On May 7, 2022, in a forum on sunday newspaper17 personalities called on the president of the republic and the future government to follow “a compulsory 20-hour training course on ecological issues. † An order issued recently by the engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici on the set of France Info † “Everyone needs a lesson” on environmental issues, he said, “including Emmanuel Macron. † Imagine that the latter is convinced of this necessity and decides to follow a 20-hour training course on ecological problems. What should he be taught to ensure that he then makes the right choices and ultimately leads our country on the path of transition? We asked this question to Étienne Spataro, director of the Sup’écolidaire Ecological Transition School† His answer? A personal, rich and detailed timetable.
If Emmanuel Macron broke open the door of Sup’écolidaire tomorrow morning to train there for 20 hours in ecology, this is, concretely, hour by hour, what Étienne Spataro and his team would teach him:
Jean-Marc Jancovici was received at the Elysée on Wednesday 4 May, together with other climate experts. The target? Think of the “implementation of ecological planning” promised by the government. On this occasion, the director of the Shift Project was given the opportunity to formulate his request: “very strongly accelerate the continuous training of both the administration and the political world in trouble” environment. “It will be a good test of Emmanuel Macron’s sincerity” [de voir] whether or not he initiates this training” he added.
Etienne Spataro, director of the school of ecological transition Sup’écolidaire, says nothing else:
“I believe that our decision-makers generally lack scientific knowledge about environmental issues† And he adds that, if the political constraints are there, they are not insurmountable: in 20 hours, the Sup’écolidaire team can propose to the government a base of scientific knowledge, as well as keys for actions.
“The first two theme days make a scientific contribution: mastering the foundations of the natural sciences, understanding environmental issues and the impact of humans on ecosystems. Next, we propose to approach the problem from a historical angle, by addressing the fall of the great civilizations. Finally, we provide the government with possible solutions: methods of action that have already been devised in all areas of the transition, consultation strategies at national, European and international level. †
Etienne Spataro for POSITIVR
“This fictional project could be executed“, concludes Etienne Spataro: Sup’écolidaire has the human resources (more than 80 speakers) and the premises necessary to accommodate Macron’s government. “If they would ask.”
The invitation goes out…