

As a result, the author was able to collect more than 26,000 testimonials from teenagers from France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Senegal, Mali and even Madagascar. To go further, she interviewed 1,200 of them and had her book reviewed by a urologist, sexologist, gynecologist, lawyer, addiction specialist, and a therapist specializing in gender diversity issues. Enough to explore all issues surrounding sexuality with a young audience.

Because #adoesexo is aimed at 14-18 year olds. Plus, Camille Aumont Carnel, 25, positions herself in her answers as the big sister and confidante we’ve all dreamed of. With her there are no taboos, only cash answers, kindness and a lot of sensitive and wise advice. Teens learn how to choose the right gynecologist, why size doesn’t matter, how to respect their partner, and parents learn how to light up the dangers of porn by talking to their kids. In short, all the information you need to step into the bath of a satisfying sex life and learn to respect your own limits and those of others.

I wanted to stop fifteen times, it was that hard. You made me open my eyes to realities that I would rather have ignored. Some of your testimonials have devastated me, but mostly indignant and furious.

Anger, however, is the engine of change. So I turned it into a positive energy that I pass on to you through this book. I hope it enables you to think of sex as the most brilliant, rich and surprising adventures.

Foreword by #Adoesexo, Camille Aumont Carnel

Want to discover Camille Aumont Carnel’s #adolescentexo? Go to your favorite bookstore or here. And to go further, also discover Anna Toumazoff’s new “Teen Dictionary”, burying years of sexism.

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