Words with the suffix “able”
- Account + able = accountable. Required to justify actions or decisions; responsible
- Accrue + able = accruable. ...
- Achieve + able = achievable. ...
- Adjust + able = Adjustable. ...
- Answer + able = answerable. ...
- Audio + able = Audible. ...
- Approach + able = Approachable. ...
- Avail + able = Available. ...
- Charge + able = Chargeable. ...
- Adore + able = Adorable. ...
What words end with the suffix able?
understandable = understand + able, enjoyable = enjoy + able, comfortable = comfort + able, dependable = depend + able. If the root word ends in ' e ' then usually we drop the 'e': value + able = valuable, desire + able = desirable, move + able = movable, believable, excitable.
What are some words with the suffix able?
Let’s just look at some common ones:
- accept→accept able
- adapt→adapt able
- adjust→adjust able
- avoid→avoid able
- bend→bend able
- break→break able
- build→build able
- buy→buy able
- catch→catch able
- chew→chew able
What words end with able?
15-letter words that end in able
- interchange able
- photodegrad able
- unchallenge able
- incommensur able
- unobjection able
- unexception able
- unpronounce able
- uncompromis able
- uncopyright able
- nonsediment able
What does the suffix able mean?
The suffixes “-able” and “-ible” are both used to form adjectives meaning “possible, capable of, suitable for, or causing.” Of the two, “-able” is much more common: it is what’s known as a “living” or “productive” suffix, meaning that it is still being used to create new words.
What does "able" mean in a sentence?
Words ending in “-able” or “-ible”. The suffixes “-able” and “-ible” are both used to form adjectives meaning “possible, capable of, suitable for, or causing.”. Of the two, “-able” is much more common: it is what’s known as a “living” or “productive” suffix, meaning that it is still being used to create new words.
What is the most common spelling change made to a word when “-able” is attached?
The most common spelling change made to a word when “-able” is attached is for silent E to be omitted from the end of the word and replaced with the suffix (though this is not always the case). For example:
Why is it so hard to remember which suffix is correct?
Because they are spelled so similarly and have the same pronunciation ( /əbəl/ ), it can sometimes be hard to remember which is the correct one to use. Unfortunately, there are not very many conventions we can follow to know which suffix to use (and those that do exist are not always reliable).
What is the difference between edible and eatable?
The words eatable and edible are nearly identical in meaning, but there is a subtle distinction in the way each is applied. Edible is most commonly used to describe something that is fit to be eaten. For example, a piece of fruit is edible, but imitation plastic fruit is inedible.
What does "ible" mean in spelling?
Sometimes an “-ible” word is related to an existing base word, but the spelling must change slightly to accommodate it. This also occurs with certain words when they attach to “-able” (e.g., when the suffix replaces “-ate” or “-y” becomes “-i-”), but “-ible” can result in much more drastic changes to the spelling of the base word.
What does "defensible" mean?
Defensible is generally used to describe something that is capable of being defended through logical (i.e., non-physical) means, such as an idea or a decision. While it can also relate to physical defense (such as in combat), the former meaning is much more common.
What is the silent E in the word ageing?
discoura ged, discoura ging. mana ged, mana ger, mana ging. (*In British English, the silent E is usually kept in the word ageing, whereas it is usually omitted in American English.) While most common when coming after C/G + E, this convention of keeping E before “-able” does occur after other consonants as well.