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why is it logical that supersede is spelled

by Filiberto Bergstrom Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Is it spelled supersede or SuperCede?

The official spelling is supersede. This verb means to replace or substitute something for something else. It is a transitive verb that is used with an object. Supersede comes from French, and then Latin before that. In both languages it is spelled with an s. However, the misspelling supercede has been recorded for multiple centuries.

How do you conjugate supersede in English?

Here are a few ways to conjugate supersede, I/we supersede: first person singular and plural present. You supersede: second person singular and plural present. He/she/it supersedes: third person singular present. They supersede: third person plural present. Superseding: present participle. Superseded: simple past.

What does it mean to supersede a court order?

superseded; superseding Legal Definition of supersede 1 : to subject to postponement or suspension especially : to suspend the operation of (a judgment or order) by means of a supersedeas 2 : to take the place of in authority : preempt, override

Why do so many English words end with the letters –cede?

Since several English words do end with the letters –cede, the mistake is understandable. Both –cede and –sede have their roots in Latin verbs, and supercede has been a somewhat common mistake for several centuries. This chart below graphs supercede vs. supersede in English books since the year 1800,

Why is supersede spelled with an S?

It is a transitive verb that is used with an object. Supersede comes from French, and then Latin before that. In both languages it is spelled with an s. However, the misspelling supercede has been recorded for multiple centuries.

Which is correct supercede or supersede?

SupersedeSupersede is the correct spelling. The word means to supplant or take the place of. Supercede is not a word, although you'd think it might be related to intercede and precede. Superseed would be like the ones that grew Jack's bean stalk.

Is supersede a legal term?

Supersede means to take the place of, as by reason of superior worth or right. A recently enacted statute that repeals an older law is said to supersede the prior legislation. A superseding cause is an act of a third person or some intervening force that prevents a tortfeasor from being held liable for harm to another.

What does it mean if something is superseded?

Definition of supersede transitive verb. 1a : to cause to be set aside. b : to force out of use as inferior. 2 : to take the place or position of. 3 : to displace in favor of another.

Why is supersede spelled with sede instead of cede?

The different spelling of 'supersede' is appropriate because it is not derived from the same source as the others. Supersede is derived from super (over) + sedere (to sit). Proceed is derived from pro (forward) + cedere (to go).

How do you spell superceded in UK?

Supersede is the standard spelling but there is indeed such a word as supercede. Yet the 'supercede' spelling does have etymological justification and it appears in the dictionary. There is such a word as 'supercede'; it just isn't in current use.

How do you use the word supersede?

Supersede: Definition and Example SentencesGovernor Whitmer announced updates to COVID-19 emergency rules, which will supersede the prior version.Unified theory would be a generalisation of the other theories but would not supersede them.At some point, the knowledge that we create supersedes past knowledge.

What is a good sentence for supersede?

1. Motorways have largely superseded ordinary roads for long-distance travel. 2. The theory has been superseded by more recent research.

Will supersede the old law synonym?

Some common synonyms of supersede are displace, replace, and supplant.

Does supersede mean override?

to take precedence over; preempt or supersede: to override any other considerations.

What part of speech is supersede?

verbverb (used with object), su·per·sed·ed, su·per·sed·ing.

What is the noun for supersede?

supersession. The act of superseding; the fact of having been superseded.

What does "supersede" mean?

Legal Definition of supersede. 1 : to subject to postponement or suspension especially : to suspend the operation of (a judgment or order) by means of a supersedeas. 2 : to take the place of in authority : preempt, override. 3 : to take the place of and render null or ineffective.

What does "supplant" mean in "replace"?

replace, displace, supplant, supersede mean to put out of a usual or proper place or into the place of another. replace implies a filling of a place once occupied by something lost, destroyed, or no longer usable or adequate. replaced the broken window displace implies an ousting or dislodging. war had displaced thousands supplant implies either a dispossessing or usurping of another's place, possessions, or privileges or an uprooting of something and its replacement with something else. was abruptly supplanted in her affections by another supersede implies replacing a person or thing that has become superannuated, obsolete, or otherwise inferior. the new edition supersedes all previous ones

Does science have its own self-correcting mechanisms?

Fortunately, the scientific enterprise has its own self-correcting mechanisms that eventually sort things out. Studies that are wrong will be superseded by better studies with different results. Studies that are right will be corroborated by other good studies.

What does the extra S mean in supersede?

Also, think of the extra S in the word as standing for “surpass, ” which relates in meaning to supersede.

What does "supercede" mean?

What does supercede mean? Supercede is a misspelling of supersede. Since several English words do end with the letters –cede, the mistake is understandable. Both –cede and –sede have their roots in Latin verbs, and supercede has been a somewhat common mistake for several centuries.

Is "supersede" a verb?

Supersede is a verb that means to replace something or to surpass something in terms of importance. It is a regular verb, and is conjugated according to the normal English rules. Here are a few ways to conjugate supersede, I/we supersede: first person singular and plural present.

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