- Zonation Definition. Zonation refers to the patterns that are observed in a community over a distance, based on the distinct fauna and flora found along the area.
- Example of Zonation. Rocky shores often show very clear distribution of species in horizontal belts in the intertidal zone.
- Related Biology Terms. ...
- Quiz. ...
What do you mean by zonation?
Zonation 1 Zonation Definition. Zonation refers to the patterns that are observed in a community over a distance, based on the distinct fauna and flora found along the area. 2 Example of Zonation. Rocky shores often show very clear distribution of species in horizontal belts in the intertidal zone. 3 Related Biology Terms. ... 4 Quiz. ...
What is the zone of zone of zonation of the ocean?
Zonation of the ocean. Note that in the littoral zone the water is at the high-tide mark.
What is the zonation system of a lake?
Lakes have a vertical zonation consisting of the water column, underlying lacustrine sediments (lake sediments), and the benthic zone, which occupies a few. Table 1 Summary of the four major zonation systems for lakes. Zonation Temporal Description variability. Horizontal Stable Pelagic zone Littoral zone. Vertical Stable
Where does altitudinal zonation occur in the world?
First, altitudinal zonation occurs in hilly regions. It refers to the natural layering of different ecosystems that occur at dissimilar heights as a result of diverse environments due to the differing heights. Factors like temperature, soil composition, humidity, solar radiation, altitude, type of rocks,...
What is a zonation definition?
Definition of zonation 1 : structure or arrangement in zones. 2 : distribution of kinds of organisms in biogeographic zones.
What is zonation example?
zonation The distribution of the different species of a community into separate zones, which are created by variations in the environment. A clear example of zonation occurs on a rocky shore, where different species of seaweed (Fucus) occupy different zones, according to their ability to withstand desiccation.
What is zonation in environmental science?
Zonation refers to changes in community along an environmental gradient due to factors such as changes in altitude, latitude, tidal level or distance from shore (coverage by water).
What is the purpose of zonation?
Purpose. Zonation identifies areas important for retaining habitat quality and connectivity for multiple species, indirectly aiming at species' long-term persistence.
What is zonation marine biology?
zonation-describes the different zones or areas of the marine environment. distribution-describes where animals live within these zones. pelagic-all waters of the ocean. benthic-extends from the intertidal, to the continental shelf, to the continental slope, to the deep. ocean floor.
What is zonation of vegetation?
Vegetation zones, also called hardiness zones, are smaller, more-detailed vegetation regions. Vegetation zones divide land according to temperature and precipitation. Most gardeners look at a map of vegetation zones before planting any flowers, trees, or vegetables.
What is the difference between stratification and zonation?
Zonation is the division of an ecosystem into distinct zones / bands / regions / in horizontal layering due to an environmental gradient (abiotic conditions). Example: rocky shore. Stratification is the division of an ecosystem into distinct zones that experience similar abiotic conditions in a vertical orientation.
What is wetland zonation?
Anything more than a cursory glance at a wetland will reveal that the plants are not indiscriminately placed. They are arranged in distinct, although often overlapping zones. These zones, moving from dry land to open water, encompass: .
What factors influence zonation?
Some environmental influences that produce distinct gradients in the coastal zone include degree of exposure to air, salinity (of water, soil, and aerosols), temperature, light, oxygen availability, and the presence of various nutrients. Barrier structures provide a paradigm of zonation in the coastal zone.
Why is zonation important in ecology?
Zonation identifies areas important for retaining habitat quality and connectivity for multiple species, indirectly aiming at species' long-term persistence.
What is the difference between zonation and succession?
Zonation refers to changes in community along an environmental gradient due to factors such as changes in altitude, latitude, tidal level or distance from shore (coverage by water). Succession is the process of change over time in an ecosystem involving pioneer, intermediate and climax communities.
What is zonation rocky shore?
The distribution of animals and plants up and down rocky shores is in bands or zones. This zonation reflects the tolerance of different species to stresses associated with the tide rising and falling.
What is zonation in biology?
Zonation refers to the patterns that are observed in a community over a distance, based on the distinct fauna and flora found along the area. Although the different zones are characterized by the dominant species inhabiting them, the separation of zones isn’t always a clear straight line, but instead there is some overlapping of species, particularly where the zones meet. Sometimes, however, the overlapping can disappear or be very small if one species completely out-competes the others by predation or competition over resources, and we can see clear-cut zonation.
How many species can a zone have?
B. Every zone can only have one kind of animal species in it
What are the three parts of the intertidal zone?
Within it, the intertidal zone has been categorized into three parts: the high, middle, and low zones . These three zones differ in the amount of exposure to different environmental factors that they receive, so we find that each zone is occupied by different species of organisms depending on the different adaptations they posses. The mid intertidal zone is turbulent since it is being repeatedly submerged and exposed. On the other hand, the high zone is mostly exposed and the low zone is mostly submerged. This means that at the lower end, we can mostly find marine life, like seaweed and sea cucumber, while at the high intertidal zone we can find species that are adapted to being out of the water for most of the day, like some isopods and crabs. Keep in mind that some species may be adapted to survive in all intertidal zones, but may not be able to in some places or during certain times due to competition with other organisms for resources. This is unlike the way other species are restricted to a particular zone due to their inability to survive environmental conditions at other zones.
What are the environmental factors that affect rocky shores?
Environmental factors, such as temperature, wind exposure, light intensity, wave action, and salinity, vary as we move up and down this area.
What is the term for a large ecological community characterized by its climate and the animals and plants living in it?
Related Biology Terms. Biome – A large ecological community characterized by its climate and the animals and plants living in it. Ecosystem – A system made up of living organisms and their interactions with their environment. Succession – Change that occurs in an ecological community over time.
What is succession in ecology?
Succession – Change that occurs in an ecological community over time.
What are the factors that determine the abundance of a species?
The presence or abundance of a species in an area depends on different biotic factors, such as altitude, temperature, and salinity, as well abiotic factors, like predation and competition for food and space.
Why are zonation maps required?
The zonation maps obtained from landslide susceptibility models are most commonly required for land use planning at the local government level for regional disaster management planning. Indeed, producing more practical susceptibility maps can ease the management process in terms of timing and budget allocation. Thus, ShEF dimensions were incorporated as a filtering strategy to compendiously identify highly susceptible areas. Moreover, the regression relations between fractal dimensions and landslide geomorphometric indices were assessed to understand the fractal dimensions and link the landslide shapes with activity status. The main conclusions of the present study are:
Why are zonation patterns variable?
Zonation patterns are driven by dynamic processes and are therefore also variable through time. Seasonal differences in the vertical distributions of mobile species and ephemeral algae are common and usually attributed to seasonal variability of one or more physical stressors, such as temperature and desiccation.
How many Devonian zones are there?
22.12 ). That of Richardson and McGregor (1986) also included the Silurian and had 14 Devonian zones with the nominate taxa occurring at or close to the base of each zone. The zones were each also defined on a characteristic assemblage. These zones were defined on sections on, and peripheral to, the Old Red Sandstone Continent in Arctic Canada, the United States, the British Isles, and the classic Ardennes-Rhenish Area. The other zonation is that of Streel et al. (1987) that was based entirely on these classic Ardennes-Rhenish sections, which have stratigraphic ties to marine faunas. The Streel et al. (1987) zonation included 51 Oppel zones based on inceptions of single taxa. These zones are variously subdivided into interval zones and lineage subzones to give 75 levels of correlation. Some of these zones, key taxa, and sections are in common with those in Richardson and McGregor (1986). Intervals of both zonations have been refined and better calibrated to conodont zonations. This particularly includes the Givetian to Frasnian Interval as refined by Matyja and Turnau (2008), Turnau and Narkiewicz (2011), and Tel’nova (2008). Other refinements that provide better ties to the Famennian marine faunas and sequence stratigraphy, particularly in the D/C boundary interval, are by Maziane et al. (1999, 2002) and Streel (2000, 2009).
What is the zonation of the late Triassic?
The zonation of the Late Triassic follows Bown (1998) who documented the appearance and early stratigraphic succession of the calcareous nannofossils. The timing of events has been adjusted following Gardin et al. (2012) where appropriate. The three Upper Triassic zonal units yield a low biostratigraphic resolution that is probably a function of both the paucity of well-preserved Triassic sections as well as low initial rates of evolution for these assemblages. The Jurassic biostratigraphic zonation for the Boreal areas follows that of Bown et al. (1998) as modified by Bown and Cooper (1998). Nannofossil provincialism rendered some of the Bown and Cooper (1998) zones difficult to resolve in more tropical areas; however, so Mattioli and Erba (1999) proposed an alternative set of zones based on Tethyan sections. This Tethyan scheme was refined and expanded in the Upper Jurassic by Casselato (2010) and partially recalibrated by Bergen et al. (2014).
How are parameter values assigned to zones?
In zonation, parameter values are assigned as piecewise constant values to defined areas (zones) in the model domain (Figs. 5.28 (a) and 5.29 ). Zones are piecewise constant in that nodes within the same zone are given the same parameter value; spatial changes in parameter values occur only among zones. Delineation of zones relies on information contained in the conceptual model that identifies areas in the problem domain where parameters are likely to be the same. The geometric mean of expected values of a given parameter within the zone is assigned to the zone if heterogeneity is thought to be random, whereas the arithmetic mean is used if trends are present. A different pattern of zones is usually required for each parameter. For example, zones of hydraulic conductivity are usually different from recharge zones ( Fig. 5.29 (a) and (b) ).
How many zones are there in the zone of the upper Devonian?
An independently defined zonation ( Avkhimovitch et al., 1993) was devised for the upper Emsian to Upper Devonian from Eastern Europe. It has 14 zones and 21 subzones and was based on the efforts of the many palynologists who worked in Russia, Belarus, the Baltic Republics, and the Ukraine. This has been calibrated with the zonation of Streel et al. (1987) and now, more importantly, it can be calibrated with the increasingly refined conodont zonation that is available from recent research in Russia (e.g., Ovnatanova et al., 1999 ).
zonation 1. The broad distribution of vegetation according to latitude and altitude. The control is primarily climatic, and similar vegetation zones are encountered on the flanks of high tropical mountains to those found at sea level between the tropics and the poles. 2.
zonation 1. The broad distribution of vegetation according to latitude and altitude. The control is primarily climatic, and similar vegetation zones are encountered on the flanks of high tropical mountains to those found at sea-level between the tropics and the poles . 2.
zonation The distribution of the different species of a community into separate zones, which are created by variations in the environment. A clear example of zonation occurs on a rocky shore, where different species of seaweed ( Fucus) occupy different zones, according to their ability to withstand desiccation.
zonation The spatial distribution of species at any one time according to variations in the physical environment (e.g. the distribution of seaweeds and marine animals between the low-tide and hightide marks on a rocky shore, and the vertical distribution of species on a mountainside).
zonation The subdivision of a stratigraphic unit or units by means of fossils.
distribution of plants
It is known from studies of plant residues and pollen preserved in the highly acidic sediments of bogs and from observations of contemporary glaciers that the vegetation southward from the glacial front in the Northern Hemisphere was banded in much the same way the…
marine environments
The actual depth of these zones depends on local conditions of cloud cover, water turbidity, and ocean surface. In general, the euphotic zone can extend to depths of 80 to 100 metres and the disphotic zone to depths of 80 to 700 metres. Marine organisms are particularly abundant in the…
What is the most important factor in zonation?
Humidity. Humidity refers to the amount of water in the atmosphere. Things like the levels of evapotranspiration and precipitation fall here. Precipitation accounts for the highest quantity of humidity in the atmosphere. As such, precipitation is most important in determining zonation.
What are the factors that determine the occurrence of a zone?
Factors like temperature, soil composition, humidity, solar radiation, altitude, type of rocks, and disturbance frequency (like fire and monsoons) are responsible for the determination and occurrence of the zones. The zones are equipped to support several species of vegetation and animals.
What are altitudinal zones?
It refers to the natural layering of different ecosystems that occur at dissimilar heights as a result of diverse environments due to the differing heights. Factors like temperature, soil composition, humidity, solar radiation, altitude, type of rocks, and disturbance frequency (like fire and monsoons) are responsible for the determination and occurrence of the zones. The zones are equipped to support several species of vegetation and animals. Alexander von Humboldt was the scientist who first theorized the concept of altitudinal zonation after noticing that temperature drops with increasing height. Basically, the zones are ecosystems that are suited to a particular species.
How does temperature affect vegetation?
It is common knowledge that an increase in height comes with a reduction in temperature. Most vegetation relies on high temperature to thrive. Consequently, varying temperatures will have a direct impact on the length of time that plants can grow. Temperatures that are too high or two low support very few species of plants. The most vegetation is found in the tropical regions. Most of the huge coniferous and deciduous trees grow there. Zones with similar conditions will have bigger vegetation and vice versa.
Coral Reefs
The ecological zonation of most coral reefs depends on physical factors, including depth, exposure to waves and currents, and oxygen limitation. A fringing reef is basically a large slab of limestone jutting out from land. The landward margin may support extensive mangrove forests.
Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology
James H. Nebelsick, in Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, 2020
Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments
Jordi M. de Gibert, ... Jordi Martinell, in Developments in Sedimentology, 2012
Salinity and waterlogging as constraints to saltland pasture production: A review
Sarita Jane Bennett, ... T.D. Colmer, in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2009
Seas at the Millennium: an Environmental Evaluation
In the Bajuni sound, coral knobs and patch reefs surrounded by sandy substrate rise up from the Thalassodendron beds. These build-ups may represent the colonization of successive generations of corals on erosion remnants of the hard substratum.
Where is zonation found?
The zonation of plants and animals is often clearly visible on rocky coastlines of the British Isles. An excellent summary of 'typical' patterns of zonation on sheltered, moderately exposed and exposed shores is given in Hawkins and Jones (1992). For a fuller picture, students should refer to Lewis (1964) where a full account is given of distribution patterns on many different shores throughout the British Isles. Other useful references include Ballantine (1961) and Moyse and Nelson-Smith (1963).
What is the term for a band of different color at different levels indicating the dominance of particular species?
fucoids, with bands of different colour at different levels indicating the dominance of particular species. Above the level of these large algae there is often a strip of relatively bare rock on which there are few plants except the black tufts of the lichen Lichina pygmaea.
What color are the rocks in the eulittoral zone?
Where waves are not too violent to allow the growth of seaweeds, the rocks across much of the eulittoral zone of the shore have a brownish-green covering of large. Figure 8.11 Diagram to illustrate how the distribution of some dominant plants and animals of rocky shores varies with wave intensity.
What is the littoral zone?
The littoral zone extends outward from the shoreline to approximately the location at which the solar irradiance at the bottom of the lake corresponds to about 1% of the solar irradiance at the top of the water column. Within the littoral zone, growth of aquatic macrophytes and attached algae (periphyton) is possible.
What is the vertical zone of lakes?
Lakes have a vertical zonation consisting of the water column, underlying lacustrine sediments (lake sediments), and the benthic zone, which occupies a few
What is the water column of the pelagic zone?
The water column of the pelagic zone is driven by wind-generated currents into the littoral zone where water is displaced from the littoral zone into the pelagic zone. Thus, water-column constituents such as dissolved gases, dissolved solids, suspended solids, and suspended organisms are constantly exchanged between the pelagic zone and the littoral zone whenever there are currents in the top few meters of a lake. Chemical differences between the top few meters of the pelagic zone and the littoral zone may develop under the influence of biological processes, however, when currents are weak.
What is the outer margin of the littoral zone?
The outer margin of the littoral zone, beyond which is the pelagic zone, is the point at which significant growth of macrophytes and periphyton becomes impossible because of darkness. This boundary corresponds approximately to the location at which the amount of solar irradiance reaching the bottom of the lake is <1% of surface irradiance. At bottom irra-diances <1%, there is little or no net photosynthesis, which prevents growth of the attached autotrophs (macrophytes and periphyton) that are typical of the littoral zone.
What are the autotrophs in the pelagic zone?
The littoral zone also has phytoplankton (which move freely between littoral zone and pelagic zone), but also has two other categories of autotrophs (Figure 1): aquatic vascular plants (aquatic macrophytes), and films of attached algae (periphyton). Periphyton grow on the leaves of macrophytes and on other solid surfaces such as mud, sand, rocks, or wood.
How deep is the littoral zone?
In oligotrophic lakes, which have low nutrient concentrations and therefore develop very small amounts of the phytoplankton biomass that could shade the lower water column of lakes, the littoral zone extends to depths of 4-20 m or even more, depending on transparency of the water. In the eutrophic category, the depth of 1% irradiance ranges between 0.1 and about 2 m, and the mesotrophic category spans ~2-4m. In the most extreme cases of eutrophication (lakes highly enriched with nutrients), where the depth of 1% light corresponds to only a few centimeters, the littoral zone as defined by light is virtually absent, and the littoral zone may be defined instead by the zone of influence for traveling waves and corresponding disturbance of the bottom (0.5-1.5 m). In general, small lakes have a higher percentage of surface area in the littoral zone than do large lakes (Figure 2), although some large, shallow lakes have large littoral zones (e.g., Lake Okeechobee, Florida).
Which is more diverse, the littoral zone or the pelagic zone?
In general, the communities of a littoral zone are more diverse than those of the pelagic zone, and the key species of the two zones differ. In the pelagic zone of a lake, the autotroph community is composed of phytoplankton (Figure 1), which are adapted for life in an environment that is free of solid surfaces.

Zonation Definition
- Zonation refers to the patterns that are observed in a community over a distance, based on the distinct fauna and flora found along the area. Although the different zones are characterized by the dominant species inhabiting them, the separation of zones isn’t always a clear straight line, but instead there is some overlapping of species, particular...
Example of Zonation
- Rocky shores often show very clear distribution of species in horizontal belts in the intertidal zone. Environmental factors, such as temperature, wind exposure, light intensity, wave action, and salinity, vary as we move up and down this area. Therefore, the intertidal communities create bands that differ in the species that occupy them. Within it, the intertidal zone has been categori…
Related Biology Terms
- Biome– A large ecological community characterized by its climate and the animals and plants living in it.
- Ecosystem– A system made up of living organisms and their interactions with their environment.
- Succession– Change that occurs in an ecological community over time.
- 1. What makes it challenging for organisms to live in intertidal zones? A. The water is not clean enough in the intertidal zone B. There are hardly any nutrients in the intertidal zone C. The changes in environmental conditions during the day can be harsh D.Sunlight doesn’t reach the intertidal zone 2. Which of the following is an example of a biotic factor? A. Predation B. Sunligh…