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what are the different parts of a magazine

by Prof. Lolita Crooks DDS Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

10 Most Important Elements of Magazine Designing
  • Headline. It is the most important element of a magazine layout design. ...
  • Introductory Paragraph. ...
  • Body / Body Text / Body Copy. ...
  • Bylines. ...
  • Sub-headline / Subhead. ...
  • Pull Quotes. ...
  • Captions for Images. ...
  • Section Head / Running Head.

What is the Q group in a magazine?

Here are the following items each group is expected to have within their own magazine: a) Cover (Q-Group) This is the first page of your magazine, so in some ways, it's the most important. It's never too early to start thinking of what might be a good photo for the cover. Most magazines use an image relating to a long feature within the magazine.

How many spreads are in a table of contents?

The table of contents is generally 1-2 spreads. Generally 1 spread, this page serves to tell your audience about the writers. It can include long entries about writer's backgrounds, or short thematical entries that only relate to content specific to the magazine. Regardless, this page gives credit to the writers.

What are the elements of a magazine?

There are several important elements in a magazine layout, such as headline, image, image caption, running head, byline, subhead, body copy, etc. Here, we look into the ten most crucial elements of a magazine layout.

Why is it important to have the right margins in a magazine?

It is important that you set the right margins in terms of columns and rows to improve readability. A key point to note here is that you should be consistent with the length of the body copy for all the articles in the magazine.

What is body copy in a magazine?

A well-written body copy keeps a reader engaged to an article for the most part, generally till the end of the article.

What is the byline in an article?

Bylines. It is important that you acknowledge the person and the team which has worked on an article. Usually, the author's name is written under the headline of the article, which is also known as the byline. It can be written in the same font size as that of the body copy.

Why is headline important in a magazine?

A headline should be interesting, meaningful and compelling enough as it increases the chances of an article to be read.

What is folio in magazines?

It is a way of arranging sheets of papers in your magazine, by folding them in a certain manner. You should tread with caution especially when you have many pages in your magazine containing full bleed images. A reader could be annoyed if you place folios on those pages.

Where is the running head on a magazine?

Section Head / Running Head. Every magazine article does not need a running head, but some do. These are usually placed at the top of every page of a magazine and aid readers in navigating through an article easily.

How many rounds can a magazine hold?

In the United States, a number of states have passed laws that ban magazines which are defined as "high-capacity" by statute. High-capacity or large-capacity magazines are generally those defined by statute to be capable of holding more than 10 or 15 rounds, although the definitions vary. Other nations impose restrictions on magazine capacity as well. In Canada, magazines are generally limited to five rounds for rifles and 10 for handguns (with some exceptions), depending on the firearm.

What is a tubular magazine?

Tubular magazines are also commonly used in pump-action shotguns and .22 caliber bolt-action rimfire rifles such as the Marlin Model XT. Tubular magazines and centerfire cartridges with pointed ( spitzer) bullets present a safety issue: a pointed bullet may (through the forces of recoil or simply rough handling) strike the next round's primer and ignite that round, or even cause a chain ignition of other rounds, within the magazine. The Winchester '73 used blunt-nosed centerfire cartridges as the .44-40 Winchester. Certain modern rifle cartridges using soft pointed plastic tips have been designed to avoid this problem while improving the aerodynamic qualities of the bullet to match those available in bolt-action designs, thus extending the effective range of lever-actions.

What is a detachable magazine?

Firearms using detachable magazines are made with an opening known as a magazine well into which the detachable magazine is inserted. The magazine well locks the magazine in position for feeding cartridges into the chamber of the firearm, and requires a device known as a magazine release to allow the magazine to be separated from the firearm.

What is a clip in a gun?

A clip (called chargers in the United Kingdom) is a device that is used to store multiple rounds of ammunition together as a unit, ready for insertion into the magazine or cylinder of a firearm. This speeds up the process of loading and reloading the firearm as several rounds can be loaded at once, rather than one round being loaded at a time. Several different types of clips exist, most of which are made of inexpensive metal stampings that are designed to be disposable, though they are often re-used.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Writing articles are easy - publishing is the hard part. However, the better your article, the better chance of becoming published or at least a better writer. If you've never written an article, use the three helpful tips below to begin. Don't put it off.

Three Parts of a Magazine Article

Writing articles are easy - publishing is the hard part. However, the better your article, the better chance of becoming published or at least a better writer. If you've never written an article, use the three helpful tips below to begin. Don't put it off.

What is a clip in a magazine?

You should never confuse a magazine with a “clip.”. A clip is a storage device that makes it easier to insert ammunition into the magazine. Though the uninformed often use these terms interchangeably, the simplest distinction is a clip feeds the magazine, while a magazine feeds the weapon.

What is the front end of a rifle called?

Muzzle – The front end of the barrel where the bullet exits. Breech – The word “breech” literally means rear. This is the back end of the barrel closest to the firing mechanism. The bore is lined with spiraling grooves called rifling. This spins the bullet, improving accuracy and increasing velocity.

What is a revolver?

Parts of a Revolver. A revolver is a handgun with a revolving cylinder that contains multiple chambers. The emblematic cowboy gun, the revolver’s widespread use is attributed to Samuel Colt. He patented the mechanically indexing cylinder in 1836.

What is a pistol?

To explain the riddle, a “pistol” is more specifically defined as a handgun with only one chamber integral with the barrel. This definition distinguishes pistols from revolvers, which are also handguns. So basically, a pistol is a specific type of handgun.

What is a handgun?

The basic definition: A handgun is a short firearm designed to be held in one or two hands when shooting rather than braced against the shoulder. There are three basic types of handguns: Muzzleloaders. Revolvers. Pistols. Of course, you’ll find there are plenty of variations within each type.

What is the cylinder in a revolver?

This initiates a chain of events that discharges a bullet. Cylinder – Found only in revolvers, the cylinder holds all loaded cartridges. It revolves around a central axis and contains multiple chambers that align with the barrel for firing. Barrel – The metal tube the bullet travels through when the handgun is fired.

Is a revolver a pistol?

So basically, a pistol is a specific type of handgun. Calling a revolver a pistol would be like calling an oak tree a pine. Sure they are both trees, but they are very different types of tree. Most firearms experts make a technical distinction that defines the pistol as a subset of the broader category of handguns.

Where is the muzzle on a gun?

Muzzle: the muzzle is the opening on the business end of the gun, at the end of the barrel. Breech: the breech is where you load ammunition on the vast majority of guns. It’s located at the midsection of the firearm, usually as part of the action.

What is scope in rifle?

A scope is a magnifying eyepiece used to get a clear view of targets at long range. They’re essential for shooting safely and for any kind of hunting. Don’t expect to find rifles pre-fitted with scopes, though! You’ll need to choose one that suits your firearm before you start shooting.

What is the action of a pistol?

Anatomy of a pistol. Action: the action is, as the name suggests, the part of the firearm that “acts” to produce a shot. It’s used to refer to the central bit of rifles, shotguns and pistols. The action is where you load, fire, and eject cartridges or shells (ammo). Butt: on a rifle or shotgun, the butt is the end of the gun ...

What is the butt on a shotgun?

The butt serves as a brace for your arm, and it absorbs some of the shock of the blast. Stock: The stock is the large (usually wooden, on rifles and shotguns) part of the gun behind the action. You wrap your arm around it when you shoot. It serves as the handle of your firearm. The stock is also an aesthetic piece.


1- Cover

  • Time cover with Al Capone in 1930. This is the first page of the magazine, so in some ways it is the most important. It is never too early to start thinking about what could be a good photo for the cover. Most editors use an image related to an important feature that will be developed within the journal.
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2- Cover Pages

  • They come after the cover, usually the same material as the cover and almost in 100% of cases are advertisements. The second page of the cover is reserved for advertising. This is the second most expensive ad page. The third cover page is again reserved for advertisers and is the magazine's third most expensive ad page. The last cover page is on the back of the magazine a…
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3- Table of Contents

  • After many ad pages, the table of contents serves as a quick breakdown of how the magazine is organized. It is especially useful when a reader is intrigued by the cover and wants to read more, to flip to the content and easily find the item they were looking for. The table of contents can be designed with or without margins, but it is important to distinguish the content elements so that …
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4- Imprint / Contributors / Writers

  • This is the part of the magazine that is usually placed in the front of the book, although some magazines place it in the back. Imprint or"masthead"is the list of all the people who work in the magazine. From writing to marketing people, sales, ads, to editors and key people in the publishing house that is producing the magazine. The design of this page is quite simple and cle…
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5- Letter from The Editor

  • It is the first editorial page of the magazine. It is a welcome letter from the editor in chief explaining the content of the topic. It depends on the publisher's style and journalistic voice. It basically covers the main topics, but it may also contain some reflections on the topics covered by this journal in general. It is usually a page and includes an image related to the message or th…
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6- Articles

  • This is the bulk of the magazine. Articles can be brief, medium to longest, spanning more than ten pages. When the magazine is organized, short and long articles usually happen. For example, a 10 page article may be followed by a 4 page article instead of another 10 page article. This gives a better flow, or rhythm to the magazine. The designs related to these pages are where designers …
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7- Back of The Book

  • This part of the magazine contains the remaining content, shorter articles, news, listings, remaining columns and horoscopes. Again, just as at the beginning of the magazine, this part of the magazine follows a rigid structure and the design is not changed to just. In general, here you can find so-called"classified"ads. Smaller ads, 1/4 of a page to 1/16 of a page, are grouped and p…
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A magazine is an ammunition storage and feeding device for a repeating firearm, either integral within the gun (internal/fixed magazine) or externally attached (detachable magazine). The magazine functions by holding several cartridges within itself and sequentially pushing each one into a position where it may be readily loaded into the barrel chamber by the firearm's moving action. The detac…


With the increased use of semi-automatic and automatic firearms, the detachable magazine became increasingly common. Soon after the adoption of the M1911 pistol, the term "magazine" was settled on by the military and firearms experts, though the term "clip" is often used in its place (though only for detachable magazines, never fixed). The defining difference between clips and magazines is the presence of a feed mechanism in a magazine, typically a spring-loaded followe…


The earliest firearms were loaded with loose powder and a lead ball, and to fire more than a single shot without reloading required multiple barrels, such as pepper-box guns and double-barreled shotguns, or multiple chambers, such as in revolvers. Both of these add bulk and weight over a single barrel and a single chamber, however, and many attempts were made to get multiple shots from …

Function and types

All cartridge-based single-barrel firearms designed to fire more than a single shot without reloading require some form of magazine designed to store and feed cartridges to the firearm's action. Magazines come in many shapes and sizes, with the most common type in modern firearms being the detachable box type. Most magazines designed for use with a reciprocatingbolt firearm (tube f…

STANAG magazine

A STANAG magazine or NATO magazine is a type of detachable magazine proposed by NATO in October 1980. Shortly after NATO's acceptance of the 5.56×45mm NATO rifle cartridge, Draft Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4179 was proposed in order to allow NATO members to easily share rifle ammunition and magazines down to the individual soldier level. The U.S. M16 …

High-capacity magazines

In the United States, a number of states have passed laws that ban magazines which are defined as "high-capacity" by statute. High-capacity or large-capacity magazines are generally those defined by statute to be capable of holding more than 10 to 15 rounds, although the definitions vary. Other nations impose restrictions on magazine capacity as well. In Canada, magazines are generally limited to 5 rounds for rifles and 10 for handguns(with some exceptions), depending on …

See also

• Belt (firearms)
• Bottom metal
• Jungle style (firearm magazines)
• List of 3D printed weapons and parts

Further reading

• The Franklin Institute (February 1970). "Component Design" (PDF). Automatic Weapons. Engineering Design Handbook: Guns. U.S. Army Materiel Command. pp. 7-2 through 7-9. AMCP 706-260.

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