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what does jack come to ralphs came for

by Ms. Katherine Ward I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What does Jack take from Ralph's group?

4. What does Jack plan to steal from Ralph and Piggy? He plans to steal fire from them.

Why did Jack leave Ralphs?

After Ralph mocks Jack's hunters as “boys armed with sticks,” Jack erupts into an angry diatribe and rails against Ralph and his poor leadership skills. He insists that Ralph is a coward and that he himself would be a better leader. But after no one else agrees by vote, Jack leaves the group in tears.

What does Jack leave for the beast Why?

Jack and his hunters kill a sow and decide to leave an offering for the beast. They cut off the pig's head, and Jack asks Roger to 'sharpen a stick at both ends'. As Jack places the head on a stick he says: 'This head is for the beast. It's a gift'.

What plan does Jack explain to the boys what will they find what will they do with it and how is the beast involved?

His plan is to hunt—the same plan he has had all along. Jack says, "forget the beast," but just in case the beast is real, we will leave them an offering.

When did Jack separate from Ralph?

In chapter 8 of William Golding's Lord of the Flies, the conflict between Jack and Ralph deepens when Ralph expresses doubt that even Jack and his hunters could face the beast. Jack angrily leaves the group, taking some of the other boys with him.

What does Jack demand of his hunters?

Jack states that they must continue to guard against the beast, for it is never truly dead. He says that he and two other hunters, Maurice and Roger, should raid Ralph's camp to obtain more fire and that they will hunt again tomorrow.

What is Jack's plan for Ralph in chapter 12?

They tell him that Jack plans to send the entire tribe after him the next day. Ralph hides in a thicket and falls asleep. In the morning, he hears Jack talking and torturing one of the twins to find out where Ralph is hiding.

How does Jack challenge Ralph What is Ralph's response?

How does the Jack challenge Ralph? What is Ralph's response? Jack challenges Ralph by going up the mountain and asking Ralph to come with him, Ralph decides to go with him. When Jack returns to Ralph and Roger what does he tell them?

What does Jack say about Ralph's character in chapter 8 and why?

Jack tells the others that there is definitely a beast on the mountain and goes on to claim that Ralph is a coward who should be removed from his leadership role. The other boys, however, refuse to vote Ralph out of power.

What does Jack admit to Simon Ralph?

What does Jack admit to Ralph and Simon? Jack admits that he feels like he is the one being hunted when he's hunting for meat. he also says he knows there is nothing to it really.

What do Ralph Roger and Jack find at the top of the hill?

They find the parachutist at the top of the hill. They do not realize this because the shadow distorts the image, so they think it is really a beast.

How does Ralph learn of Jack's plans for him?

How does Ralph learn of Jack's plan for him? During the evening after the death of Piggy Ralph climbed the side of Castle Rock while Samneric were on guard duty and they informed him of Jack's plans.

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