What’s the Difference?
- Brisket Flat Overview. The flat is the flatter, meatier and leaner part of a whole brisket. ...
- Brisket Point. The brisket point is the other half of the whole brisket. ...
- The Brisket Flat Vs. the Brisket Point. ...
- Two Best Recipes for Brisket Flat Around the Web. Here are our favorite recipes for each cut that both enhance and compliment the rich beefy flavor. ...
Where can I buy a whole brisket?
Most whole briskets will come in a cryovac package and can either be out in the meat section of your grocery store or behind the counter. I’ve also found Costco and Sam’s club to be pretty consistent sources of whole packer briskets. The next thing to know about is grades of beef.
Where to cut a whole brisket?
The quickest steps to follow to teach you how to carve brisket:
- Allow the meat to rest for a minimum of 20 minutes to ensure the juices don’t dry up
- Use a serrated knife to ensure a precise, even carving
- Cut the brisket in half to separate the flat from the point
- Carve your brisket flat against the grain and try to carve in one single motion to prevent the meat from breaking into pieces
Which part of the brisket is best?
These include:
- Since brisket is very tough, it is best to cook it for a long time at low temperatures
- Brisket can be prepared by braising and smoking
- You can brine the beef brisket to turn it into corned beef
- The crockpot is an excellent container for cooking beef brisket
- Brisket can be grilled or cooked in the oven
How long to smoke a flat brisket?
- - ½ Cup Paprika
- - ½ Cup Salt
- - ½ Cup Sugar
- - ½ Cup Granulated Garlic
- - ¼ Cup Granulated Onion
- - ¼ Cup Chili
- - ¼ Cup Cumin
- - 2 Tablespoons Black Pepper
- - 2 Tablespoons Dry Mustard
- - 1 Tablespoon Cayenne Pepper
Which is better whole brisket or flat brisket?
The flat is a leaner muscle, and is usually less moist and a bit less tender than the fattier point. The brisket point is the more tender section of the whole beef brisket. It contains a bit more internal marbling than the flat, making it more juicy when cooked.
Is brisket flat the same as brisket?
The flat cut makes up the majority of the brisket. It's long and thin with a thick layer of fat on top that keeps the meat moist when cooked. This cut is best for slicing and most likely what you'll find in your supermarket. It's also the best cut of brisket to use for Homemade Corned Beef.
Why is flat brisket more expensive?
Stores usually price higher if it is a cut that wastes part of the beef. This means that a flat cut brisket is pricier, at around $8 a pound, while a packer or Texas brisket cut can be as low as $2 or $3 per pound. Costs may also be higher if you get a small brisket instead of buying it in bulk.
Which cut of brisket is best for smoking?
When looking for a brisket for your smoker you want an untrimmed or “packer” cut. This cut has the point and the flat part together. These briskets should have a nice even fat cap with no gouge marks exposing the meat. The fat should be a nice white color.
What is beef brisket called in the grocery store?
Brisket itself is the cut of meat and there is no other name. When the meet is corned or made into pastrami it is marinated in a liquid for many days. We do it by hand in a crock. You can buy it « corned » in your local supermarket.Apr 10, 2021
How can you tell if a brisket is flat?
The “Flat” has more meat. The “Point” has more fat. In this photo, you see from the side, the flat is on top, the point is on the lower left. The brisket has a grain.
Which is more tender brisket point or flat?
The point is the most tender due to its extra fat content; it self-bastes and holds juice and moisture pockets throughout the meat. This means it is less likely to dry out during cooking compared to the flat.
Should I smoke a whole brisket or just the flat?
The Bottom Line If you don't have time to smoke a whole packer brisket, it's fine to choose between the point and the flat. Both cuts yield delicious results when prepared on the smoker. Just remember that the flat is leaner and easier to slice, while the point yields a more intense beef flavor and less meat overall.
Can you smoke just the flat of a brisket?
If you love tailgating and BBQ but hate getting/staying up at ungodly hours to tend a whole packer brisket the night before a game then we have a solution for you: smoked brisket flats. Cooking just the flat of the brisket is a great way to tailgate because they take much less time to cook and are, well, brisket!
Can you cut a brisket in half to fit in smoker?
You can cut a packer brisket in half if the smoker is too small to fit the whole thing, or if you're working on a tight schedule. It's easiest if you divide the meat into the two subprimal cuts known as the point and the flat.
How do you pick a good brisket?
When buying a whole brisket, choose one that has the thickest and most uniform flat that you can find. Some briskets taper off too much in this area, which will result in uneven cooking and dry, wasted meat that you'd have to discard anyway. Choose a brisket with a flat that is at least 1 inch thick at the end.Nov 2, 2018
How many hours per pound does it take to smoke a brisket?
Our general rule of thumb is to plan on between 30 and 60 minutes per pound. For example, a 16-pound brisket cooked at 275 degrees Fahrenheit will take between 10 and 12 hours. The entire process from trimming, injection, seasoning, and cooking will take between 18 and 20 hours.
What is Brisket and Where Does It Come From?
Brisket comes from the chest section of a steer, and essentially is the main muscle that supports the weight of the animal as it stands and moves around.
Brisket Point vs Flat – Which Is Better?
The answer to which is better between the point and the flat ultimately comes down to your preferences and what you’re trying to accomplish on the smoker . Both are tasty and quite receptive to a nice brisket rub.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you absolutely should separate the point from the flat when you are cooking a brisket. To do this, you will need to remove the layer of fat that is in between the point and the flat, connecting them to one another.
Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, you really can’t go wrong between the brisket point vs brisket flat. Each of these sections of the packer brisket yield incredible BBQ, but knowing the difference is helpful when you’re at the butcher counter deciding what’s for dinner.
What Is Flat Cut?
Also known as the first cut, the flat cut is that part of the whole brisket where there is lean muscle. When you remove the deckle, this part lays flat, hence, the reason it’s called a flat cut. The flat can include a thick layer of fat which is called the cap.
What Is Point Cut?
The brisket point cut is that part where, when you have separated the whole packer, you have most of the fat. This cut is thick, small, has connective tissue. The result of the high-fat layer is more flavor when smoked. However, the point doesn’t have as much meat as the flat has.
How to Separate a Brisket Point and Flat?
First, you should know the essence and reasons you may want to separate a flat from a point.
Beef Brisket: Flat vs Point Side-by-Side Comparison
So, what’s the best part for smoking, the point or the flat? The point and the flat are both delicious parts. So, telling which is better for smoking can be difficult. However, it depends on what you’re looking to get and your taste.
Best Way to Cook Brisket Point
There are many ways to smoke a brisket. But the point requires extra care as you have a lot of fat here, especially if you’ve decided not to strip the fat. Texas brisket is best cooked with a fat layer of around 6mm and you can get this with the point. Therefore, we’ll be showing you how to cook a brisket point the Texas-style.
Best Way to Cook Brisket Flat
Here also, we’ll see how to smoke brisket flat the Texas style. The difference between the process of the two is basically in the temperature. The temperature can be varied. You may start with 225 degrees Fahrenheit and add about 30 degrees more in 30 minutes and another 30 degrees in another 30 minutes.
Final Thoughts
The brisket flat and point are the main muscle part of the brisket in an animal, which lies in the animal’s chest, specifically, the first five ribs. While the flat seems to be thicker and beefier, the point has a lot of fat and due to this, it is usually very flavorful.
What is Brisket?
We have an entire article answering ‘ what is brisket’. But in summary, brisket is a pair of muscles, that if you’re looking at a cow side on, comes from the area of the chest, just above the front leg, or front a front view between the two front legs. The chest muscle, or pectorals.
Brisket Flat Overview
The flat is the flatter, meatier and leaner part of a whole brisket. It is 1-2 inches thick and can weigh anywhere between 5-10lbs. It has little in the way of interconnective tissue and can be tough if not cooked correctly.
Where to Buy Brisket Flat Online
Not as widely available as brisket point, not so many online stores seem to stock it, though there are a few sources, and Crowd Cow have 3 types to choose from:
Brisket Point
The brisket point is the other half of the whole brisket. It is thicker but smaller in overall dimensions. It has more marbling, fat, and connective tissue than the brisket flat cut. This means significantly more flavor from the extra fat but less meat yield.
Where to Buy Brisket Point Online
Crowd Cow’s brisket point is 100% grass-fed, sourced from Broadleaf Farms in New Zealand, and comes in at 5 lb in weight.
The Brisket Flat Vs. the Brisket Point
This is a whole brisket, both flat and point still attached to each other, being smoked whole.
Two Best Recipes for Brisket Flat Around the Web
Here are our favorite recipes for each cut that both enhance and compliment the rich beefy flavor.
What is Brisket?
The word brisket is used to refer to a specific cut of meat from a steer ( not to be confused with pork brisket ).
What is the Brisket Flat?
The Brisket Flat is also called the "first cut," "deep pectoral," or "navel." More scientificically, it's called the pectoralis profundi.
What is Brisket Point?
The brisket point is also called the "second cut" or "round"; I've also heard it called the "nose" by some butchers. More scientifically, it's called the pectoralis superficialis.
The Main Differences Between Brisket Point and Flat
There are three main differences between brisket flat and brisket point - size, fat content, and flavor.
A Quick Word about "Deckel" or "Deckle"
For some reason, a lot of resources like to call the point, the deckel (also spelled deckle). However, Brisket point is not the deckel.
Separating the Flat from the Point
Often times, you'll find the brisket flat separated from the brisket point. For example, corned beef will often come pre-packed in a brine solution and can use either the flat or the point.
Which is Better? Brisket Point or Brisket Flat?
This really comes down to personal preference. However, most folks who do barbecue, likely will tell you that their favorite part of the brisket is the point.
The Flat and Point Are Separated By a Layer of Fat
The brisket you see below shows of the flat and the point muscles, which are separated by a layer of fat. The dashed lines delineate the two muscles of the whole brisket shown in the following two pictures.
Brisket Flat and Point, Shown From The Opposite Side
On the right end of the brisket you can see how the grain direction of the point is different than the grain of the flat. There's a narrow vertical line of fat separating the two muscles.
Separating The Flat and Point
Shorter smoking time and improved flavor are two benefits of separating the two brisket parts before they're seasoned and smoked.
The Point, aka The Deckle, The Deckel, or Brisket Second Cut
You may come across the word "deckle" in your brisket studies. Deckle is simply another name for the point. The word is sometimes spelled deckel.
The Brisket Fat Cap Bastes the Beef As It's Smoked
There is a layer of fat on one side of the brisket which can vary in thickness.
Texas-Style Smoked Brisket
Here’s the dirty little secret about Texas-style smoked brisket: Most formal “recipes” are bogus because they focus on some fancy brisket rub or sauce and give you zero guidance in setting up your charcoal or wood smoker and running it between 225°F and 250°F for eight or more hours.
Easy Slow Cooker BBQ Beef Brisket
For the cooks who will never attempt a Texas brisket, nor lose any sleep over this fact, this is your pitch-perfect, fall-apart-tender brisket recipe. Some of us would prefer you not ever refer to the outcome as “barbecue,” but the same “us” would gladly accept an invite to eat this at your house, anytime.
Red Wine Braised Beef Brisket
Still, if you want to go a little more highbrow than Grandma Irma’s brisket, this is how you get there. (It takes a full bottle of wine, so be sure to get another one to drink along with.) Get the Red Wine Braised Beef Brisket recipe.
Burnt Ends
Burnt ends happen when a pitmaster surgically removes the point from a smoked brisket, cuts it into cubes, and tosses those cubes back on the cooker in a pan, where they turn into spicy, charred, fatty nuggets of bliss. When you’ve aced the art of the Texas-style smoked brisket, burnt ends are the next step in barbecue bravado.
Oven-Smoked Pastrami
There’s no easy way to say this: Making pastrami is not for weenies. It is a time-consuming endeavor that requires a huge hunk of brisket, a few special ingredients, and some MacGyver-ing in the kitchen. Truthfully, though, it’s not laborious; most of the time involved is just you waiting 10 days while the meat cures in the spice mix.
Slow-Cured Corned Beef Brisket
Yes, you can make a St. Patrick’s Day corned beef with the eye of round, but what would your ancestors think? The point cut is traditional (although a trimmed 5-pound packer cut would work fine, too) and yields fatty, seasoned slices perfect for a sandwich year-round. Get our Slow-Cured Corned Beef recipe.
Slow Cooker Barbacoa Beef Brisket
Brisket does well in the slow cooker, as we’ve already established, but slathering it in barbecue sauce isn’t your only option. Try a Mexican brisket with chipotle, garlic, cumin, and oregano, and pile those juicy chunks into tortillas for some of the best tacos you’ve ever had. Get the Slow Cooker Barbacoa Beef Brisket recipe.

What Is Brisket and Where Does It Come from?
Brisket Point vs Flat – Which Is Better?
- The answer to which is better between the point and the flat ultimately comes down to your preferences and what you’re trying to accomplish on the smoker. Both are tasty and quite receptive to a nice brisket rub. If sliced brisket is your thing, the flat is probably the way to go. Since the cut is rectangular and flat, it makes things incredibly ea...
Frequently Asked Questions
- Should You Separate the Point from the Flat on a Brisket?
Yes, you absolutely should separate the point from the flat when you are cooking a brisket. To do this, you will need to remove the layer of fat that is in between the point and the flat, connecting them to one another. To separate the point from the flat, you first need to locate both of these o… - Does the Flat Cook Faster Than the Point?
No, the flat does not cook faster than the point. In fact, it is the other way around, and the point cooks faster than the flat. When you begin cooking a brisket, the entire thing will often be very tough. But, the point will become tender a lot quicker than the flat. Generally speaking, if you coo…
Final Thoughts
- At the end of the day, you really can’t go wrong between the brisket point vs brisket flat. Each of these sections of the packer brisket yield incredible BBQ, but knowing the difference is helpful when you’re at the butcher counter deciding what’s for dinner. Have anything to add to the point and flat discussion? Which cut do you prefer? We’d love to hear from you in the comments secti…