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what does illumination mean

by Ms. Dayana Mosciski IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What are the principles of illumination?

PRINCIPLES OF. ILLUMINATION Illumination-defined as the intensity of light per unit area-simply lighting, that is, man made lighting-Daylight being excellent is not included-Assuming a night time condition Electric Illumination-The production of light by means of electricity and its applications to provide efficient, comfortable and safe vision Lighting Design refers to 2-The quantity of light ...

What is the biblical doctrine of illumination?

What are the three signs of the Holy Spirit?

  • Fire. this represents the Holy Spirit transforming our inner life.
  • Wind. this represents the Holy Spirit transforming the relationship among humans in their communities.
  • Languages. this represents the Holy Spirit transforming the relationships between humans.

What is the best definition of illumination?

The best definition of "illumination" is "Clarity or understanding, enlightenment." It is a word more often used in religion, spirituality or inspirational topics. Live streaming is the broadcast of an event over the internet as it happens. It's either a fixed or a highly uncontrollable light source.

What is meant by Illumination and reflectance?

What is meant by illumination and reflectance? Illumination is the amount of source light incident on the scene. It is represented as i (x, y). Reflectance is the amount of light reflected by the object in the scene. It is represented by r (x, y).

What are the examples of illumination?

An example of an illumination is a bright porch lamp. Decorative lighting, as for a city....An illuminating or being illuminated.A lighting up; supplying of light.Clarification; explanation.Enlightenment; instruction.Decoration with lights.Decoration of manuscripts with designs, colors, etc.

What does illuminated mean?

1a(1) : to supply or brighten with light. (2) : to make luminous or shining. b : to enlighten spiritually or intellectually. c : to subject to radiation. d archaic : to set alight.

What is an illuminated person?

adj. archaic made clear or bright with light; illuminated. n. a person who has or claims to have special enlightenment. [C16: from Latin illūmināre to light up, from lūmen light]

How do you use the word illumination in a sentence?

Illumination in a Sentence 1. After the illumination of the flashlight occurred, I could finally see my pathway in the dark to my house. 2. Even in the dark room, the birthday girl could read the writing on the cake because of the illumination from the birthday candles.

Does illuminate mean light?

To illuminate something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible.

What does illumination mean in art?

An illumination is an. EMBELLISHMENT, or additional decoration that enhances the pages of a written, or manuscript page. The term, Illumination comes. from the term Illuminate, or to. fill with light.

What is illumination of the Bible?

The most sumptuous works that they produced are now described as 'illuminated', meaning that they are enhanced by the application of gold or silver and painted or drawn decoration. In the early medieval period, most scribes and illuminators were monks or clerics.

How do you speak illuminate?

0:050:20How To Pronounce Illuminate - Pronunciation Academy - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIlluminate illuminate illuminate illuminate thanks for watching if. You like this video pleaseMoreIlluminate illuminate illuminate illuminate thanks for watching if. You like this video please subscribe to our channel and help us pronounce every word in the world.

What is light spiritually?

It is the spiritual and the divine, it is illumination and intelligence. Light is the source of goodness and the ultimate reality, and it accompanies transcendence into the Nirvana of Buddhist doctrine. It is the SUN, and it is the avenger of evil forces and DARKNESS. Light is knowledge.

What does self illumination mean?

Self-illumination means that the glowing area is not affected by lights in the scene (its ambient color component goes away), and does not receive shadows.

What is the difference between light and illumination?

Illuminance is the transmission of natural light (windows, lighting plates... ). Lighting is the distribution of artificial light (Lamp, floor lamp, neon...)

What is illumination power?

Illuminating Power. The relative light given by any source compared with a standard light, and stated in terms of the same, as a burner giving an illuminating power of sixteen candles.

What does "illuminated" mean?

illumination. ( ɪˌluːmɪˈneɪʃən) n. 1. the act of illuminating or the state of being illuminated. 2. a source of light. 3. ( often plural) chiefly Brit a light or lights, esp coloured lights, used as decoration in streets, parks, etc. 4. spiritual or intellectual enlightenment; insight or understanding.

What is illumination in art?

illumination. 1. the art of decorating manuscripts with illustrations, as in the capitals, tracery, etc. 2. the decoration itself. See also: Manuscripts. 1. the process of decorating manuscripts with illustrations, as in the capitals, tracery, etc. 2. the decoration itself. See also: Ornamentation.

What is the illumination of Heidelberg Castle?

An illumination of Heidelberg Castle is one of the sights of Europe. He makes his berth an Aladdin's lamp, and lays him down in it; so that in the pitchiest night the ship's black hull still houses an illumination.

What is the meaning of illumination?

illumination. an act or instance of illuminating. the fact or condition of being illuminated. a decoration of lights, usually colored lights. Sometimes illuminations. an entertainment, display, or celebration using lights as a major feature or decoration. intellectual or spiritual enlightenment. Also called illuminance, intensity of illumination. ...

Where does illumination come from?

The illumination comes not from the sun but from the infrared energy of the planet and its lower atmosphere . The book is fascinating partly for its illumination of the origins of current conventions. Rather than selective filtering for purposes of justification, information is instead used as the fuel for illumination.

What is the law of illumination?

The law states that Illuminance at a point on a plane is proportional to the cosine of the angle of light incident (the angle between the direction of the incident light and the normal to the plane). It is the point source Illuminance equation.

What is the difference between illuminate and luminate?

As verbs the difference between luminate and illuminate is that luminate is (obsolete) to illuminate while illuminate is to shine light on something.

What is illumination model?

Illumination Model 1. • An illumination model, also called a lighting model and sometimes referred to as a shading model, is used to calculate the intensity of light that we should see at a given point on the surface of an object.

How do you use illuminate in a sentence?

illuminate Sentence Examples She opened the single wardrobe, pushing the doors open enough for the room's light to illuminate the contents. In such instruments an arrangement is often required to intensely illuminate the object. From 1416 citizens were obliged to hang out candles between certain hours on dark nights to illuminate the streets.

What is moral illumination?

Moral Illumination (Quote of the Day) 09 April 2011. “The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination.” - Elizabeth Hardwick.

How is illumination calculated?

Divide the number of total lumens from the light bulbs by your square footage found in Step 1. This number is the lumens per square foot for the area. If you had a 192-square-foot bathroom lit by a total of 2,400 lumens, 2,400 divided by 192 equals 12.5. You would have 12.5 lumens per square foot.

What is illumination system?

The illumination system. The illumination system of the standard optical microscope is designed to transmit light through a translucent object for viewing. In a modern microscope it consists of a light source, such as an electric lamp or a light-emitting diode, and a lens system forming the condenser.

Illumination definition

What does illumination means? When a light source is poured onto the objects, they reflect light that can been perceived by human eyes. What illumination means is the act of using this light source. Illumination is commonly seen, for example lighting in rooms or task lighting on desks.

Photography meaning

As for the word “photography”, it is derived from the Greek words - phos and graphis. In Greek, phos means light while graphis means drawing. When the two words combined as “photography”, it can be defined as “drawing with light”. The significance of photography is about capturing and recording light in the form of paper or digital format.

Role of illumination in photography

In photography, light is of the greatest importance, for the reason that illumination is the result from light. When taking pictures without light, it will only creates a photograph of complete blackness. However, with the light on, everything taken place will be illuminated. It is now then the photograph will actually present something.

Difference between illumination and illuminance

As aforementioned, illumination is the property and effect of light in an observable form, presenting the use of light sources. By contrast, illuminance measures how much luminous flux is spread over a given area.


Illumination can render emotions and atmosphere. Understanding what does illumination mean can help photographers to capture many different types of emotions in photos. The good illumination produced by well-positioned and good-quality light will change the photography.

Examples of illuminate in a Sentence

Verb the part of the moon illuminated by the sun A university study has illuminated the problem.

History and Etymology for illuminate

Middle English, from Latin illuminatus, past participle of illuminare, from in- + luminare to light up, from lumin-, lumen light — more at luminary

Kids Definition of illuminate

1 : to supply with light : light up He clutched Rose as a dazzling blast illuminated the lobby… — Brian Selznick, Wonderstruck

Why do we use illumination in the Bible?

Bible teachers use the word illumination to describe the work of the Holy Spirit which enables us to understand and apply the spiritual message of the Scriptures. When Jesus met two disciples on the Emmaus Road, “He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27). Later, “their eyes were opened and they knew Him” ...

What does the Holy Spirit do in illumination?

In illumination, the Holy Spirit opens our eyes so that we may know the Scriptures. Illumination is a ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who is given “that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God” (1 Cor. 2:12). When the Holy Spirit does this work in our life, it results in our gaining a fuller understanding of the Scriptures ...

Why are our spiritual eyes blinded?

This is because our spiritual eyes are blinded so that we cannot see the things of God. The Bible speaks of the judicial blindness of Israel brought on by their rejection of Christ (Rom. 11:25), the blindness of hatred (1 John 2:11), the blindness of Gentiles who had not yet been exposed to the light of the Gospel (Isa.

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