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what is the chinese zodiac sign for aquarius

by Clark Schaefer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Western zodiac sign of Aquarius is the closest to the Chinese zodiac sign of the Tiger.

What animal is Aquarius in Chinese zodiac?

In the Chinese Zodiac, the animal, the Tiger, corresponds with the Western sign Aquarius. Here is an overview of the complete Chinese Zodiac as well as some interesting traits about each one. The Rat is the first animal in the Chinese Zodiac and this animal represents new beginnings.

What is an Aquarius sign?

Learn all about the Aquarius sign below. Independent and enigmatical, Aquarians are unique. There is no one quite like an Aquarius, and because each is so incredibly individual, it can be tough to describe them as a group. Aquarians don't like labels, and may shy away from any adjective—even the good ones you might bestow upon them.

What zodiac signs are Aquarius compatible with?

Convinced that the world in which he lives is not suitable or that it is too mediocre for him, the native of Aquarius must overcome his frustration if he wishes to develop his many talents, rather than slowly getting paralyzed in his daily live. Aquarius is the most compatible with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

What is the Chinese zodiac?

What Is the Chinese Zodiac? The Chinese zodiac, or shengxiao (/shnng-sshyao/ ‘born resembling'), is a repeating cycle of 12 years, with each year being represented by an animal and its reputed attributes. In order, the 12 Chinese horoscope animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

What is Aquarius lucky animal?

Aquarius is a true peacock. Known for their beautiful souls and ability to inspire others, Aquarius is the spiritual incarnation of a brilliant peacock on full display.

What is my Chinese zodiac animal?

Chinese Zodiac YearsChinese Zodiac SignYearsRat...1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020…Ox…1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021…Tiger…1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022…Rabbit… 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 ...8 more rows•May 17, 2022

What is the Chinese zodiac for February?

Chinese Lunar New Year - Calendar and Zodiac AnimalsIf you were born on or between these dates you are:Zodiac Animal and Characteristic2020 January 252021 February 11Rat2019 February 52020 January 24Pig2018 February 162019 February 4Dog2017 January 282018 February 15Rooster107 more rows

What is my Chinese zodiac month?

Chinese Zodiac Signs by MonthZodiac Animal SignMonthChinese NameSnakeMay 6 to June 5SiHorseJune 6 to July 5WuRam (Goat or Sheep)July 6 to Aug 5WeiMonkeyAug 6 to Sept 5Shen8 more rows

How do I know my Japanese zodiac?

The Twelve Signs of the Japanese ZodiacRat (nezumi) Born 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912. ... Ox (ushi) Born 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925, 1913. ... Tiger (tora) Born 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926, 1914. ... Dragon (tatsu) ... Snake (hebi) ... Horse (uma) ... Sheep (hitsuji) ... Rooster (tori)More items...•

Which Chinese zodiac is the luckiest?

Rat ranks as the first animal of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. It is also thought to be the luckiest zodiac sign- maybe the first one always means the best. People born in the year of the rat are destined for good luck.

What animal is January?

OxJanuary birth symbols: Aquarius. Animal: Ox. Stone: Garnet (Deep wine red) Flower: Carnation and Snowdrop.

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How many signs are there in the Chinese zodiac?

With the Chinese zodiac, the 12 signs are derived from the ancients' musings about archetypal animals, people's personalities and fortunes, and their relationships with one another and years of birth. A myth about a celestial race was later developed to explain the Chinese zodiac sequence.

Why is the Chinese zodiac important?

An important use of the Chinese zodiac is to determine if two people are compatible, in a romantic relationship or any kind of relationship. In ancient times people were faithful to Chinese zodiac compatibility and often referred to it before a romantic relationship began. Even nowadays some people still refer to it.

What is the luckiest/unluckiest Chinese zodiac sign?

In Chinese culture, the top 5 luckiest/most popular zodiac signs are Dragon, Snake, Pig, Rat, and Tiger conventionally.

What are the differences between Chinese zodiac and western astrology?

The main similarity between the two systems is that both systems are based on time periods of birth, and they both have 12 symbols or signs with associated personalities and fortunes.

What is the Chinese zodiac sign for 2021?

Chinese Zodiac. By Fercility Jiang Updated Jul. 26, 2021. 2021 is a year of the Ox, starting from February 12th and ending on January 31st, 2022. This is a Metal Ox year. 2022 will be a year of the Tiger.

What does it mean when you are born in a certain zodiac year?

People born in a certain zodiac animal year are believed to have attributes of that animal, which determines their personality traits and could either help or hinder a relationship.

How many years are in a zodiac year?

As there are 12 animal signs, a year of your birth sign occurs once per 12-year-cycle: when you are (about) 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and so on. According to Chinese astrology, people in their zodiac year are believed to offend Tai Sui, the God of Age, and incur his curse. It is believed to bring nothing but bad luck.

What is the zodiac sign of Aquarius?

Aquarius dates of birth range: the Sun crosses the zodiac constellation of Aquarius from January 21st until February 19th. Symbol: a water carrier. Element: Air. Planet: Uranus.

What does the house of Aquarius mean?

Meaning of the House of Aquarius: " we love ", friendship and fraternity, desire, protection, social relations, projects and financial gains. In world astrology, the House of Aquarius concerns places and persons of power (parliament, ministries, legislation).

Which zodiac sign is most compatible with Gemini?

Aquarius is the most compatible with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The Western zodiac sign of Aquarius is the closest to the Chinese zodiac sign of the Tiger. Indeed, the lunar calendar dates of the Month of the Tiger correspond roughly to the solar calendar dates of the zodiac sign of Aquarius .

Does Aquarius have cruelty?

While he can get caught in terrible anger outbursts, it's not uncommon that the negligence and lack of sensitivity of the native of Aquarius lead him to cruelty. Independent and rebellious, he dislikes any type of resistance to his whims, and doesn't admit being given orders.

What is the Story Behind the Chinese Zodiac?

There are many legends pertaining to the naming of the Chinese years after the animals of the world.

How many animals are in the Chinese zodiac?

There are 12 Chinese zodiac animals (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig). The Chinese zodiac is following a 60-year cycle. During this time, all the zodiac signs pass, one by one, through each of the five elements: metal, water, wood, fire, earth.

What Chinese Zodiac Signs Go Well Together?

Choosing the right mate or a compatible business partner will help to eliminate a great deal of stress and contribute to overall mental, emotional physical health, and longevity.

What is the Chinese zodiac sign for 2021?

Read ? : Chinese Horoscope 2021 – (Year of the Metal Ox ) for every chinese zodiac sign. According to the chinese horoscope, the animal ruling a person birth year has a great influence on personality, and destiny. China and other many Chinese communities around the world use the Chinese calendar , a lunisolar calendar for determine important ...

What is the Chinese sign of the monkey?

For the Chinese sign of the Monkey, 2022 will be a year of great wealth. The year 2022 brings happiness and improved health, which some of you have been waiting for a long time.

When is Chinese New Year 2021?

In 2021, Chinese New Year begins on Saturday, Jan. 12 and ends 01 February 2021 (when Year of the Tiger starts.) If you want find your chinese zodiac animal you must enter your date of birth (year, month, day) in our free chinese sign calculator: Calculate your Western and Chinese Astrological Signs. Year.

Is the Chinese rooster positive in 2022?

Overall, 2022 has a positive forecast for the Chinese sign Rooster . However, there will be some obstacles in your way, but you will be able to overcome them.

What is an Aquarius?

Aquarius is intellectual and analytical, but don't mistake these attributes for aloofness. Aquarians have deep passion, but they know jumping into something too quickly can cause more harm than good. Aquarians are often big-picture thinkers who can see connections in a way that eludes others.

What do Aquarians believe?

Aquarians believe in the nature of change and evolution, and even though they're a fixed sign, they may not necessarily believe they are the "same" people they were when they were born. Follow your intuition and speak to a psychic today! Follow your intuition and speak to a psychic today!

Why are Aquarians so concerned about others?

They are very concerned about others, not because of how others treat them or how they want others to treat them.

What is the secret weapon of Aquarius?

Aquarius' Secret Weapon. Their belief in the innate goodness of people. An Aquarian will never doubt you, even when you doubt yourself. Their ability to see the best in all people, even if people don't see those qualities in themselves.

What is the eleventh zodiac sign?

Top Love Matches: Sagittarius. Aquarius, the eleventh sign in the zodiac, belongs to those born between the dates of January 20th to February 18th. Learn all about the Aquarius sign below.

Is Aquarius a group?

Independent and enigmatical, Aquarians are unique. There is no one quite like an Aquarius, and because each is so incredibly individual, it can be tough to describe them as a group. Aquarians don't like labels, and may shy away from any adjective—even the good ones you might bestow upon them.

What is the zodiac sign of Aquarius?

Those of the Aquarius zodiac sign are humanitarian, philanthropic, and keenly interested in making the world a better place.

What is the meaning of Aquarius?

Aquarius Symbolism + Myth. The constellation of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, is one of the oldest of our current zodiac. Harking back to Babylonian times, the Aquarius constellation was associated with the protective god Ea, who carried an overflowing vase of water.

Why is Aquarius the eleventh house?

Aquarius was assigned the eleventh house of friends, alliances, and gifts since Aquarius’ social and intellectual pursuits are aligned with the concerns of this house.

What is the last sign of the zodiac?

Aquarius is the last of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental energy of endurance and stability in the middle phase of the four seasons. Aquarius begins the middle of winter, when the season is most “fixed” and established, lending to the tenacious, immovable, and somewhat stubborn tendencies of the formidable Aquarian intellect.

What is Aquarius's focus?

Aquarius tends to be focused on rationality and objectivity, qualities that are developed with wisdom, restraint, and eldership, when the sun may more easily shine in the world of drama, pride, and passion.

What is Aquarius' polarity?

Aquarius is in polarity with the fixed fire sign Leo. Ruled by the sun, Leo likes to radiate, conquer, and perform, where Aquarius, classically ruled by Saturn, likes to test, judge, and set boundaries. The sun, when in the opposite sign of his preferred home, is said to be in detriment, or at a sort of disadvantage in the cool and remote sign ...

What is Aquarius' archetypal traits?

Aquarius’ archetypal traits are derived from its active, masculine, or yang qualities, making this sign oriented toward engagement with the outer world. Alive in both an Aquarian woman or Aquarian man, those born with the Water-Bearer as their rising, sun, or moon sign have a clear objective, yet intelligent and inventive energy in their core personality, like the icy heart of winter.

How many elements are in the Chinese zodiac?

While I very much honor and recognize the fact that different cultures have different faiths with unique traditions, it's still validating to see that everyone is connected to each other in some way, shape, or form. Even though the Western astrological signs change monthly, and the Chinese zodiac signs change yearly, there's still a connection. For instance, you know how Western astrology has four elements (fire, earth, air, and water)? Well, the Chinese zodiac includes elements as well, three of which are the same (fire, earth, and water). Cool, right? The remaining two — yes, there are five in the Chinese zodiac — are wood and metal.

What is a snake in Chinese astrology?

You're a snake, Scorpio. Perhaps not literally, but according to Chinese astrology, this makes you seductive, analytical, and intuitive by nature. Makes all the sense in the world, TBH.

What is the Chinese zodiac sign for 2020?

So, to commemorate Lunar New Year 2020 — the Year of the Metal Rat — here are the Western astrological zodiac signs and their Chinese zodiac equals:

What is the zodiac sign of Pisces?

Pisces: You're A Pig (1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031) You're the 12th sign in astrology and the pig was also last to arrive in the Chinese zodiac. You're also both incredibly intelligent, creative, and totally adaptable to your surroundings. Total twinsies.

What is Gemini's personality?

Your oh-so-clever personality is similar, if not exactly, like the rat's. You're naturally curious, witty, and a brilliant conversationalist, Gemini. I mean, are you even surprised?

Is Capricorn a rooster?

Capricor n: You're A Rooster (1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029) A perfectionist at heart, you and the rooster are both practical and typically conservative. This also makes you straightforward and honest in your social exchanges.

Is Scorpio a snake?

Scorpio: You're A Snake (1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025) You're a snake, Scorpio. Perhaps not literally, but according to Chinese astrology, this makes you seductive, analytical, and intuitive by nature. Makes all the sense in the world, TBH.

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