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what does beverly do in the it book

by Aaron Spencer Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

This would lead to one of the biggest Stephen King book controversies: after the Losers become lost in the sewers trying to make their way back to the surface, Beverly decided to have sexual intercourse with all the boys from the Losers Club. This allowed them to remember the way back so they could make it home.2 days ago

Full Answer

What does Beverly do at the end of it?

After the Losers' Club defeat Pennywise, they get lost in Derry's sewer system. After coming to the realisation that they can't escape without being unified, Beverly — the single female member — decides she needs to have sex with the six boys.

What did Beverly's dad do to her in it the book?

Miniseries. Here Alvin is the widowed spouse of the late Elfrida Marsh. Here, he is physically and mentally abusive to Beverly, slapping her when she tries to explain the poem sent to her, and threatening to 'whip the skin off' her when she flees the home.

What is the story behind Beverly in it?

Beverly Marsh is one of the seven members of The Losers Club. She is sexually abused by her father, Alvin Marsh, and bullied by Gretta Keene and some of the other students at school because of rumors of her being promiscuous.

Who does Beverly end up with in IT book?

As an adult, due to the repressed memories of Derry, she marries Tom Rogan, who is physically and emotionally abusive towards her. The abuse Beverly faced at the hands of her father has been described as one of the more disturbing elements of the novel due to the realistic undertones.

Did Beverly's dad molest her?

While no incident of sexual abuse occurs in the film, each scene between Beverly and her father is laced with the understanding of what he wants, and what she knows he wants. Then, the dam breaks: Mr. Marsh chases Beverly through their stark apartment, pins her to the floor, and attempts to abuse her.

Did Beverly's father molest her?

He is also a form that Pennywise/IT uses to frighten Beverly since she has a problem with him. It is also implied (and confirmed in the 2017 film) that he sexually abuses his own daughter. He was portrayed by Frank C. Turner in the miniseries, and Stephen Bogaert in the 2017 film.

What did Pennywise do to Beverly?

After Bev is kidnapped by Pennywise and dragged down to his lair, the demonic, shape-shifting clown holds her up in the air by her neck and opens its jaw all the way back so she's forced to stare deep into its throat.

Why is Beverly afraid of blood in It?

To put it bluntly, the blood Bev sees is period blood. She is afraid of going through puberty and becoming a woman. She fears this because of her abusive, misogynistic father and the fact that boys and men already sexualize her.

Why can't Beverly's dad see the blood?

Beverly's father can't see any of the blood in the bathroom. On one level, this is because he's an adult; a major theme of It is that the innate power of childhood and ability to remember childhood fears serve as a crucial weapon against It.

Why did Beverly choose Ben?

Beverly, for her part, is always very kind to Ben. She does none of that tough-girl nonsense we see in characters such as Maeve in Sex Education. Beverly recognizes that Ben is a vulnerable person being the new kid at school, and she knows what it's like to be a victim.

What page in It does Beverly sleep with everyone?

In Chapter 22 section 12 "Love and Desire", Beverly recalls the memory of her first sexual experience which occurs with the other six Losers. It happens after the First Ritual of Chüd and the groups' regression into normal childhood.

Why did Beverly cut her hair?

“Beverly's hair is basically a reflection of her acting against the abuse,” he revealed. “Her hair is something that her father is fixated on, and it sort of represents her abuse. She takes control by cutting it off. And she cuts it off in the bathroom, and the hair goes into the sink.

Who is Beverly in IT?

". —Beverly in IT: Chapter One (2017). Beverly "Bev" Marsh is one of the seven members of The Losers' Club in Stephen King's 1986 novel IT. She is the only female member of the group which consist of Bill Denbrough , Richie Tozier, ...

How old is Beverly from the book?

Beverly is an 11 to 12 year old girl. In the book, she is described as being very pretty despite her lower class upbringing. Beverly has reddish auburn hair that reaches her shoulder blades, lovely gray-green eyes and milky skin with a spray of freckles. In the 1990 television mini-series, she has very long wavy brunette hair with no freckles. In the 2017 film adaption, she has reddish auburn hair with some freckles and her appearance in the film version is the closest to the description in Stephen King's novel.

What does Eddie do when Beverly mentions the sewers?

When Beverly mentions the sewers, Eddie has a memory flash of confronting Pennywise in the sewers, using his asthma aspirator. He has an asthma attack and wonders what is going on, and then apologizes for his hysterical outburst. Bill reminds him that he saved Stan's life, and they wonder where Stan is.

What does Beverly discover when she checks the doorbell?

She apologizes and Mrs. Kersh invites her in for tea. Beverly accepts and discovers that the place has been entirely redecorated. She freshens up in the bathroom and hastily plugs the drain.

What does Beverly learn about the voice of children?

Beverly experiences her first encounter with It in the bathroom of her own home. She hears voices rising from the drain of the sink and when she approaches it, she learns that they are the voices of children long dead. They were all supposedly killed by Pennywise. However, It shows its true colors when It changes the voices to Pennywise own and threatens Beverly, using his "We all float down here!" mantra. A red, balloon-like object rises from the sink and when It "leaves" the balloon explodes, flinging blood all over the bathroom.

What chapter does Beverly recall her first sexual experience?

The Sewers (novel) In Chapter 22 section 12 "Love and Desire", Beverly recalls the memory of her first sexual experience which occurs with the other six Losers. It happens after the First Ritual of Chüd and the groups' regression into normal childhood.

What does Beverly realize about the sink?

Beverly realizes that the sink is now halfway full of water from the leaky faucet. She goes to have tea with Mrs. Kersh, who nastily slurps down her tea. Beverly realizes that the woman's teeth are rotting, and discovers that her tea has transformed into blood (in the's liquid shit).

Who is Adrienne Tyler?

About The Author. Adrienne Tyler (2523 Articles Published) Adrienne Tyler is a features writer for Screen Rant. She is an Audiovisual Communication graduate who wanted to be a filmmaker, but life had other plans (and it turned out great).

Who is the turtle in the sewers?

Once in the sewers, Bill Denbrough performed the “Ritual of Chüd” through which he met Maturin (best known as “the turtle”), creator of the universe and the antithesis of IT, who explained to Bill that the only way IT could be defeated was through a battle of wills. Bill then entered IT’s mind and saw its true form, known as the “deadlights”, ...

Why is Beverly's misstep understandable?

That particular misstep is understandable because in defeating her father, Beverly has essentially completed her arc in the film. She has faced her fears and won. She is no longer afraid. Now, the boys, ever a step behind her confident courageousness, need to do the same.

Who plays Bev in IT?

Played with verve and nuance by Sophia Lillis, who is all but guaranteed to become a star after her transcendent breakout performance in IT, Bev seems as if she's lit within -- an important factor when so many people try to stamp out her self-worth at every turn, and she commands the screen.

What is the male gaze in Beverly?

The male gaze is an essential part of Beverly's experience, perhaps the defining factor in the ills that plague her. To be clear, not the factor that defines her, but defines her fears. IT is all about fear.

Who is the lead character in the packed ensemble?

In IT, that's Bill, ostensibly the lead character in the packed ensemble, who drives King's novel. But Muschietti shifts that dynamic. For one thing, Bill is not hunting the monster for justice, he's looking for his younger brother, who he thinks might still be alive.

Does Beverly's father see her trauma?

Of course, her father can't see it, and her trauma is invalidated once again. Image via Warner Bros. Beverly isn't just tormented at home -- though in a change up from King's novel, the film makes her father's abuse even more blatant.

Is Beverly's arc perfect?

Don't get me wrong, Beverly's arc isn't perfect in the film, unfortunately undercut by some poor third act shortcuts (we'll get to that), but that acceptance of the innocence and maturity that co-exist within this young woman is worthy of investigation and celebration.

Is Beverly a strong character?

Beverly is just strong, in every way that counts. In that way, Muschietti makes interesting choices that cement Beverly as the hero and true leader of the Losers. King has long had a history of creating characters that more of less exist as his avatar; rational, good-hearted men, usually writers, who lead the action.

Who is Beverly in the Losers Club?

Partway through the novel’s first section, Beverly (the only girl in the Losers club) spies on Henry Bowers, the local bully, and his meathead buddies lighting their farts on fire in a garbage dump. Because they already have their pants off, Patrick, one of Henry’s cronies, starts giving Henry a handjob. He offers to go further, and Henry loses it.

What happens to Beverly and the Losers when they defeat it down in Derry's sewer system?

While they’re defeating It down in Derry’s sewer system, the Losers begin to bicker. Beverly realizes that It is using its evil psychic powers to drive the kids apart, and she concludes that the only way to unite them as a team is to invite every single one of her friends to have sex with her, back to back.

What is the smokehole in The Losers?

The Losers build a smokehole, the 50s version of hotboxing, and everybody climbs inside. Eventually, Mike and Richie are the only ones left, and they experience a vision of It as an ancient, horrific evil feeding off the town of Derry.

What is the setting of the book Derry?

The novel contains his definitive depiction of Derry, Maine, his fictional analog for the actual town of Bangor, and sets up the horrific vision of small-town Maine which he returned to in Bag of Bones, Insomnia, and Dreamcatcher. Similar to his 1982 novella The Body, It is King’s ode to adventurous teens, and it’s full ...

What does the knocking sprawling scene show?

This scene does a couple things in the book: It establishes that Henry is willing to receive sexual favors from boys if he’s the only one benefitting, and it shows his propensity for violence if he’s offended or threatened.

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