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what is the tentative period

by Dr. Santos Schmeler DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Tentative Period. Period of vocational development in which adolescents think about careers in more complex ways, at first in terms of their interests and soon--as they become more aware of personal and educational requirements for different vocations--in terms of their abilities and values. Click to see full answer.

Tentative Period. Period of vocational development in which adolescents think about careers in more complex ways, at first in terms of their interests and soon--as they become more aware of personal and educational requirements for different vocations--in terms of their abilities and values.

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What is the meaning of tentative?

of the nature of or made or done as a trial, experiment, or attempt; experimental: a tentative report on her findings. unsure; uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant: a tentative smile on his face. QUIZ YOURSELF ON AFFECT VS. EFFECT!

What is the tentative period in vocational education?

Tentative period. Starting at the end of middle childhood, with the onset of formal operations, adolescents begin to understand vocational decision making in more complex ways.

What is an example of a tentative contract?

Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective The tentative contract would give teachers $4,000 in bonuses next year while increasing substitute pay up to $60 per day. — Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 Jan. 2022 Van de Beek’s preference, and tentative talks with United are believed to have already taken place.

Is the present translation necessarily tentative?

The present translation is necessarily tentative in many places, but it is hoped marks an advance over those already published. A tentative cry issued from the baby; a bass exclamation issued from Jed Lewis.

What is tentative in a sentence?

What does "tentative" mean in the context of trial and error?

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What is commitment in relativistic thinking?

Term. Commitment within relativistic thinking. (Perry) Definition. Instead of choosing between opposing views, they try to formulate a more personally satifiying perspective that synthesizes contradictions.

What is dualistic thinking quizlet?

dualistic thinking. dividing information, values, and authority into right and wrong, good and bad, we and they, etc. ( wrong and right/good and bad) Relativistic Thinking. viewing all knowledge as embedded in a framework of thought (everyone can come to their own version of the truth)

Why do educators scholars and policy makers call the population of non college bound youth the forgotten?

Why do educators, scholars, and policy makers call the population of non-college-bound youth the "forgotten"? c. Because relatively few resources are directed toward learning about and assisting them.

What is epistemic cognition?

Epistemic cognition is knowledge about the fundamental nature of knowledge, especially the justification and truth of beliefs. Research on epistemic development beyond childhood shows progress from objectivist to subjectivist to rationalist conceptions of knowledge.

What is epistemic cognition quizlet?

epistemic cognition. refers to our reflections on how we arrived at facts, beliefs, and ideas. dualistic thinking. dividing information, values, and authority into right and wrong, good and bad, we and they. relativistic thinking.

What is an eating disorder that is marked by eating very large amounts followed by fasting?

Binge-eating disorder is a condition where people lose control of their eating and have reoccurring episodes of eating unusually large amounts of food. Unlike bulimia nervosa, periods of binge eating are not followed by purging, excessive exercise, or fasting.

What is meant by the forgotten half?

Roughly half of America's youth do not go to college. These individuals do not generally receive the support and assistance in starting their adult lives that their college-bound counterparts do. Thus they may be referred to as the "Forgotten Half."

Why do non traditional students have strengths that traditional students may not?

Why do nontraditional students have strengths that traditional students may not? They tend to show a readiness to learn and a problem-centered orientation toward learning. Why does substance use tend to decline in the 30's? Because young adults become parents and transition into new family roles.

Tentative Definitions | What does tentative mean? | Best 8 Definitions ...

Define tentative. Tentative as a adjective means Not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional..

What does tentative mean? definition, meaning and audio pronunciation ...

Dictionary entry overview: What does tentative mean? • TENTATIVE (adjective) The adjective TENTATIVE has 2 senses:. 1. under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon 2. unsettled in mind or opinion Familiarity information: TENTATIVE used as an adjective is rare.

Tentative Definition & Meaning |

Tentative definition, of the nature of or made or done as a trial, experiment, or attempt; experimental: a tentative report on her findings. See more.

48 Synonyms & Antonyms of TENTATIVE - Merriam-Webster

Synonyms for TENTATIVE: conditional, contingent (on or upon), dependent, subject (to); Antonyms for TENTATIVE: independent, unconditional

TENTATIVE | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

tentative definition: 1. (of a plan or idea) not certain or agreed, or (of a suggestion or action) said or done in a…. Learn more.

What is fantasy period?

Fantasy period. Starting in early childhood, young children become aware of the world of work, and the options and status connected to particular vocations. Across early and middle childhood, children explore job options largely through imagination and fantasy (Howard & Walsh, 2010).

What is status hierarchy?

Status hierarchies organized around class (wealth and education, or socioeconomic status, SES) mean that the processes of vocational choice differ markedly between youth from rich and poor backgrounds. Some young people from low-wealth backgrounds do not have the privilege of attending college or exploring career options.

What is vocational development?

Instead vocational development is a process that is deeply entwined with identity development, and so includes dimensions focused on meaning, value, motivation, emotion, and social relationships. It is a task that is actively negotiated and can be fraught with confusion, anxiety, and frustration.

Why is vocational decision making reopened?

Just like identity development, vocational decision-making can be re-opened at later ages for any number of reasons: dissatisfaction with a current line of work, lay-offs or recessions, geographical relocation, emergence of new job sectors, or changes in other life domains (e.g., divorce or birth of a child).

Examples of TENTATIVE DUE DATE in a sentence

If the Buyer pays the Purchased Receivable after the Seller and the Buyer agree upon the Scheduled Due Date for the Purchased Receivable, then the Purchaser and the Seller shall make payments to each other as follows: (i) SCHEDULED DUE DATE PRIOR TO TENTATIVE DUE DATE.


Recalculation Date means the Valuation Date that gives rise to the dispute under Paragraph 5; provided, however, that if a subsequent Valuation Date occurs under Paragraph 3 prior to the resolution of the dispute, then the “Recalculation Date” means the most recent Valuation Date under Paragraph 3.

What is tentative in a sentence?

Examples of tentative in a Sentence. Adjective In the winter, retirees from the Midwest fill the trailer parks. They are known with tentative affection as snowbirds. — William Langewiesche, Atlantic, June 1992 Clearly the President was chastened by the sorrow and resentment of the people to whom he spoke, but his words were somehow tentative ...

What does "tentative" mean in the context of trial and error?

A " Tentative " Explanation. Tentative is from the Latin tentare (“to attempt”), and its original meaning was “attempted, provisional, experimental.”. It is easy to see how this emphasis on trial and error led to the word’s current sense “not fully worked out or developed” (as in "a tentative date," "tentative plans," "a tentative job offer").

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