1. A type or mode, especially of sensation, of the senses or of medical treatment. 2. A quality that denotes mode, mood or manner. A factor or circumstance that makes a patient's symptoms better or worse. Modalities include such factors as time of day, room temperature, the patient's level of activity, sleep patterns, etc.
What does modalities mean in medical terms?
n. pl. modalities. Medicine A therapeutic method or agent, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or electrotherapy, that involves the physical treatment of a disorder. Physiology Any of the various types of sensation, such as vision or hearing. Similarly, it is asked, what are modalities in health care?
What does modality mean in medical terms?
What does modality mean in medical terms? Modalities are defined as "Any physical agent applied to produce therapeutic changes to biologic tissues; includes but not limited to thermal, acoustic, light, mechanical, or electric energy." They can be attended OR non-attended.
What are examples of modalities?
modality in a sentence Sentence examples by Cambridge . Education Just Now Examples of different check-modalities are calculation-checking and in vivo dosimetry, whereas two layers of independent calculation-checking would be of the same modality. From the Cambridge English Corpus We define middles as a sentence which contains a certain modality which lends a generic meaning to the sentence.
What is a modality in healthcare?
VITAS® Healthcare Inpatient Hospice Unit Opens at Sunrise Health and Rehabilitation Center Residents of South Florida's City of Sunrise now have increased access to high-quality hospice care through the VITAS Inpatient Hospice Unit (IPU) at Sunrise Health and Rehabilitation Center.
What are examples of modalities?
Typical types of modalities include electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, heat, ice, and traction.Ultrasound (US)Phonophoresis.Electrical Stimulation.Iontophoresis.Traction.Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation (TENS):Moist Heat (Hydrocollator)Cold/Ice.More items...
What are modalities in healthcare?
Modalities are defined as "Any physical agent applied to produce therapeutic changes to biologic tissues; includes but not limited to thermal, acoustic, light, mechanical, or electric energy." They can be attended OR non-attended.
What are patient modalities?
Modalities include all of the active treatment measures provided to the patient. It describes the treatment that will be provided to the patient. It describes the treatment that will be provided by various staff. A daily schedule of unit activities does not, in itself, constitute planned modalities of treatment.
What is the meaning of the modalities?
Definition of modality 1a : the quality or state of being modal. b : a modal quality or attribute : form. 2 : the classification of logical propositions (see proposition sense 1) according to their asserting or denying the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content.08-Feb-2022
What does modality mean in nursing?
(moh-DA-lih-tee) A method of treatment. For example, surgery and chemotherapy are treatment modalities.
What are modalities in pharma?
1. A form of application or employment of a therapeutic agent or regimen. 2. Various forms of sensation, for example, touch, vision, etc.
What is modalities of treatment?
Therapy (also referred to as “psychotherapy” or “counseling”) is a process through which a client meets with a therapist in a safe, confidential, and supportive environment.
What is a modality in chiropractic?
What are therapeutic modalities? Therapeutic modalities are non-surgical treatment methods used to complement your chiropractic adjustment and soft tissue work. These modalities offer another comfortable part of treatment to truly help you become complete again.
What are the 5 categories of modalities?
Physical therapists are trained in the therapeutic application of various basic physical agents that we call modalities. These agents are thermal [heat and cold], electrical, sound, light and mechanical, each briefly explained below.
What's another word for modalities?
What is another word for modality?methodprocedurestyletechniquetoneapproachsystemwaypracticeplan235 more rows
Is medication a modality?
Dictionary.com defines a modality as: “Medicine/Medical- the application of a therapeutic agent, usually a physical therapeutic agent”. It is also expected that the use of a modality will produce some sort of physiologic response or change.05-Apr-2017
What is modality in homeopathy?
modality. [mo-dal´ĭ-te] . 1.in homeopathy, a condition that modifies drug action; a condition under which symptoms develop, becoming better or worse. 2.a method of application of, or the employment of, any therapeutic agent; limited usually to physical agents. 3.a specific sensory entity, such as taste.
What is the term for any factor that alleviates or aggravates a main symptom as an expression of
A general term for any factor that alleviates or aggravates a main symptom as an expression of the uniqueness of the individual. Examples. Chest pain worsened by heat, by sitting, or at night. Oncology. A manner or type of therapy, such as teletherapy, brachytherapy, hyperthermia and stereotactic radiation.
What is a modality?
modality. (mō-dăl′ĭ-tē) n.pl.modali·ties. 1. MedicineA therapeutic method or agent, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or electrotherapy, that involves the physical treatment of a disorder. 2. PhysiologyAny of the various types of sensation, such as vision or hearing.