Full Answer
What does it mean to be a controversial person?
If you describe something or someone as controversial, you mean that they are the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval. Immigration is a controversial issue in many countries. What is an example of a controversy? con·tro·ver·sy. Use controversy in a sentence. noun.
What would happen if nobody said anything controversial?
Look, if nobody ever said anything controversial, there wouldn't be discussions, conversations, debates, and critical thinking. Most people might avoid bringing up controversial thoughts out of fear of how others might respond. After all, when you speak up, plenty of people will be there to shoot you down.
How do you avoid controversial topics over dinner?
The best way to avoid controversial topics over dinner is to only invite people to dinner who have good manners. That way, no one has to referee the topics of conversation because everyone is willing to accept a change of topic without demur or the need to get in just one last comment as soon as anyone indicates discomfort.
What is it called when you say something without saying it?
adjectivedebatable; open to discussion. arguable. controversial. doubtful. dubious. Secondly, what is the word for saying something without saying it? innuendo. Innuendo in Latin means "to point to" or "nod to." When you refer to something indirectly, you point at it without mentioning it, making an innuendo.
What is another way of saying controversial?
In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for controversial, like: arguable, contestable, subject to controversy, open to doubt, open to discussion, debatable, open to debate, doubtful, in-question, contentious and agreeable.
Are there good alternatives to controversy?
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) refers to the different ways people can resolve disputes without a trial. Common ADR processes include mediation, arbitration, and neutral evaluation. These processes are generally confidential, less formal, and less stressful than traditional court proceedings.
Is peaceful opposite of controversial?
“The proposal is largely uncontroversial, but the dilatoriness of the government has held things up.”...What is the opposite of controversial?uncontroversialnoncontroversialacceptedincontrovertiblesafeuncontendedundebatablepeacefulundisputedundoubted2 more rows
Which would be the closest synonym for the word controversy as it is used above?
1 disagreement, altercation. 2 quarrel, wrangle.
Which is the closest antonym for the word controversial?
antonyms for controversialsure.agreeable.incontrovertible.peaceful.uncontroversial.undisputed.undoubted.unquestionable.More items...
What is the meaning of controversial issues?
A controversial issue is one which results in dispute and disagreement due to a difference of opinion.
What is the synonym of debatable?
arguable, doubtful, dubious, moot, problematic, questionable, uncertain, between rock and hard place, betwixt and between, bone of contention, borderline, chancy, contestable, disputable, iffy, in dispute, problematical, touch and go, undecided, unsettled.
What is the synonym of questionable?
Some common synonyms of questionable are doubtful, dubious, and problematic.