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why was hope left in pandoras box

by Rico Gibson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why was hope left in Pandora's Box? It was taboo to open these jars, so Zeus' wedding present for Pandora was pretty nasty. She let the evils out, basically death, disease, hard labor; all the stuff we get rid of when we bury the dead. All that was left when she sealed the jar was hope.

In this Pandora is descending from Heaven after being endowed with gifts by the gods and therefore feels empowered to open the casket she carries, releasing strife, care, pride, hatred and despair. Only the voice of Hope is left to comfort her at the end.

Full Answer

What was left in the Pandora's Box?

Only Hope was left in the box, stuck under the lid. Anything that looks ordinary but may produce unpredictable harmful results can thus be called a Pandora's box. Why was Pandora given the box?

What is the hope in Pandora's jar?

In this view, the hope in Pandora's jar is potential, but for good or evil Hesiod never specified. West, M. L. Hesiod, Theogony, ed. with prolegomena and commentary (Oxford 1966).

What is the moral of the story Pandora's Box?

Answer and Explanation: The moral of Pandora's Box is that unchecked curiosity and disobedience can be dangerous, but hope remains. Although she is told not to open the box, Why was Pandora given the box? Pandora's box. Pandora was given a box or a jar, called “pithos” in Greek.

Why did Pandora open the box that Zeus gave her?

It was a gift from Zeus to Pandora who is again an agent created by Zeus to punish Prometheus and humans. Pandora was instructed not to open the box, but out of curiosity, she did and all the evils - illness, hatred, violence etc escaped.

Why was hope at the bottom of Pandora's box?

When she opened her box (or jar, whatever), all sorts of evil things escaped outside the box, and this is why we have evil in the world now. Then, she closed the box before hope could escape, so that hope remained within the box.

Does hope stay in Pandora's Box?

Pandora, in Greek mythology, is the first woman. According to myth, she had a jar (later a box) containing all manner of misery and evil. She opened it, from which the evils flew out over the earth. Hope alone remained inside.

What was the last thing left in Pandora's Box?

All of life's miseries had been let out into the world. Pandora slammed the lid of the box back down. The last thing remaining inside of the box was hope. Ever since, humans have been able to hold onto this hope in order to survive the wickedness that Pandora had let out.

Who was the ugliest god?

HephaestusHephaestus. Hephaestus is the son of Zeus and Hera. Sometimes it is said that Hera alone produced him and that he has no father. He is the only god to be physically ugly.

Why did Pandora close the box?

There are several explanations, here are a few: One mentioned by Bulfinch is, that the box was initially filled with blessings for humanity, but when Pandora opened the box, most of them escaped, but she managed to close it in time for hope to stay inside.

Why was Pandora's box given to Pandora?

This box was said to be given as a gift on the occasion of Pandora’s wedding. Continue Reading. Pandora’s Box was handed over to Pandora as a gift by Zeus (King of Gods) and he advised her not to open the same. Previously, Zeus was angry on Prometheus as he had stolen fire which he handed over to Humans.

What does Pandora mean?

Putting all these clue together suggests that the meaning of the Pandora myth is roughly this: human beings are endowed ( Pandora = pan-dora = ‘all-gifted’) with a mind and soul ( psyche) that is like a treasure house of riches and fine jewels (Wisdom, virtue, bliss).

What does hope do in the jar?

Hope remains inside the jar. (It’s a jar, not a box.) The more popular interpretation holds that Hope’s presence in the jar counteracts all the evils unleashed on the world. Without hope, life would be unbearable.

What does hope mean in the Odyssey?

Hope perhaps means, at least in part, the hope that we may yet return to the paradise-like mental condition free from agitation, worry, and negative thinking. That is the journey to Wisdom and return to mental wholeness (symbolized by the Odyssey ). Pandora myth: Hesiod's text and psychological interpretation.

Who gave Pandora to Prometheus?

Pandora was given to Prometheus’s brother Epimetheus as a gift (perhaps to be his concubine or wife, but it’s not stated explicitly).

What did the Greeks use to bury their dead?

Perhaps it will help if you stop thinking about a box, a bad translation of "pithos" and start thinking about a burial jar. Early Greeks used large clay jars to bury their dead and smaller ones to bury their ashes. In both cases, grave goods were often placed in the jars with the remains prior to sealing.

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