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what is a mutually exclusive project how should managers rank mutually exclusive projects

by Mr. London Renner Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How should managers rank mutually exclusive projects A mutually exclusive project is one, the acceptance of which would result in non-acceptance of other projects proposed to be undertaken by the company. Such a situation may view the full answer

When choosing between mutually exclusive projects, managers should rank the projects based on the NPV decision rule. The mutually exclusive project with the highest positive NPV should be chosen.

Full Answer

What is a mutually exclusive project?

A mutually exclusive project is one, the acceptance of which would result in non-acceptance of other projects proposed to be undertaken by the company. Such a situation ma …

Should I use IRR or NPV for mutually exclusive projects?

Nevertheless, when faced with a conflict between IRR and NPV in the case of mutually exclusive projects, it is suggested to go ahead with the NPV method as this happens to show the amount of real wealth gain for the company. The company will be able to optimally select the best project/investment that gives in the best returns.

Can a company invest in all three projects simultaneously?

It can’t invest simultaneously in all the three projects. In such situation, the company should opt for projects generating the maximum net present value i.e. Project B. Although Project A has higher IRR , in case of mutually exclusive projects, a decision based on net present value is theoretically sounder.

Should I Choose Project X or Project Y?

Project X should be chosen over Project Y. Since the two projects are mutually exclusive, only one project can be accepted. The decision rule that should be used is NPV. Since Project X has the higher NPV, it should be chosen. The cost of capital used in the NPV analysis appropriately includes risk.

What is meant by the term mutually exclusive projects How should managers rank mutually exclusive projects and why?

Mutually Exclusive Projects is the term which is used generally in the capital budgeting process where the companies choose a single project on the basis of certain parameters out of the set of the projects where acceptance of one project will lead to rejection of the other projects.

What are ranking mutually exclusive projects?

Mutually exclusive projects are capital projects which compete directly with each other. For example, if a manager has to make a choice strictly between undertaking either project X or Y, but not both of them concurrently, then projects X and Y are said to be mutually exclusive.

What is mutually exclusive project with example?

Mutually exclusive is a statistical term describing two or more events that cannot happen simultaneously. It is commonly used to describe a situation where the occurrence of one outcome supersedes the other. For example, war and peace cannot coexist at the same time. This makes them mutually exclusive.

What is mutually inclusive project?

Mutually Inclusive Partnerships brings together a number of social enterprises, programmes and initiatives specifically designed to respond to the challenges of creating more and better employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities.

What is meant by mutually exclusive?

Britannica Dictionary definition of MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. : related in such a way that each thing makes the other thing impossible : not able to be true at the same time or to exist together. War and peace are mutually exclusive. [=war and peace cannot exist at the same time]

How do you choose mutually exclusive projects?

Mutually exclusive projects: If the NPV of one project is greater than the NPV of the other project, accept the project with the higher NPV. If both projects have a negative NPV, reject both projects.

When evaluating mutually exclusive projects the firm should?

When considering two mutually exclusive projects, the financial manager should always select the project with the higher internal rate of return, provided the projects have the same initial cost.

What are mutually exclusive and mutually inclusive projects?

2 events are mutually exclusive when they cannot both occur simultaneously. 2 events are mutually inclusive when they can both occur simultaneously.

What is mutually exclusive and inclusive?

Thus, events A and B are mutually exclusive because they both cannot occur at the same time. The number that a dice lands on can't be even and odd at the same time. Conversely, two events are mutually inclusive if they can occur at the same time.

What is mutually exclusive project?

What are Mutually Exclusive Projects? Mutually Exclusive Projects is the term which is used generally in the capital budgeting process where the companies choose a single project on the basis of certain parameters out of the set of the projects where acceptance of one project will lead to rejection of the other projects.

What is the IRR of a project?

It is nothing but the discount rate that would make all of the present values of cash flows equal to the initial outlay. IRR is the discount rate at which the NPV of the project equals zero. Companies often have a hurdle rate or a required rate of return#N#Required Rate Of Return Required Rate of Return (RRR), also known as Hurdle Rate, is the minimum capital amount or return that an investor expects to receive from an investment. It is determined by, Required Rate of Return = (Expected Dividend Payment/Existing Stock Price) + Dividend Growth Rate read more#N#that serves as the benchmark.

Is NPV a disadvantage?

NPV, too, has its disadvantages as it does not consider the scale of a project. Nevertheless, when faced with a conflict between IRR and NPV in the case of mutually exclusive projects, it is suggested to go ahead with the NPV method as this happens to show the amount of real wealth gain for the company.

What is mutually exclusive project?

In capital budgeting, mutually-exclusive projects refer to a set of projects out of which only one project can be selected for investment. A decision to undertake one project from mutually exclusive projects excludes all other projects from consideration.

What is an independent project?

Independent (or non-mutually exclusive project) is favorable if the net present value is positive and/or IRR is higher than the hurdle rate and/or the payback period is shorter than a specific reference period.

Is mutually exclusive investment dependent on merit?

Unlike independent projects, in which a decision to invest in one project has no bearing on the decision to make investment in another, investment decision in case of mutually exclusive projects is dependent on the relative merit of the projects.


Methods Used by Companies to Evaluate Mutually Exclusive Projects


Does One Method Have An Advantage Over The other?

Does Npv seem Like A Better Option Then IRR?

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages
    1. The company will be able to optimally select the best project/investment that gives in the best returns. 2. The company will be able to commit their capital only to the optimal project considering the limited resources.
  • Disadvantages
    1. Though both projects generate positive NPVs, companies will have to select the winner and leave out the rest.
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Are There Any Changes Off Late in Mutually Exclusive Projects?


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