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tussock moth caterpillar control

by Eliza Buckridge Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

  • Tussock Moths are a species of pest that is known for having a destructive caterpillar phase. ...
  • To get rid of Tussock Moth Caterpillars, we recommend applying Supreme IT Insecticide to your yard and ornamentals.
  • Prevent potential future Tussock Moth infestations by monitoring your yard, removing cocoons and re-applying Supreme IT on a quarterly basis.

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) controls tussock moth larvae, especially if applied when most larvae are young. Bacillus thuringiensis kills only caterpillars (butterfly and moth larvae) that feed on sprayed foliage.

Are tussock moths harmful?

Experts say the white hickory tussock moth caterpillar has a defense mechanism in those white hairs that embeds in human skin and sends a small dose of irritating poison, causing itching, rash and allergic reactions. Some people may be hypersensitive to the poison and have allergic reactions.

What do the caterpillars of moths eat?

Gypsy moths are a concern because the larvae feed voraciously, mostly on the leaves of deciduous (leafy) trees, but also on some conifers (evergreens). During the larval stage, a single gypsy moth caterpillar can eat an average of one square metre of leaves.

How do you tell Butterfly caterpillars from moth caterpillars?

Question How can you tell the difference between a butterfly and a moth?

  • Wings. Butterflies tend to fold their wings vertically up over their backs. ...
  • Anatomy. Moths have a frenulum, which is a wing-coupling device. ...
  • Behavior. Butterflies are primariy diurnal, flying in the daytime. ...
  • Cocoon/Chrysalis. Cocoons and chrysalides are protective coverings for the pupa. ...
  • More fascinating facts about butterflies and moths. ...

Is the tussock moth poisonous?

Posts on social media sites warn that White Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillars are poisonous and can cause skin irritation or more serious health complications when touched by humans.

How do I get rid of tussock moth caterpillars?

Place the caterpillars in a solution of soapy water or rubbing alcohol. If they are moving from the tree to a structure, collect them before they pupate. Once they pupate, wear gloves and remove by hand or use tweezers or forceps. If they are in areas that are out of reach, knock them down with a pole or extension.

How do you get rid of tussock?

Physical removal Remove individual plants with a mattock in small, isolated patches. Bag and dispose of the plants. Also dispose of soil attached to roots as it may contain seeds. Tussocks with flowers should be burnt after removal.

How do I get rid of caterpillar moths?

3:275:35How to Get Rid of Tussock Moth Caterpillars (4 Easy Steps!)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBifenthrin we recommend you use 0.25 fluid ounces of product per 1 gallon of spray. Solution.MoreBifenthrin we recommend you use 0.25 fluid ounces of product per 1 gallon of spray. Solution.

Do birds eat tussock moth caterpillars?

The three little birds that live in our area full time and eat both the Tussock moth and its caterpillars, are the Oak Titmouse, the Bushtit and the Bewick Wren. As amazing as it may seem, all of these helpers were called to by the trees!

How do you get rid of a caterpillar infestation?

To treat against caterpillars, you can spray any plants, trees, and shrubs that the caterpillars eat with either Bonide Thuricide or Dipel Pro. Both products contain a non-toxic bacteria called Bacillus thuringiensis that destroys the stomach lining of the caterpillars.

How do I get rid of tussock moth caterpillars in Florida?

My recommendations for homeowners disturbed by tussock moth caterpillars:Any of the common foliar insecticides will effectively kill those caterpillars still feeding. ... People who want to minimize cocoons on their house should walk around it with a broom and sweep the climbing caterpillars into a pail of soapy water.More items...

What kills caterpillars naturally?

11 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Caterpillars on PlantsSoap and Water.Organic B.t. (Bacillus thuringiensis)Neem Oil.Pepper and Garlic Mixture.Chili Spray.Create a Habitat Friendly to Birds.Vinegar Solution.Use Burlap.More items...

What pesticide kills caterpillars?

Bacillus thuringiensis subspeciesBacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki (Btk) is a microbial insecticide that kills only caterpillars. It's safe to use near bees, beneficial insects, and wildlife. Caterpillars must feed on treated leaves to be affected.

How do I get rid of caterpillars outside my house?

Use a broom to brush caterpillars off the exterior and interior walls of your house once a day to prevent them from leaving a slime trail that could stain your house. Also broom caterpillars off windows and screens. For caterpillars on the outside of your house, spraying them with water from a hose also works.

Are tussock moths beneficial?

Yet, milkweed tussock is a native species that evolved alongside the monarch. Knowing that species diversity is an essential part of a healthy ecosystem, there is no harm in leaving milkweed tussock caterpillars alone to eat a few milkweed plants.

How long do tussock caterpillars stay around?

When it comes to the tussock moth caterpillars, "it's usually best to let them do their thing, and they'll be gone in about four weeks or so."

How long is tussock moth caterpillar season?

Life Cycle: Hatch from the overwintering eggs starts around March 1 when oak trees are flushing. Caterpillars feed and grow over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. The 2-week long pupal stage occurs from early to mid April. Male moths emerge and fly to the wingless females from mid April into early May.

What is a Tussock Moth?

Tussock Moth caterpillars (from the family Lymantriidae) are voracious eaters capable of defoliating entire forests. The best-known member of this family is the beautiful but highly detrimental Gypsy Moth which is not native to North America. After its introduction, the potential for destruction these critters could wreak became all too clear.

Where do white marked tussock moths live?

The White-Marked Tussock Moth is a common native of North America and is found throughout the eastern United States and Canada. These caterpillars feed on a range of host plants, including birch, cherry, apple, oak, and even some coniferous trees like fir and spruce, and may cause damage to trees when present in significant numbers.

What caterpillars are known for their tufts of hair?

In the United States, the Gypsy Moth alone costs millions of dollars to control each year. To insect lovers, however, Tussock Moth caterpillars are known for their striking tufts of hair, or tussocks.

What do pine tussock moths eat?

Predictably, Pine Tussock Moth caterpillars feed on pine foliage, along with other coniferous trees such as spruce. They prefer the tender needles of jack pine, and during years of high caterpillar populations, entire stands of these trees may be defoliated. The caterpillars emerge in the summer months.

How long do caterpillars molt?

Caterpillars feed primarily at night, but in a year of high Gypsy Moth populations, they may continue feeding through the day as well. After eight weeks of feeding and molting, the caterpillar pupates, usually on tree bark. Within one to two weeks, adults emerge and begin mating. The adult moths do not feed.

How long does it take for a white marked tulsock moth to hatch?

White-Marked Tussock Moths produce two generations each year. The first generation of caterpillars emerges from their eggs in springtime. They feed on foliage for four to six weeks before pupating. After two weeks, the adult moth emerges from the cocoon, ready to mate and lay eggs.

Why do Nun Moths chew needles?

That's a good thing because in its native range it has wreaked havoc on forests. Nun Moths like to chew the base of needles on coniferous trees, allowing the rest of the untouched needle to fall to the ground. This eating habit results in extensive needle loss when caterpillar populations are high.

What are Douglas Fir tussock moths?

Douglas fir tussock moth caterpillars have a lot of natural predators in Colorado. Biological tussock moth control includes several species of parasitic wasp and tachinid fly that work as parasites on the larvae. Spiders are one of the most effective predators, feeding on large populations of the caterpillar. Birds also eat the caterpillars during early stages, but hair growth begins to offer them some protection later in the season. In addition to other natural tussock moth controls, the weather can also reduce Douglas fir tussock moth populations. In general, tussock moth populations rarely have outbreaks for more than a couple of years. For urban home owners who want to maintain the beauty and value of trees on their property tussock moth control is essential.

Do tussock moths kill larvae?

Additionally, it is important to treat larvae just after eggs have hatched. There are several chemical tussock moth control options which are effective in killing larvae. If you live in Denver, Castle Rock or Larkspur and want an expert to control tussock moth caterpillars on your property, contact SprayTech for your all ...

What is a tussock moth?

Hickory tussock moth caterpillars are fuzzy, white and black caterpillars that are often very apparent in the fall, sometimes in large numbers. The hairs may irritate the skin of people sensitive to them, but there are no known cases of systemic allergic reactions in response to the hairs of this species.

Why do tussock moths have hairs?

Medical importance. Hickory tussock moths use their hairs for defense – the hairs are barbed, easily detach, and can become embedded in the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes of potential predators. When they spin their cocoons, the caterpillars incorporate the hairs into the silk so that the cocoons are also protected.

What caterpillars are white and fuzzy?

Hickory tussock moth caterpillars are fuzzy, white and black caterpillars that are commonly encountered in the fall. The hairs are used for defense and may irritate the skin of sensitive individuals. Save For Later Print. Articles.

How big do caterpillars get?

Older caterpillars can grow up to 1.7 inches (4.5 cm) and are covered in white and black setae; the black setae are arranged in tufts along the back and a set of black "pencils" often occur at the front and back.

When do caterpillars emerge?

While caterpillars are most often encountered during the fall, the cocoons are may be found year-round; after the adult moths emerge in the spring, the cocoons remain behind and gradually deteriorate depending on how exposed they are such that some may continue to be present throughout the summer.

What insecticides are used to kill caterpillars?

If many young caterpillars are found on smaller (generally <15' tall) trees, a product containing Bt ( Bacillus thuringiensis) or spinosad can be applied. Both Bt and spinosad are organic insecticides that are derived from bacteria.

How to remove setae?

If tape is insufficient or some hairs remain embedded, they may need to removed using fine forceps or tweezers. Antihistamines and topical steroids may be needed to treat localized itching and swelling.

Why are tussock moths called tussock moths?

Similar species: The caterpillars in several moth groups are called “tussock moths” because they, too, may be hairy with clumps of longer hairs. Several of these are in the tiger and lichen moth subfamily.

What is the new family of tussock moths?

The new family (Erebidae) that the tussock moth subfamily now belongs to joins together several additional moth groups. Many of these (such as the underwing, or catocalid moths) used to be members of the formerly huge family Noctuidae. The noctuid family continues, but minus those groups. Another distinct group, the tiger and lichen moths, are in the same situation as the tussock moths: they also used to be in their own family, but have now been reduced to a subfamily (Arctiinae) in the new family Erebidae. These recent taxonomy revisions are confusing, but they represent a much greater clarity in our understanding of the true relationships among these animal groups.

What caterpillars are in cocoons?

The caterpillars incorporate those hairs into the cocoon for protection. Some examples of species in this subfamily include the white-marked tussock moth ( Orgyia leucostigma ), whose larvae damage orchard trees, and the exotic, invasive gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar ).

How many hair tufts are there in caterpillars?

The caterpillars tend to be brightly colored with distinctive groups of hair tufts, some short and some long, often with 2 long tufts in the front and 2 or 3 at the hind end. The elongated clumps are sometimes called "pencils.". Some species have hollow, barbed hairs that sting with toxic spines.

Why do caterpillars have stinging hairs?

Stinging hairs are a defense against the caterpillars’ many predators. The bright colors warn predators of the unpalatable nature of the caterpillars. The hairs also probably help insulate the caterpillars from extreme temperatures and help protect them from drying out.

What order are butterflies and moths in Missouri?

About Butterflies and Moths in Missouri. Butterflies, skippers, and moths belong to an insect order called the Lepidoptera — the "scale-winged" insects. These living jewels have tiny, overlapping scales that cover their wings like shingles.

Why did people introduce gypsy moths to North America?

People introduced the invasive, destructive gypsy moth to North America in a failed attempt to jumpstart a silk-producing industry on our continent.

What is a tussock moth?

Tussock moths in the genus Orgyia are small moths that are best-known because of their attractive larvae. Figure 1. Fir tussock moth ( Orgyia detrita) caterpillar (dorsal view). Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida.

What are tussock moths' enemies?

Predators: Tussock moth larvae have various natural enemies. Medina and Barbosa (2002) looked at predation of small and large Orgyia leucostigma larvae in a temperate forest and suggested that birds were the major predators of large larvae but most mortality of smaller larvae was probably due to failure to find a suitable host during ballooning dispersal and also possibly to predation by invertebrate predators in the leaf litter. Large ground beetles (Henn et al. 2009) and Polistes paper wasps (Castellanos et al. 2011) have also been reported to attack the larvae up in the trees.

What do fir tussock moth larvae eat?

Hall, University of Florida. By the second instar, the larvae are already recognizable because of their short hair pencils. Young larvae eat holes in leaves.

What is the most common moth in Florida?

Orgyia detrita (the fir tussock moth) is the most common of the species in Florida followed by Orgyia leucostigma (the whitemarked tussock moth) and finally Orgyia definita (the definite tussock moth), which is rare in Florida (Foltz 2004). Much of the older literature places the tussock moths in the family Liparidae and more recently in ...

When do Orgyia detrita hatch?

In Florida, the overwintering eggs begin to hatch in late February. After hatching, the young larvae feed on the remaining egg mass and then spin a silk thread that they use to “balloon” for dispersal (Thurston 2002). Because adult females are flightless, ballooning by young larvae is the major mode of dispersal. Ballooning is also important given their propensity for spinning cocoons off their host plants (i.e., on buildings, fences, and other man-made objects).

Why is it so hard to control caterpillars in Florida?

Control of the caterpillars is difficult because by the time they are migrating from the trees, it is too late. In Florida, feeding damage to large trees by Orgyia species does not usually harm the trees. However, they may occasionally be sufficiently numerous to completely defoliate large trees. Also, large numbers of larvae blown onto small landscape trees may result in severe defoliation.

What are the black pencils on the prothorax?

They are characterized by hair pencils of black setae that extend forward from the prespiracular verrucae of the prothorax, a dorsal hair pencil of black setae on the eighth abdominal segment, dorsal tussocks on the first four abdominal segments, and mid-dorsal glandular structures on abdominal segments six and seven.

Scientific Name




Life History

Host Plants

Medical Importance


  • Because hickory tussock moths are a native species, they are usually controlled by a host of natural enemies. When outbreaks do occur, the majority of defoliation occurs late in the season just a few weeks before trees naturally drop their leaves, so the caterpillars do not generally cause long-term damage to the affected tree. If control is warran...
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