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what does ahh okay mean

by Prof. Taya Hintz DVM Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Ah it's also an interjection. It is used as an exclamation point to express joy, gratitude, resignation and surprise. Ahh is used to express knowledge and acceptance.11-Jul-2021

What is the meaning of Oh OK?

18/06/2020 · It simply means, “Oh, okay” (while thinking to herself, “STALKER & CREEP ALERT! I barely know this guy!) I barely know this guy!) You told her something “I love you” but you didn't but you didn't ask her a question.

Why does the Doctor always tell me to Say Ahhh?

11/02/2022 · Ahh is a word often used to express feelings of contentedness, relief, or ecstasy. It can also be an affirmative response when someone asks you how you’re doing. The “what does ahh mean in texting” is the sound that one makes when they are experiencing intense pleasure or satisfaction. It can also be used as an expression of happiness ...

What is the meaning of “AHH”?

26/04/2020 · It simply means, “Oh, okay” (while thinking to herself, “STALKER & CREEP ALERT! I barely know this guy!) I barely know this guy!) You told her something “I love you” but you didn't but you didn't ask her a question.

What does it mean when a girl says Okay?

28/08/2020 · What does ahhh mean? Information and translations of ahhh in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. ... First it was a screechy dog, then it was a very serious dog, anyway, that's alright. Take good care of your dog. Mitch Hedberg: Fish are always eating other fish. If fish could scream, the ocean would be loud as shit. You would …

What does Ahh okay mean in text?

interjection. (used as an exclamation expressing surprise, delight, joy, etc.)

What does Ahhh mean from a guy?

A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself. Anne Glowinski: Creativity and play introduces an element of pleasure and levity that is really important to connect kids.28-Aug-2020

What is Ahh stand for?

AHHAcronymDefinitionAHHAmerican Home and Habitat (textile outfitter company; Sealy, TX)AHHAce's Happy HomepageAHHAustrian Head Hunters (gaming)AHHAdaptive Hard Handoff4 more rows

What does Ah thanks mean?

1 an expression of appreciation or gratitude or an acknowledgment of services or favours given.

What does Ohhh mean from a girl?

pleading or begging someone to do something.08-Sept-2020

How do you pronounce Ahh?

0:010:30How to pronounce Ahh - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHow to pronounce ah ah ah ah ah you.MoreHow to pronounce ah ah ah ah ah you.

What is another word for ahh?

What is another word for ah?hrmaahahherhmmumm

Is Ahh a Scrabble word?

No, ahh is not in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you spell ahh as in cute?

“Ahh” variant spelling of “ah” Is pronounced like aww but with an aspirated 'H' sound at the end. It is used to express a range of emotions including surprise, pleasure, sympathy, and realization. “Ah, there you are.” “Ahh, that feels good.” AWW means "Any Which Way".


"ahh." STANDS4 LLC, 2021. Web. 28 Jun 2021. < >.

Are we missing a good definition for ahh? Don't keep it to yourself..

The ASL fingerspelling provided here is most commonly used for proper names of people and places; it is also used in some languages for concepts for which no sign is available at that moment.

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What does AWW mean?

AWW means "Any Which Way". It has two meanings: They are in wonderment about what you said; They are disappointed in/with what you said. Aww means “A Healing Heart”. It has two meanings: They are in wonderment about what you said;

How accurate is the AH rating on a 12V battery?

A 12V 7Ah lead acid battery can be rated for a 20-hour discharge. That means the 7 Ah rating is only valid if you pull 7 Ah / 20 hours = 0.35A!

What does "aw" mean in a sentence?

The “hmm” and “ah” are both a form of onomatopoeia as they represent a sighing sound, however the “aw” is a word that is spoken to present emotions of overwhelming adoration usually . However the word “aw” can be seen as onomatopoeia when used as a sound to describe a feeling, usually of sadness, adoration or pain/ crying.

How long does 7A last?

If you take 7A from it will only last about half an hour or less. You can multiply the Ah by the voltage to get Wh (watt-hours) but this a less useful for determining run time. A batteries voltage can change significantly with different amounts of current draw and the state of charge.

What are some examples of folk etymology?

A large number of origins have been proposed. Some of them are thought to fall into the category of folk etymology and are proposed based merely on apparent similarity between OK and one or another phrase in a foreign language with a similar meaning and sound. Some examples are: 1 A corruption from the speech of the large number of descendants of Scottish and Ulster Scots (Scots-Irish) immigrants to North America, of the common Scots phrase och aye ("oh yes"). 2 A borrowing of the Greek phrase όλα καλά ( óla kalá ), meaning "all good".

Why is OK called "Oll Korrect"?

In response, Whig opponents attributed OK, in the sense of "Oll Korrect," to the bad spelling of Andrew Jackson, Van Buren's predecessor. The country-wide publicity surrounding the election appears to have been a critical event in OK ' s history, widely and suddenly popularizing it across the United States.

What does "OK" mean on a remote?

OK (spelling variations include okay, O.K., and ok) is an English word (originally American English) denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, acknowledgment, or a sign of indifference. OK is frequently used as a loanword in other languages. It has been described as the most frequently spoken ...

How is Okey pronounced?

Spanish speakers often spell the word "okey" to conform with the spelling rules of the language. In Brazil, it may be also pronounced as "ô-kei". In Portugal, it is used with its Portuguese pronunciation and sounds something like "ókâi" (similar to the English pronunciation but with the "ó" sounding like the "o" in "lost" or "top"), or even as 'oh-kapa', from the letters O ('ó') and K ('capa'). In Spain it's much less common than in Latin American countries (words such as "vale" or "de acuerdo" are preferred) but it may still be heard.

When did the abbreviation "fad" start?

The abbreviation fad began in Boston in the summer of 1838 ... and used expressions like OFM, "our first men," NG, "no go," GT, "gone to Texas," and SP, "small potatoes.". Many of the abbreviated expressions were exaggerated misspellings, a stock in trade of the humorists of the day.

Who said "proved a bill of sale from Hugh McGary to Gasper Mansker, which

For example, it was claimed that the phrase appeared in a 1790 court record from Sumner County, Tennessee, discovered in 1859 by a Tennessee historian named Albigence Waldo Putnam, in which Andrew Jackson apparently said "proved a bill of sale from Hugh McGary to Gasper Mansker, for a Negro man, which was O.K.".

Is "ok" a Korean word?

In Korean, 오케이 (literally " okay") can be used colloquially in place of 네 (ne, "yes") when expressing approval or acknowledgment. In Chinese, the term 好; hǎo (literally: "good"), can be modified to fit most of usages of OK. For example, 好了; hǎo le closely resembles the interjection usage of OK.

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