How old is Tilikum now?
Tilikum is 35 years old who should be in the prime of his life. Orca males live an average of 70 years in the wild and females can surpass a century. SeaWorld wants us all to believe that Tilikum is dying a natural death from old age.
What happened to Tilikum at SeaWorld?
Tilikum had a hard act to follow. Shamu had been with trainers performing with her. Tilikum was also the best candidate for the job. But Tilikum had been involved with a death of a trainer in the pool with him. Thad Lacinak was vice president and corporate curator when Tilikum arrived at SeaWorld.
Where did Tilikum the orca live as a baby?
Tilikum’s Early Life The baby orca was confined for a year at Hafnarfjörður Marine Zoo, near Reykjavík, Iceland along with two other baby Orcas, Nandu and Samoa before being transferred to Sealand of the Pacific outside of Victoria, British Columbia.
What happened to Brancheau and Tilikum?
Jan Topoleski, 32, a trainer who was acting as a safety spotter for Brancheau, told investigators that Tilikum took Brancheau’s drifting hair into his mouth. Brancheau tried to pull it free, but Tilikum yanked her into the pool. In an instant, a classic tableau of a trainer bonding with a marine mammal became a life-threatening emergency.
Where is Tilikum now 2020?
With the death of Tilikum, SeaWorld now holds 22 orcas at its three facilities in Orlando, San Antonio and San Diego. SeaWorld also noted that Tilikum was “inextricably connected” with the death of his trainer, Dawn Brancheau, in 2010.Jan 6, 2017
Is Tilikum SeaWorld still alive?
Tilikum ( c. December 1981 – January 6, 2017), nicknamed Tilly, was a captive male orca who spent most of his life at SeaWorld Orlando in Florida....Tilikum (orca)Tilikum during a 2009 performance at SeaWorldSpeciesOrca (Orcinus orca)DiedJanuary 6, 2017 (aged 35) Orlando, FloridaYears active1983–20166 more rows
How old was Tilikum at death?
Tilikum was estimated to be about 36 years old at the time of his death. He was brought to SeaWorld after Canada's Sealand of the Pacific closed in 1992. He had been at the amusement park ever since.Jan 6, 2022
Is Tilikum still at SeaWorld 2020?
After 33 years of living captive in marine park pools, Tilikum, SeaWorld's best-known killer whale, died this morning, January 6, in Orlando.Jan 6, 2017
How old was Dawn Brancheau?
40 years (1969–2010)Dawn Brancheau / Age at death
Does SeaWorld still have killer whales 2021?
As of November 5, 2021 there are: At least 170 orcas have died in captivity, not including 30 miscarried or still-born calves. SeaWorld holds 19 orcas in its three parks in the United States.
How has SeaWorld changed since Blackfish?
I found evidence that Blackfish led to negative publicity for SeaWorld and changed how people viewed marine mammal captivity. As a result, attendance at the park decreased and the market value of the company dropped.Jun 17, 2021
How did they dispose of Tilikum's body?
[/media-credit] When Tilikum did not perform a trick correctly, food was withheld from both him and his tankmates, which caused a great deal of tension, and as a result, Haida and Nootka would bite Tilikum and rake the entire length of his body with their teeth.Jan 6, 2017
Is Shamu and Tilikum the same whale?
Billed as Shamu, Tilikum, a 12,000-pound (5,440-kilogram) male killer whale, reportedly grabbed Brancheau by the upper arm and pulled the trainer underwater.Feb 26, 2010
Has a killer whale ever jumped out of tank?
Heartbreaking footage shows the moment a killer whale jumped from its enclosure in an attempt to 'commit suicide', according to onlookers. The video of Morgan the orca was captured by a tourist at Loro Parque in Tenerife.
Is Tilikum a male or female?
There were three orcas at Sealand at the time – two females, Haida and Nootka, and Tilikum, the sole male. Tilikum would later become infamous for the 2010 killing of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau.Oct 28, 2013
Where was Tilikum shipped?
Finally, in 1984, Tilikum was shipped to Sealand of the Pacific, off the coast of British Columbia’s Vancouver Island. Sealand was a bad place. In the fourteen years before Tilikum and two females, Haida and Nootka, arrived at Sealand, seven orcas had died there.
How long was Tilikum captive?
One of the best witnessed examples of what happens to a wild animal that suffers from all of the above is Tilikum, the star killer whale of SeaWorld for 25 years and held captive for 34 years.
Where did Goldsberry and Griffin trap whales?
As Zimmermann reported, “In October 1965, Goldsberry and Griffin trapped 15 killer whales in Carr Inlet, near Tacoma. One died during the hunt.
Where is Ken Balcomb?
His headquarters for his Center for Whale Research, is his home, which is on San Juan Island, off the coast of Washington State along the shores of Haro Strait.
Who owns the Seattle Marine Aquarium?
Griffin owned the Seattle Marine Aquarium. He had always wanted to train a killer whale. His wish came true in 1965 when he heard of a killer whale that had become tangled in a fishing net off the coast of Namu, British Columbia. He bought the 8,000 pound orca for $8,000.00 and named him Namu.
How old were Sealand whales?
They were all young whales with an average age of three and a half years old. Robert Wright was the owner of Sealand. He and his trainers trained the whales to perform in shows. The shows were every hour on the hour, eight times a day, seven days a week.
Where was Tilikum captured?
Tilikum was captured when he was two years old, along with two other young killer whales, by a purse-seine net in November 1983, at Berufjörður, Iceland. After almost a year in a tank at the Hafnarfjördur Marine Zoo, he was transferred to Sealand of the Pacific, in Oak Bay, a suburb of the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island, Canada.
What caused Tilikum to die?
SeaWorld announced in March 2016 Tilikum's health was deteriorating, and it was thought he had a lung infection due to bacterial pneumonia, a common cause of death in captive and wild whales and dolphins. In May 2016, it was reported Tilikum's health was improving.
What happened to Tilikum after she was attacked by a killer whale?
The veteran trainer was rubbing Tilikum as part of a post-show routine when the killer whale grabbed her by her ponytail and pulled her into the water. Some witnesses reported seeing Tilikum grab Brancheau by the arm or shoulder. He reportedly scalped her then bit off her arm and swallowed it during the attack.
What is a Tilikum whale?
For other uses, see Tillicum. Tilikum ( c. December 1981 – January 6, 2017), nicknamed Tilly, was a captive killer whale who spent most of his life performing at SeaWorld Orlando.
How much does Tilly weigh?
Weight. 12,500 lb (5,700 kg) Tilikum ( c. December 1981 – January 6, 2017), nicknamed Tilly, was a captive killer whale who spent most of his life performing at SeaWorld Orlando. He was captured in Iceland in 1983 at Hafnarfjörður, near Reykjavík. About a year later, he was transferred to Sealand of the Pacific in Victoria, British Columbia.
How many calves did Tilikum have?
He sired 21 calves, of which ten are still alive as of 2017. Tilikum was heavily featured in CNN Films ' 2013 documentary Blackfish, which claims that killer whales in captivity suffer psychological damage and become unnaturally aggressive.
What happened to Dukes at Seaworld?
Dukes had visited SeaWorld the previous day, stayed after the park closed, and evaded security to enter the tank unclothed. An autopsy found numerous wounds, contusions, and abrasions covering his body, and his genitals had been bitten off, all allegedly caused by Tilikum.
How long has Tilikum been in captivity?
Tilikum is a special and transformative killer whale. He was netted off Iceland in 1983, at the age of two, and has lived in captivity for almost 33 years now, for the past 24 years at SeaWorld’s Orlando, Florida park. His life has changed how we view SeaWorld and the marine park industry, and changed our moral calculus regarding ...
How tall is Tilikum?
Tilikum made for a sympathetic and compelling character. At 22 feet and 12,000 pounds, he was a would-be ocean king reduced to a court jester with a floppy dorsal fin, splashing delirious SeaWorld audiences at the end of circus-style shows. (SeaWorld recently announced that it would phase out its Shamu shows .)
What whale did Dawn Brancheau see?
Drone footage captured this rare sighting of a killer whale pod charging and striking a blue whale. It is without question a deep tragedy that it took the death of Dawn Brancheau for the world to stir itself to take a hard look at the lives of the killer whales she trained and loved.
How many deaths did Tilikum have?
To tell Tilikum’s story, it was necessary to tell the story of SeaWorld and killer whale entertainment. He was responsible for three human deaths: a trainer at Sealand Of The Pacific in 1991, a late-night trespasser at SeaWorld in 1999, and Dawn Brancheau in 2010. The last death, because of its savagery and because Brancheau was a high-profile ...
What is Shamu's reality?
Instead of the iconic, happy killer whale celebrated by SeaWorld and its fans for five decades, Tilikum demanded the world confront his reality, Shamu’s reality, which involved separation from family, confinement, boredom, chronic disease, aggression among marine park killer whales, and aggression against trainers. 1:26.
Who was the trainer at Seaworld when Tilikum died?
John Hargrove, who was a senior trainer at SeaWorld Texas when Brancheau died, says that most trainers, including some of Brancheau’s closest friends, did everything they could to care for Tilikum after the incident: “We did feel sorry for Tilikum, because we knew his life would be drastically changed forever.
Is Tilikum dying?
Tilikum, SeaWorld’s Killer Orca, is Dying. Three tragic human deaths made us finally confront the reality of keeping wild whales in captivity. Tim Zimmermann has been writing about SeaWorld and marine mammal captivity since 2010, and he was an associate producer and co-writer of the documentary Blackfish. I have been anticipating and dreading this ...
Where did Tilikum live?
Tilikum’s Early Life. The baby orca was confined for a year at Hafnarfjörður Marine Zoo, near Reykjavík, Iceland along with two other baby Orcas, Nandu and Samoa before being transferred to Sealand of the Pacific outside of Victoria, British Columbia. Advertisement.
How old was Samoa when she died?
She became the first Orca to die (March 14, 1992) at SeaWorld from birth complications caused by a fungal infection. She was 12 years old. A young Orca in the sea is taken care of by its mother and the pod extremely well.
Is Dawn Brancheau on death row?
Despite this, the SeaWorld show went on and although she could not have imagined it herself at the time, Dawn Brancheau was now on death row with Tilikum. Photo: AP. At 40, she was one of SeaWorld’s most experienced trainers when she was violently grabbed by the arm by Tilikum and pulled beneath the surface.
Where was Tilikum captured?
Tilikum was an Icelandic killer whale who was likely born sometime around 1981. On November 9th, 1983, he was captured from Berufjörður, Iceland. He spent a day on the boat before arriving at the Hafnarfjörður Aquarium to be trained. While there he met two other recently captured killer whales, Nandu and Samoa.
What is Tilikum famous for?
He is most famous for being the star of Blackfish, a 2013 film that claims that orcas are not fit for life in aquariums.
When did Tilikum move to Sealand?
Tilikum was moved to Sealand of the Pacific on November 11th, 1984. He joined the parks two resident females, Haida II and Nootka IV. Tilikum was brought in as a replacement for an unnamed male who had died the previous year.
How many Tilikum calves are there?
Tilikum was also the most successful breeding orca in captivity, siring at least 21 calves, 9 of which are alive today. He passed away on January 6th, 2017, after succumbing to a progressive form of bacterial pneumonia.

Tilikum (c. December 1981 – January 6, 2017), nicknamed Tilly, was a captive male orca who spent most of his life at SeaWorld Orlando in Florida. He was captured in Iceland in 1983; about a year later, he was transferred to Sealand of the Pacific in Victoria, British Columbia. He was subsequently transferred in 1992 to SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida where he sired 21 calves throughout his life.
Tilikum was the largest orca in captivity. He measured 22.5 feet (6.9 m) long and weighed about 12,500 pounds (5,700 kg). His pectoral fins were 7 feet (2.1 m) long, his fluke curled under, and his 6.5-foot-tall (2.0 m) dorsal fin was collapsed completely to his left side.
His name, in the Chinook Jargon of the Pacific Northwest, means "friends, relations, tribe, nation, common people".
Tilikum was captured when he was two years old, along with two other young orcas, by a purse-seine net in November 1983, at Berufjörður, Eastern Iceland. After almost a year in a tank at the Hafnarfjördur Marine Zoo, he was transferred to Sealand of the Pacific, in Oak Bay, a suburb of the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island, Canada. At Sealand, he lived with two older female killer wh…
Declining health and death
SeaWorld announced in March 2016 Tilikum's health was deteriorating, and it was thought he had a lung infection due to bacterial pneumonia. In May 2016, it was reported Tilikum's health was improving. On January 6, 2017, SeaWorld announced that Tilikum had died early in the morning. The cause of death was reported as a bacterial infection.
Tilikum sired 21 offspring in captivity, 9 of which were alive as of July 2021.
While at Sealand of the Pacific, Tilikum sired his first calf when he was about eight or nine years old. His first son, Kyuquot, was born to Haida II on December 24, 1991. Just a few months prior to the birth of Kyuquot, Tilikum was involved in the first incident involving a death. Seaworld requested an emergency transfer of Tilikum to their facility.
On December 7, 2010, TMZ reported that SeaWorld's president, Terry Prather, received a letter from PETA and Mötley Crüe member Tommy Lee referencing SeaWorld's announcement regarding limiting human contact with Tilikum. In the letter, Lee refers to Tilikum as SeaWorld's "Chief Sperm Bank" and asserts that the relevant process constitutes continued human contact. The letter implores SeaWorld to release Tilikum from his tank, stating, "I hope it doesn't take another tragi…
See also
• Tilikum v. Sea World
• Incidents at SeaWorld parks
• List of individual cetaceans
External links
• Orcahome
• Center for Whale Research
• Tilikum at IMDb