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what does cherry tell ponyboy about the socs in chapter 3

by Dr. Pablo Crooks Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What does Cherry tell ponyboy about the SOCS in Chapter 3? Cherry tells Ponyboy two specific things in defense of the Socs, and they are related to each other. One thing that she tells Ponyboy is that the Greasers


Greasers are a youth subculture that was popularized in the 1950s to 1960s by predominantly working class and lower class teenagers and young adults in the United States. The subculture remained prominent into the mid-1960s and was particularly embraced by certain …

are not unique in having problems and rough lives.

What does Cherry tell Ponyboy about what separates the Socs from the Greasers? Cherry tells Ponyboy that not only money separates Socs from greasers, but that greasers have different sets of values, (according to Cherry, Socs are more sophisticated, opposed to the greaser who are more emotional).

Full Answer

What does Cherry tell Ponyboy about the SoCs?

Similarly one may ask, what does Cherry tell ponyboy about the SOCS? Cherry tells Ponyboy that not only money separates Socs from greasers, but that greasers have different sets of values, (according to Cherry, Socs are more sophisticated, opposed to the greaser who are more emotional).

What is your opinion of Cherry saying about the SoCs?

Give your opinion of Cherry saying, "...if I see you in the hall at school or someplace and don't say hi, well, it's not personal..." Explain the reasons for your point of view. When Cherry said what she said, it kind of proved that Socs think that they are better than greasers which is shame because they are pretty much the same as the greasers.

What does Ponyboy think is the difference between SoCs and greasers?

Ponyboy has been thinking about what Cherry said, and he has been seriously thinking about how the greasers and Socs are similar; however, he does know deep down that there is a difference between the two groups. Ponyboy believes that the main difference comes down to money:

What happened to Ponyboy's parents in Chapter 3 of the Outsiders?

Pony's parents died before the story begins, his parents died in an auto wreck. Accordingly, what happened in chapter 3 of the outsiders? Summary: Chapter 3. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too. Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Johnny walk to Two-Bit's house with Cherry and Marcia so that they can give the girls a ride home.

What did Ponyboy and Cherry talk about in chapter 3?

Ponyboy and Cherry resume talking and Cherry asks Ponyboy about Darry. Ponyboy unexpectedly explodes. He complains bitterly about Darry and concludes that he knows that Darry does not like him. Two-Bit and Johnny are stunned.

What does Cherry Valance say about the SOCS?

Cherry to Ponyboy I'll bet you think the Socs have it made. The rich kids, the West-side Socs. I'll tell you something, Ponyboy, and it may come as a surprise. But, things are rough all over.

What does Cherry tell Ponyboy about the SOCS that he has a hard time believing?

What does Cherry tell Ponyboy about the Socs that he has a hard time believing? She tells Pony that things are rough all over. The Socs have problems too.

What does Cherry explain as the difference between the SOCS and greasers in chapter 3?

cherry explains that the difference between socs and greasers is that socs are unemotional, they have no goals, and there's no REAL friends inside their groups. greasers are emotional, have goals, and treat each other like family.

What does Cherry say about Ponyboy?

“Ponyboy… I mean… if I see you in the hall at school or something and don't say hi, well it's not personal or anything, but…” Cherry explains to Ponyboy the terms of their friendship. Although she makes attempts to bond with Ponyboy, she can't or won't entirely embrace him into her life.

Does Ponyboy get a girlfriend?

That night, Ponyboy lies in bed awake, recalling his encounter with the Socs. Sodapop tries to convince him that Darry indeed cares for Ponyboy very much, which Ponyboy does not believe. Sodapop then shares with Ponyboy his plan to marry Sandy, his girlfriend.

What does Cherry tell Ponyboy that she thinks may come as a surprise to him?

Cherry describes being a Soc as one big "rat race," where everyone is trying to outdo everyone else. She also explains to Ponyboy that most of her friends are superficial, shallow, and insincere. This information surprises Ponyboy, who believes the Socs have nothing to worry about.

What do cherry and Ponyboy say is the real difference between SOCS and greasers?

Ponyboy and Cherry see they have a lot in common- they both like to read and watch sunsets. They talk about the differences between the Socs and the Greasers. The biggest difference is that the Socs are too cool to talk about their emotions, while the Greasers feel emotions too strongly.

What argument does Cherry use to defend the SOCS?

What argument did Cherry use to defend the Socs? Cherry said that not all Socs were like the ones who attacked Johnny. She said that Socs have problems too.

What does Cherry say in the real separation between the SOCS and the greasers?

What does Cherry say is the real separation between the Socs and the Greasers? How are they different? Cherry said that Greasers have different sets of value and more emotional, while socs are sophisticated; cool to the point of not feeling anything.

What is Chapter 3 of the outsiders book about?

The conflict in chapter 3 is between Randy and Bob, two Soc boys and the boyfriends of Cherry and Marica, and Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Johnny. The Soc girls are walking with the greaser boys when their boyfriends drive by. Randy and Bob stop to get the girls, and they threaten the greasers.

How does Ponyboy analyze the differences in Chapter 3?

How does Ponyboy analyze the differences? Ponyboy says thats its not the money, it's feeling you don't feel anything and we feel too violently. 3.

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