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will deer eat coleus

by Mrs. Gladyce Jast Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Coleus characteristics

Plant part Coleus characteristics
Scientific name Plectranthus scutellarioides
Others name Flame nettle
Origin Asia and northern Australia
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Jun 5 2022

If you have wondered if deer like Coleus, the answer is generally no. Coleus has low toxicity for most animals, so deer or other animals rarely eat it. Although, given the right conditions, deer and other wild animals will resort to eating just about any plant.

Full Answer

Do Swedish deers eat Coleus?

Over here, the Swedish deers eat coleus. In fact, they love it. Sigh. Dang, they already try almost everything I plant, but was really hoping that maybe they wouldn't like that. I have three pots that I place on my front steps and am having problems trying to find something they won't eat.

Are deer attracted to coleus?

Deer aren’t generally attracted to the taste of coleus, it’s pungent and not delicious like a hosta or hydrangea. However, if a deer has sampled coleus, it will be more likely to eat come back and eat it more often. This is why certain gardeners claim deer always eat their coleus, whereas some gardeners report they avoid it.

How do you keep deer away from Coleus?

Effective repellents to keep deer away from your beautiful coleus plants include: Sprays: Many home-improvement stores have specially-formulated solutions with ingredients deer avoid (or buy online here ). You can also create homemade sprays using eggs, garlic, or cayenne/chili peppers.

Is Coleus deer-resistant?

While coleus is a deer-resistant plant, it won’t deter them from visiting your yard altogether. Again, if food is scarce enough, deer will chow down on coleus given no other option.

Are deer attracted to coleus?

So to answer that question, no, coleus does not attract deer into gardens. They mostly avoid this plant. However, tell this to the gardener who has had their coleus devoured that deer don't like it.

Do deer or rabbits eat coleus?

Deer Resistant Plants: Coleus.

What are plants that deer won't eat?

Daffodils, foxgloves, and poppies are common flowers with a toxicity that deer avoid. Deer also tend to turn their noses up at fragrant plants with strong scents. Herbs such as sages, ornamental salvias, and lavender, as well as flowers like peonies and bearded irises, are just “stinky” to deer.

What plants keeps deer away?

10 Plants that Repel Deer in Your YardChives.Daffodils.Lamb's ear.Bleeding heart.Marigolds.Russian sage.Bee balm.Oregano.More items...•

Do coleus plants come back every year?

In tropical climates and in their native environment, Coleus is a perennial plant that can come back every year. During the cold season, the stems die back but the roots don't. This allows perennials to regenerate the following year.

Do wild rabbits eat coleus?

Being a lush foliage plant, coleus is not resistant to rabbits, but a particular species, referred to as coleus canina (Plectranthus caninus), does deter rabbits. Coleus canina is hardy in USDA zones 9 through 11.

Do deer eat geraniums?

Fortunately, geraniums are not one of the deer's favorite snack times. In reality, you can use geraniums as a deer-resistant plant. Deer resistant plants are plants that deer wouldn't eat most times. Geraniums have a bitter taste, pungent scent, and high toxicity level, making deer stay away from them.

Do deer eat petunias and geraniums?

Petunias are one type of flower that deer enjoy eating, but they eat many others including pansies, roses, hydrangeas, marigolds, geraniums, and more.

Do marigolds keep deer away?

All varieties of marigolds are a turnoff for deer because of their strong, pungent scent. However, signet marigolds (pictured) have a lighter citrusy smell and flavor, making them popular for culinary use. Learn more about growing marigolds.

What smell do deer hate the most?

Deer have a heightened sense of smell, which they use to effectively find food. You can take advantage of this trait and repel deer by using smells they dislike, such as marigolds, putrescent egg solids, mint, wolf urine, tansy, garlic, thyme, oregano, sage, rosemary, and lavender.

Do coffee grounds keep deer away?

Deer have a strong sense of smell, which they use to find accessible food sources. While there is no scientific evidence that coffee grounds will deter deer, the bitter smell of spent coffee grounds may signal to deer that humans are nearby and keep them away from your property.

How do I keep deer out of my garden at night?

13 Ways To Keep Deer Out Of Your GardenPlant deer resistant plants. This post may contain affiliate links. ... Use mass planting. ... Design flower beds with plant blocking. ... Install a tall fence. ... Or build a solid fence. ... Plant trees and shrubs inside the fence. ... Put up a double fence. ... Create a rock garden perimeter.More items...•

How To Protect Your Coleus Plants From Deer

Since deer are easily spooked and tend to avoid the scent of humans, there are multiple reliable methods for you to choose which is best for your landscaping situation.

Best Plants To Deter Deer

Deer, just like people, have tastes and preferences in regards to what they’d rather eat for dinner. Some herbs and flowers that are fragrant and appealing to us actually drive deer away!

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There are somewhere between 200 and 300 varieties of coleus distinguishable from each other ranging in size, shape, and color.


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