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what is the difference between reward power and coercive power

by Ellen Quigley Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Formal Power Sources

  1. Coercive Power You use coercive power when you threaten that people will be punished in order to gain compliance, such as threatening that they will be fired or demoted ...
  2. Reward Power You use reward power when you use rewards to achieve compliance with your wishes. ...
  3. Legitimate Power

Coercive And Reward Power
Coercive power is the power that comes from being able to punish people; 'If you don't do this thing by Friday you will be fired. ' Reward power is the flip side of that; 'If you do this by Friday, then you can take Monday off. '
Mar 19, 2017

Full Answer

Is coercive power more effective than reward power?

In spite of how coercive power can have an incredible short-lived effect, it should appear fairly obvious that reward power is, according to Lewicki et al (1985:247), far more likely to generate coveted results, with less close observation and control than coercive power. Yet, the use of coercion in negotiations is a common occurrence.

What is coercive power of power?

Coercive power means, to force someone to do a job without his willingness. i.e. to get a job done by threatening someone with a weapon or through blackmailing of something or even through exploitation of someone’s helpless condition. e.g. The bank manager was coerced into sanctioning loan against a punishment transfer to a remote forest branch.

What is reward power and how is it used?

Reward Power can be gained from one's capacity to reward compliance. Reward power is used to support legitimate power.

What is the difference between legitimate power and coercive power?

Coercive power is the ability of a manager to force an employee to follow an order by threatening the employee with punishment if the employee does not comply with the order. Legitimate power stems from the manager's position in the organization and the authority that lies in that position. Is coercive power effective?

What is the meaning reward power?

Reward power is the formal power given to a work leader to give out rewards to other employees. It is a position power, which means the source of power is based on a leader's position with a company. An example of reward power is a manager or supervisor who incentivizes higher performance from employees.

What is the difference between coercive and legitimate power?

Coercive power is defined as “harsh” power, as the capacity to detect and sanction unlawful behavior (Raven et al., 1998; Turner, 2005). Legitimate power is defined as “soft” power and refers to the power of position, expertise, dissemination of relevant information, and identification (Raven et al., 1998, cf.

What is a coercive power?

Coercive power is a formal power source, where influencing agents use the threat of force to gain compliance from targets of influence. The force can include social, emotional, physical, political, or economic means, and is not always recognized by the target.

What is an example of coercive power?

Coercive power is conveyed through fear of losing one's job, being demoted, receiving a poor performance review, having prime projects taken away, etc. This power is obtained through threatening others. For example, the VP of Sales who threatens sales folks to meet their goals or get replaced.

What is reward authority?

Reward Authority Teachers have the ability to reward their students in many forms. Those rewards are usually employed to influence student behavior. This form of influence could be termed reward authority.

How do you use coercive power?

Coercive power is the ability of a manager to force an employee to follow an order by threatening the employee with punishment if the employee does not comply with the order. The most important concept to understand about coercive power is that it uses the application of force.

What is coercive power quizlet?

Coercive Power. based on a person's ability to punish; ability to force someone to comply through threat of physical, psychological or emotional consequences. Compliance based on fear of punishment. Expert Power.

Who used coercive power?

Coercive Power is one of The 5 Types of Power identified by psychologists John R. P. French and Bertram Raven in 1959. Coercive power is defined as the use of force to get an employee to follow an instruction or order, where power comes from one's ability to punish the employee for noncompliance.

What is meant by coercive control?

Coercive control is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.

What are some examples of coercion?

Mark knows it's a violation of school policy to help another student cheat, but he also doesn't want another bloody nose; so, he relents and gives Brett his homework. This is a classic example of coercion, wherein one party uses intimidation or threats to force someone to act against their will.

Why do people use coercive power?

One of the major benefits of using coercive power is that it gives managers and supervisors control over the way an organization operates. If employees continue to defy company policies or standards, managers need the authority to correct that behavior and coercive power gives them that authority.

Which of the following best explains coercive power?

Punish in private. What is Coercive Power? The power based on an agent's ability to cause the target to have an unpleasant experience is called coercive power. To coerce someone into doing something means to force the person to do it, often with threats of punishment.

What are the skills of a leader?

I think one of the essential skills of a leader is to be able to balance use of coercive power and reward power in leading employees . Each person responds differently to these two types of power–for some, coercive power motivates them, but for others, it might discourage them.

Is reward power the same as coercive power?

They’re more sensitive to coercive power. Reward power is much the same way. While one employee may crave and thrive on attention and reward, another might dismiss it as just a strategy. The example in the reading of the “employee of the month” title shows this. Some employees might think it’s a stupid reward, while other might strive to achieve it.

What is reward power?

Reward power. Reward Power can be gained from one's capacity to reward compliance. Reward power is used to support legitimate power. When someone is rewarded or might receive a potential reward such as through recognition, a good job assignment, a pay rise, or additional resources to complete a job, the employee may respond in kind by carrying ...

What is the opposite of reward power?

Coercive Power. Coercive power is the opposite of reward power. It is the ability of the power holder to remove something from a person or to punish them for not conforming with a request. For example:

Is reward power coercive or coercive?

Reward power is occasionally combined with coercive power, although the two different forms of power can be subject to semantic confusion. It is important to understand coercive power before comparing it with and measuring it against reward power.

Is coercive power effective?

Although this is likely the reason why coercive power can be effective, it is generally of short duration and can also generate a lengthy amount of dispute in its aftermath.

Is reward power more likely to generate coveted results?

In spite of how coercive power can have an incredible short-lived effect, it should appear fairly obvious that reward power is, according to Lewicki et al (1985:247), far more likely to generate coveted results, with less close observation and control than coercive power.

What is coercive power?

Coercive power is the opposite of reward power and is used by managers to punish subordinates for not meeting performance expectations or to deter subordinates from making decisions that will negatively affect the organization. Lesson Objectives.

What is reward power?

Reward power is the extent to which a manager can use rewards to influence others. Managers have power to reward subordinates for their actions when those behaviors meet or exceed performance expectations.

What is Bennie Hannah's power?

Bennie Hannah is a supervisor that has all three types of position power, i.e., legitimate power, reward power, and coercive power . Decide which Bennie is using when he does each of these things: 1. Bennie calls into his office an employee who has been consistently late to work.

What is the difference between legitimate power and coercive power?

Legitimate power and reward power are thought to be a positive use of power by subordinates, making them more likely to result in a positive response and greater compliance. Coercive power, however, can lead to a high degree of resistance and deliberate disobedience in subordinates who resent the use of coercive power by managers ...

What is the first type of power?

This lesson focused on the first type of power, known as positional power. Positional power is a result of a manager's position within the organization. The three main bases of positional power include legitimate power, reward power and coercive power. Legitimate power stems from the manager's position in the organization and the authority ...

What is the most commonly recognized form of power that a manager has?

The most commonly recognized form of power that a manager has is positional power . Positional power is a result of a manager's position within the organization. The three main bases of positional power include legitimate power, reward power and coercive power.

What is legitimate power?

Legitimate power stem s from the manager's position in the organization and the authority that lies in that position. Subordinates acknowledge the legitimate power that comes from being in a leadership position in an organization. Reward power is the extent to which a manager can use rewards to influence others.

What is coercive power?

Coercive power comes from the idea that a leader can use threats to make people follow his orders. Coercive power is also linked to the idea of punishment and used in organizations in matters such as transfers, firing, and poor appraisals. Coercive power can instill fear in people and sometimes disrupt lives and future prospects.

What is reward power?

Reward power is, as the name suggests, based on the idea of a reward. It is exercised by influencing people with material benefits such as a salary hike, important projects, and special training and promotions. It is one of the commonest types of power but is usually not concentrated in one person in large organizations as different teams take a collective call on such.

What is legitimate power?

Legitimate power is wielded by people who officially hold a position of power in a business organization or a government department. It stems from formal authority but is generally temporary as it is available only for the duration of a person’s stay in a post.

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