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what does it mean when your arteries are patent

by Abbie Stiedemann Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

But patent is a good thing – it means that the artery is open and allows blood flow. Patent as stated before means open ie blood is getting through to the heart (im assuming its the heart we’re talking about as one of your tags is cardiology).

When a newborn breathes and begins to use the lungs, the ductus is no longer needed and usually closes by itself during the first 2 days after birth. If the ductus doesn't close, the result is a patent (meaning "open") ductus arteriosus.

Full Answer

What does the term "artery is patent" mean?

Patent means clear, without obstruction. So if an artery is patent, there is no blockages seen that could close it off and cause things like heart attacks or strokes.

What is patent vertebral arteries with antegrade flow?

Antegrade flow in the vertebral arteries refers to the flow of freshly oxygenated blood away from the heart toward the brain. The blood is channeled from the heart through the subclavian arteries before reaching the vertebral arteries. The vertebral arteries traverse the spine by entering at the sixth cervical vertebrae and exiting through the first cervical vertebrae at the top of the neck.

What is a patent and procedure for obtaining a patent?

What is the overall patent process? T he patent process for obtaining a patent protection involves 1) a patentability opinion, 2) preparation and filing of the patent application, 3) prosecution of the patent application, 4) issuance, abandonment or appeal of the patent application and 5) maintenance fees. Step 1: Patentability Opinion

What is a patent and why register a patent?

Patents provide a method of demonstrating a legal right to exclusive use of an idea – for a period of time. If infringement occurs (intentionally or accidentally) a patent provides legal teeth for defining a remedy. For companies with integrity, Patents provide a road map of competitors areas to avoid.

What does patent artery mean?

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a condition in which the ductus arteriosus does not close. The word "patent" means open. The ductus arteriosus is a blood vessel that allows blood to go around the baby's lungs before birth.Oct 22, 2019

Is a patent artery good?

A small patent ductus arteriosus often doesn't cause problems and might never need treatment. However, a large patent ductus arteriosus left untreated can allow poorly oxygenated blood to flow in the wrong direction, weakening the heart muscle and causing heart failure and other complications.Jan 7, 2021

What is patent arterial duct?

Patent ductus arteriosus or patent arterial duct (PDA) is a condition in which a structure called the ductus arteriosus, normal in fetal life, remains into infancy and onwards, when it should have disappeared.

What does the aorta is patent mean?

Before birth, blood pumped from the heart through the pulmonary artery toward the lungs is shunted into the aorta. This arterial shunt is a short vessel called the ductus arteriosus. When the shunt is open, it is said to be patent.Mar 29, 2021

When should PDA be repaired?

PDA repair or closure. Repair is usually indicated in infants younger than 6 months of age who have large defects that are causing symptoms, such as poor weight gain and rapid breathing. For infants who do not exhibit symptoms, the repair may often be delayed until after 6 to 12 months of age.

Will PDA close on its own?

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is an extra blood vessel found in babies before birth and just after birth. In most babies who have an otherwise normal heart, the PDA will shrink and close on its own in the first few days of life. If it stays open longer, it may cause extra blood to flow to the lungs.

What causes patent ductus arteriosus?

It occurs because a normal fetal connection between the aorta and the pulmonary artery does not close as it should after birth. PDA happens most often in premature infants. It often occurs with other congenital heart defects. A small PDA may close on its own as your child grows.

Is patent ductus arteriosus hereditary?

Preterm patent ductus arteriosus is highly familial (contributed to by genetic and environmental factors), with the effect being mainly environmental, after controlling for known confounders.

Is PDA life threatening?

It is important to correct PDA because it can lead to congestive heart failure and a disease of the right side of the heart (called cor pulmonale) later in life. PDA also increases the risk of endocarditis, a life-threatening infection of the lining that covers the heart chambers, valves, and main arteries.

What does patent mean medically?

Open, unobstructedPatent (adjective): Open, unobstructed, affording free passage. Thus, for example, the bowel may be patent (as opposed to obstructed). Pronounced "pa-tent" with the accent on the first syllable.

What does patent mean on a CT scan?

[pa´tent] 1. open, unobstructed, or not closed. 2.

What does PDA mean medically?

Patent ductus arteriosus, or PDA, is a heart defect that can develop soon after birth. It affects the way blood flows through a baby's lungs. Mild PDA might not need treatment, but some children with the defect may require catheterization or surgery.

Can you tell me what this mean? anterior and posterior

can you tell me what this mean? anterior and posterior circulation is widely patent. anterior and middle cerebral arteries are patent bilaterally. the vertebral and basilar are patent. bilateral posterior cerebral arteries are patent. there is an anatomic variant with fetal orgin of the right posterior cerebral artery. i have lost my insurance and cant go back to the doctor at this time, and ...

What does widely patent carotid artery mean?

Found this definition of widely patent through Google : There are two carotid arteries that carry blood from the heart to the brain. A widely patent carotid artery is one that open, unobstructed and that allows the free passage of blood through the artery.

"Flow-void" sign at MR imaging: a rare finding of extracranial head and ...

The authors present two cases of extracranial head and neck schwannomas that exhibited the "flow-void" sign at MR imaging. In the described cases, MR images showed intratumoral signal voids, which corresponded to dilated vessels. Dynamic contrast-enhanced CT also demonstrated dilated vessels within …

What does 70% stenosis mean?

Stenosis means narrowing and not obstruction. 70% stenosis means the artery is 70% blocked but it also means 30% NOT blocked. If this is ... Read More. 1 doctor agrees. 0. 0 comment. 1. 1 thank. Send thanks to the doctor.

Is 70% stenosis patent?

A Verified Doctor answered. A US doctor answered Learn more. Yes: 70% stenosis means that there is reduced flow thru the vessel but it is still open 30% and therefore patent. Send thanks to the doctor.

Is a celiac artery a problem?

Yes: Yes it is a problem. Celiac artery is the major blood supply for the upper abdomen, including spleen, liver, stomach and pancreas. If there is not eno ... Read More

What does the patent sign on the U/S mean?

The patent sign on the u/s means there is no obstruction of the blood flow. Good sign. 297 views.

What causes a splenic vein to clot?

The splenic vein runs right along the pancreas, so anything happening in the pancreas can potentially affect the vein. Pancreatitis, an acute and serious inflammation, may compress the vein or cause it to clot; pancreatic cancer is notorious for invading the splenic vein and blocking it.

Is a splenic vein obstructed?

As others have observed, this is a normal finding: the splenic vein is not obstructed. (It also means that they saw the splenic vein, so they probably got a pretty good look at the other structures in the area.)

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