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what is silver clean technology

by Orville Gerlach Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

SILVERCLEAN® is our exclusive nanoscale silver technology that provides continuous odor-free and antimicrobial performance to all products. It does so by eliminating odor-causing bacteria within our products. This antimicrobial protection lasts for the life of every item we sell - it will never wash out or wear off.

Full Answer

What is silverclean® technology?

SILVERCLEAN® is our exclusive nanoscale silver technology that provides continuous odor-free and antimicrobial performance to all products. It does so by eliminating odor-causing bacteria within our products.

What is silverclear®?

SilverClear® is a highly efficient antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-odor solution for the treatment of textiles. Based on our revolutionary “Silver Technology”, SilverClear® is economical, ecological, easy to apply, and will not affect the feel of the material in any way.

What is the significance of silver in cleaning cloths?

The significance of this is the fact that the antibacterial effect of the silver will continue to have a strong impact on the cleaning surface for the life of the cloth. Reply Cleaninup Kateon March 16, 2015 at 10:31 am

What is the antibacterial treatment of silver?

I would like to stress to anyone reading the article however that when it mentions “antibacterial treatment” of the silver, they are referring to bacteria IN THE CLOTH, not on the surface that is being cleaned. The fibers of the cloth do the cleaning and the silver kills bacteria in the cloth.

Why is silver important?

Silver has been an integral tool of human society for centuries. Through its antimicrobial properties, silver makes our daily lives cleaner and safer. Some notable examples include: The ancient Persians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians would use silver vessels in order to keep their drinking water clean. (Source)

What is the EPA number for silver additive?

Our exclusive silver additive is registered with the EPA. (EPA registration no. 83587-3)

Does NASA use silver ions?

NASA uses silver ions in their water purification systems. (Source) Silver has even been found effective in keeping milk from spoiling. (Source) Here at SILVERARMOR®, we’ve taken this history and made a quantum leap forward with SILVERCLEAN® technology.

How long does it take for Silverclear to work?

In a study conducted by NASA to review, test and improve biocontamination control in space suits worn by their astronauts, researchers determined that SilverClear was the only off-the-shelf antimicrobial that effectively eliminated ALL bacteria and fungi within the first three hours after application.

Is Silverclear a functional finish?

Versatile and cost-effective. SilverClear® is easily applied to textiles during the finishing stages, and is compatible with most functional and performance finishes. No additional processing steps are required.

Is Silverclear safe for pets?

Therefore, textiles protected with SilverClear® are very safe for humans and their pets.

Does Silverclear kill bacteria?

Most antimicrobial products are bacteriostatic, which means they only inhibit the growth of bacteria and don’t necessarily destroy them. Not only does SilverClear® completely neutralize the proliferation of bacteria, but it also destroys the bacteria practically on contact .

Do Samsung washers need bleach?

There's no need for hot water or bleach. There's a delay-wash option on the machine that lets you start a cycle at a convenient time. This machine has dispensers for bleach, prewash, and softeners. To reduce the noise often associated with front-loading washers, Samsung uses vibration reduction technology on this model so you don't have ...

Does a Samsung front load washer use bleach?

This Samsung front-load washer uses antivibration technology to run quieter and doesn't require bleach or hot water to clean clothes, so it saves energy and is better for the environment.

How does silver antibac work?

Once you’ve wiped up dirt, bacteria and viruses with your Antibac cloth, the silver works to inactivate the bacteria and viruses within the cloth. It does this by suffocating the bacteria so that it doesn’t get the oxygen it needs to survive.

How long does Norwex enviro cloth last?

30 Days of the Norwex Enviro Cloth

What is Nanotech micro made of?

NanoTech micro is made from endless microfibers by utilising Freudenberg technology. Nanosilver particles are imbened into the microfiber. The silver guarantees a strong antibacterial performance. Eisenhut continues “Together with our sister company Freudenberg Evolon in France, we analyzed the spun-bond non-woven material of our existing microfiber cloth and they found a clever way to embed Nano-scaled silver particles into the spinning process of the Evolon bi- component micro fiber base material. Those small particles are added like a master batch to the spinning resin and are equally distributed inside the split fibers. The advantage thereof is to have a maximum surface of silver at the outside of the fibers; however those particles are closely embedded and therefore keep their antibacterial properties for hundreds of washing cycles. Currently we are applying for a patent on this unique material and production technology.”

Does Norwex microfiber clean?

All Norwex microfiber works amazingly to clean surfaces and pick up dirt and bacteria, but here are …. 5 things you should know about your BacLock cloths: The Microfiber Cloth cleans your house (or car, or boat…) and the silver agent cleans your microfiber cloth!   Let me phrase that another way: THE SILVER DOES NOTCLEAN THE SURFACE.

Is silver nano silver?

The Silver is embedded into every strand of the microfiber and cannot be separatedfrom the fibers. It is NOT nano-silver. It is significantly larger than nano-silver and cannot penetrate the skin.

Can you wash raw meat juices with silver?

Sometimes there is more bacteria in the cloth than the silver can handle. So, if you just cleaned your toiletor raw meat juices, please launder your cloth before using it again.

Can you use Norwex antibac with silver?

Your Norwex BacLock /Antibac cloth must be wet to activate the silver. So if you’ve been using the Antibac cloth (or dusting mitt) dry and want to get rid of any bacteria that was picked up, you’ll need to moisten the cloth.

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