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what happens to dimmesdale at the end of chapter 23

by Ms. Idell Breitenberg MD Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Analysis: Chapters 23–24 This third and final scaffold scene serves as a catharsis, as all unsettled matters are given resolution. Pearl acquires a father, Dimmesdale finally confesses, and Chillingworth definitively loses his chance for revenge.

Dimmesdale finishes his Election Day sermon, which focuses on the relationship between God and the communities of mankind, “with a special reference to the New England which they [are] here planting in the wilderness.” Dimmesdale has proclaimed that the people of New England will be chosen by God, and the crowd is ...

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What happens in Chapter 23 of the Scarlet Letter?

Summary and Analysis Chapter 23 - The Revelation of the Scarlet Letter. As the procession of dignitaries marches to a banquet at the town hall, the feelings of the crowd are expressed in a spontaneous shout of tribute to Dimmesdale. "Never, on New England soil, has stood the man so honored by his mortal brethren,...

What happens at the end of Dimmesdale's Election Day sermon?

At the end of Dimmesdale's Election Day sermon, the crowd emerges from the church, inspired by powerful words they have just heard from a man whom they feel is soon to die. This moment is the most brilliant and triumphant in Dimmesdale's public life.

What happens to Dimmesdale at the end of the Crucible?

Although Dimmesdale may still doubt his choice and requires Hester's strength, in the end, he leaves his fate to God, trusting that His mercy will be more certain in death than Chillingworth's relentless torment is in life. Given that he is dying, Dimmesdale asks Hester whether confession is better than fleeing.

What does Dimmesdale ask Hester when he is dying?

Given that he is dying, Dimmesdale asks Hester whether confession is better than fleeing. She has lived for seven long years with the torment of her neighbors and the shame of her scarlet letter. She hurriedly answers him that perhaps the three of them dying together would be preferable, but if Dimmesdale dies alone what will she have?

What happens to Dimmesdale in the end?

Dimmesdale dies believing that his soul has been saved, but he does not get the chance to enjoy a life with Hester and Pearl. Hester is able to regain a sense of agency by voluntarily choosing to re-enter the community, and wearing the scarlet letter by choice rather than out of obligation.

What happens to Dimmesdale after he confesses?

The Puritan God is a punisher of sin. But by confessing, which none of the hypocritical Puritans do, Dimmesdale discovers the mercy of God and dies content, thankful even for his suffering.

Who killed Dimmesdale?

physician Roger ChillingworthJust which one came to this conclusion first is a bit uncertain. But both say physician Roger Chillingworth used poison to murder the Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale, the preacher who fathered a child by adulteress Hester Prynne. Chillingworth was Prynne's husband.

What kills Dimmesdale?

''I have no doubt that the Reverend Dimmesdale was surreptitiously poisoned by doses of atropine which Dr. Chillingworth extracted from plants mentioned in the book,'' said Dr.

What happens in chapter 23 of the scarlet letter?

At the end of Dimmesdale's Election Day sermon, the crowd emerges from the church, inspired by powerful words they have just heard from a man whom they feel is soon to die. This moment is the most brilliant and triumphant in Dimmesdale's public life.

What happened to Chillingworth after Dimmesdale's death?

Chillingworth's Legacy One such man known for the 'Devil's work,' Roger Chillingworth, becomes weak and drained after Dimmesdale's death. Now deprived of someone to vent his hatred on, Chillingworth dies shortly after Dimmesdale and leaves a large portion of his estate to Hester Prynne's daughter, Pearl.

How did Dimmesdale died?

Hester and her daughter Pearl are in the crowd of people and after Dimmesdale confesses he was Hester's lover and Pearl's father, he falls to the ground and dies in Hester's arms.

How did Dimmesdale punish himself?

Dimmesdale begins to torture himself physically: he scourges himself with a whip, he fasts, and he holds extended vigils, during which he stays awake throughout the night meditating upon his sin.

Why does Dimmesdale confess?

Dimmesdale knew that in order to redeem, he would need to part with the person he 'violated reverence' with, his guilt could not continue with Hester because he would be corrupt. The manhood he embodied was that of a innocent soul, and confessing his sin for God proved him to be an honest man.

How does Dimmesdale get the A on his chest?

Summary: Chapter 24: Conclusion Most say they saw on his chest a scarlet letter exactly like Hester's. To their minds, it resulted from Chillingworth's poisonous magic, from the minister's self-torture, or from his inner remorse.

Do Hester and Dimmesdale end up together?

Dimmesdale is broken by his own sense of guilt, and he publicly confesses his adultery before dying in Hester's arms. Only Hester can face the future bravely, as she prepares to begin a new life with her daughter, Pearl, in Europe.

Why does Dimmesdale feel guilty?

“All the dread of public exposure, that had so long been the anguish of his life, had returned upon him.” This line reveals the fear that leads to Dimmesdale being unable to take responsibility for his actions, thus leading to his overwhelming guilt.

Why is Dimmesdale appropriated by the Puritan system?

Even in his defiance, then, Dimmesdale is appropriated by the Puritan system as a means of reinforcing its pre established messages.

What does Dimmesdale say about the New England election?

As they move toward the town hall for the evening feast, Dimmesdale sees Hester and hesitates. Turning toward the scaffold, he calls to Hester and Pearl to join him. Deaf to Chillingworth’s attempt to stop him, Dimmesdale mounts the scaffold with Hester and Pearl. He declares that God has led him there. The crowd stares. Dimmesdale leans on Hester for support and begins his confession, calling himself “the one sinner of the world.”

What happened to Hester and Pearl in The Scarlet Letter?

Then, shortly after Chillingworth’s death, Hester and Pearl disappear. In their absence, the story of the scarlet letter grows into a legend. The story proves so compelling that the town preserves the scaffold and Hester’s cottage as material testaments to it. Many years later, Hester suddenly returns alone to live in the cottage and resumes her charity work. By the time of her death, the “A,” which she still wears, has lost any stigma it may have had. Hester is buried in the King’s Chapel graveyard, which is the burial ground for Puritan patriarchs. Her grave is next to Dimmesdale’s, but far enough away to suggest that “the dust of the two sleepers had no right to mingle, even in death.” They do, however, share a headstone. It bears a symbol that the narrator feels appropriately sums up the whole of the narrative: a scarlet letter “A” on a black background.

What is the story of the Scarlet Letter?

In their absence, the story of the scarlet letter grows into a legend. The story proves so compelling that the town preserves the scaffold and Hester’s cottage as material testaments to it. Many years later, Hester suddenly returns alone to live in the cottage and resumes her charity work.

What did the narrator see on Hester's chest?

Apparently, those who witnessed the minister’s death cannot agree upon what exactly it was that they saw. Most say they saw on his chest a scarlet letter exactly like Hester’s. To their minds, it resulted from Chillingworth’s poisonous magic, from the minister’s self-torture, or from his inner remorse. Others say they saw nothing on his chest and that Dimmesdale’s “revelation” was simply that any man, however holy or powerful, can be as guilty of sin as Hester. It is the narrator’s opinion that this latter group is composed of Dimmesdale’s friends, who are anxious to protect his reputation.

Why does Hester leave Boston?

She leaves Boston, presumably to give her daughter a better chance at a happy life, but in so doing ensures that her scarlet letter will become a “legend” and take on a kind of existence of its own.

What does the scarlet letter on Hester's chest mean?

While it gives her authority and even respectability among some people, it will always mark her as guilty of what society still considers a sin.

What happens when this scandal occurs at the scaffold?

When this scandal occurs at the scaffold, Pearl feels sorry for Dimmesdale and proceeds to kiss him out of mercy. However, there is yet another dimension to this act:

What is Pearl's role in the circle?

It completes the circle, redeems the characters, and also liberates them. Pearl's role as an "imp", "elf" and punisher of her mother's deeds is now over.

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