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what does 3 0 copper weigh per foot

by Salma Strosin DVM Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

AWG Copper Wire Size and Data Table Chart @ 100 Degrees F
AWGWeightCopper resistance
lb/1000 ft(Ω/kft) (mΩ/ft)
0000 (4/0)640.50.04901
000 (3/0)507.90.06180
00 (2/0)402.80.07793
33 more rows

Full Answer

How much does 3 0 copper wire weigh per foot?

What does 3 0 copper weigh per foot? Click to see full answer. Regarding this, what does copper wire weigh per foot? A 0000 gauge wire will weigh 640.5005 lbs per 1000 feet, while a 40 gauge wire weights 0.0299 lbs per 1000 feet.

How much does a copper XHHW cable weigh?

Click here for specs on XHHW aluminum cable. #750 mcm weighs about. 83 pounds per foot. In this manner, how much does a spool of copper weigh? Weight: 50.0 lbs/1000ft. or by-the-foot. (Note: Larger spools may be available.) 10,400 Circular Mils Diameter: 0.102 in.

What is the weight of a 100 degree AWG wire?

AWG Copper Wire Size and Data Table Chart @ 100 Degrees F AWG Diameter Weight (in) lb/1000 ft 0000 (4/0) 0.4600 640.5 000 (3/0) 0.4096 507.9 00 (2/0) 0.3648 402.8

How much does 3 ought copper weigh?

Bare Copper Wire DataAWG B&S GaugeDiameter (mils)Weight per 1000 ft. (lbs.)128925622572003229159420412616 more rows

How much does 3 0 Copper Thhn weigh?

Size AWG: 3/0. Weight per 1,000 ft: 570 lbs. Outside Diameter: 0.600 inches.

What does 4 0 copper weigh per foot?

Size AWG: 4/0. Weight per 1,000 ft: 710 lbs. Outside Diameter: 0.660 inches.

How do you calculate the weight of copper wire?

The copper weight is calculated by the cross section of a cable x 9.6 and will be shown in kg / km. For example FLRY 1.50 mm² has a copper weight of 14.4 kg / km (9.6 x 1.5).

How much does a foot of 500 MCM copper weigh?

1.544 lbs.The weight of one foot of 500 Mcm copper wire is 1.544 lbs.

What does 600 MCM copper weigh per foot?

Specifications: Size AWG: 600. Weight per 1,000 ft: 1950 lbs. Outside Diameter: 1.026 inches.

What size is 3 0 wire?

AWG Copper Wire Size and Data Table Chart @ 100 Degrees FAWGDiameterTurns of wire, no insulation000 (3/0)0.40962.4400 (2/0)0.36482.740 (1/0)0.32493.0810.28933.4641 more rows

What gauge wire do I need for 200 amp service?

Installation of 200 amp electrical service needs a #2/0 AWG copper wire or #4/0 AWG for aluminum or copper-clad wire inside a 3″ conduit. Wiring a 200 amp electrical service is not a DIY job. It often requires a permit and professional installation by a qualified electrician following local electrical codes.20-Jun-2021

How much does 350 MCM copper weigh per foot?

Specifications: Size AWG: 350. Weight per 1,000 ft: 1165 lbs.

What does 1000 feet of copper wire weigh?

A 0000 gauge wire will weigh 640.5005 lbs per 1000 feet while a 40 gauge wire will weigh 0.0299 lbs per 1000 feet Standard copper wire weight information can be found in the following chart.

How much does a spool of copper weigh?

Copper wire will weigh differently depending upon alloy but if you are looking for a rule of thumb from large diameter wire to a fairly thin wire the weight would be something like 640 pounds per 1000 feet for wire called “0000” and for a 40 gauge wire it will be about . 03 pounds per 1000 feet coil.

What is the weight of 1 meter copper wire?

ProductSectionWeightCopper Cable70 mm20,6612 Kg/mCopper Cable95 mm20,8540 Kg/mCopper Cable120 mm21,0710 Kg/mCopper Cable150 mm21,3990 Kg/m5 more rows

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