Is there a recall on real water?
Company Announcement Real Water, Inc. of Mesa, AZ and Henderson, NV, has issued a voluntary recall of all sizes of its Real Water brand drinking water, because it may be linked to certain instances of non-viral hepatitis which were reported in or about November, 2020 in the Las Vegas, NV area.
What kind of water is being recalled in Utah?
And on Friday, the FDA added to the recall 3- and 5-gallon containers of Real Water brand drinking water distributed in Utah.
What happened to RealReal water?
Real Water founder Brent Jones issued a video apology as the Food and Drug Administration announced it had launched a probe over customer illnesses and lawsuits start to pile up. YouTube/Get Real Abundance
What happens to distribution after a product is recalled?
Distributors have been notified of the recall and instructed to immediately remove recalled products from all store shelves, distribution, and other inventories to ensure they are no longer available for sale or consumption. Home and office delivery customers have also been instructed how to have products picked up.
Is there a recall on Real Water?
Federal authorities have ordered a complete recall of a Las Vegas-based bottled water brand called Real Water and ordered the company to surrender records for investigations of at least one death and multiple cases of liver disease in people who reported drinking it. May 21, 2021, at 3:57 p.m.
What is the healthiest water to drink 2021?
Best Overall: Mountain Valley Spring Water at Amazon. Read Review.Best Mineral: Topo Chico Mineral Water at Amazon. Read Review.Best Alkaline: Essentia Alkaline Water at Amazon. Read Review.Best Filtered: Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water at Amazon. Read Review.Best High-End: Acqua Panna Spring Water at Amazon. Read Review.
Is Real Water FDA approved?
Laboratory analyses did not identify the contaminant that could have led to the illnesses. On June 1, 2021, FDA announced that Real Water Inc. has agreed to cease operations until they can comply with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and other requirements listed in a consent decree.
What is the safest bottled water to drink?
The study concluded that four (yes, only four) bottled water brands have a pH and fluoride level completely safe for your teeth: Fiji, “Just Water,” Deer Park Natural Spring Water, and Evamor.
What is the healthiest brand of water?
According to the report from 2018, Evian water meets all regulations and standards which make it a safe bottled water brand to drink.
What is the purest bottled water?
Icelandic Water, marketed as the purest tasting water on Earth, possesses a pH of 8.14, which is significantly higher than tap water and its bottled water competitors.
What is wrong with Real Water?
Federal authorities have ordered a complete recall of the Las Vegas-based bottled water brand Real Water and ordered the company to surrender records in investigations of at least one death and multiple cases of liver illness among people who reported drinking it.
Is alkaline water good for you 2021?
Recent research suggests that alkaline water could provide some specific health benefits. A study published this year in the journal Medical Gas Research suggests that consuming alkaline water could have a positive effect on stool consistency and gut microbiota.
Which bottled water is on recall?
Real Water, Inc. of Mesa, AZ and Henderson, NV, has issued a voluntary recall of all sizes of its Real Water brand drinking water, because it may be linked to certain instances of non-viral hepatitis which were reported in or about November, 2020 in the Las Vegas, NV area.
What bottled water brands to avoid?
Alhambra, Sierra Springs, Sparkletts, Arrowhead, Mount Olympus, Belmont Springs, Poland Spring, Crystal Rock, Crystal Springs, Shenandoah, Deer Park, Diamond Springs, Nursery Water, Hindley Spri, Ice Mountain, Kandiyohi, Puritan Springs, Kentwood Springs, Mayer Bros., Ozarka, Pure Flo, and Zephyrhills.
Is Deer Park spring water really spring water?
Our still 100% natural spring water is sourced from carefully selected springs along the eastern seaboard, hydrating and refreshing people who live near the springs it came from.
What brand of water is actually spring water?
Fiji water is considered to be some of the purest spring water available on the market.
Why is real water recalled?
A week after federal and local health officials warned people not to drink Real Water because of a potential link to liver disease, the Las Vegas-based bottled water brand is voluntarily recalling its water. All sizes of Real Water drinking water are part of the recall due to a "possible health risk," according to a notice posted on ...
How many liters are in a recalled bottle?
Recalled products include 1.5 liters, 1 liter, 500 ml and gallon ready-to-drink bottles that were distributed at stores throughout the United States and on
What is real water?
Real Water is marketed as premium drinking water with healthy detoxifying properties. It comes in distinctive boxy blue bottles with labels calling it “alkalized” and “infused with negative ions.”
How to get a refund from Real Water?
For questions and to get a refund, contact Real Water at 702-310-5437 Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time or by email at [email protected].
Where does Kemp's water come from?
It said he received a liver transplant at a hospital in Los Angeles. Kemp's court filings say the water is drawn from the Las Vegas public tap water supply.
Can you return a recalled water bottle?
Consumers with recalled products "should discard it immediately and not drink it," the recall states, noting the products can be returned for a refund at stores . Home and office delivery customers are advised to contact Real Water to have remaining products picked up.
Can you cook with real water?
Last week's FDA warning also said people should not cook with, sell or serve Real Water.
When was the Real Water recall?
On March 25, 2021, in addition to the information reported in the firm’s recall, FDA learned that that 3- and 5-gallon containers of Real Water brand drinking water were distributed in the state of Utah.
When will Real Water cease operations?
On June 1, 2021, FDA announced that Real Water Inc. has agreed to cease operations until they can comply with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and other requirements listed in a consent decree.
How many probable cases are there in Nevada in 2021?
On April 26, 2021 the Southern Nevada Health District#N#External Link Disclaimer#N#announced, "The Health District has identified six additional probable cases (for a total of 11 probable cases) and one suspect case. The newly identified cases are all adults, and the one suspect case meets the clinical criteria but has not been tested for viral hepatitis.”
How many ml is real water?
Additionally, according to the firm’s website, Real Water is sold in 1 gallon, 500 mL (16.9oz.), 1 liter, and 1.5 liter plastic bottles and in a 750 mL glass bottle.
When did the FDA issue a demand for records?
As a result, on March 23 and on March 25, FDA issued a Demand for Records under section 414 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Consumption of “Real Water” brand alkaline water is the only common link identified among all of these cases to date.
Is the FDA sampling real water?
FDA is also sampling and analyzing Real Water products and will provide updates as the investigation continues. The FDA is reiterating that it is crucial that consumers, restaurants, distributors, and retailers not drink, cook with, sell, or serve “Real Water” alkaline water.
Does Real Water have FDA records?
Real Water, Inc. has not provided FDA the records requested regarding distribution, therefore, FDA cannot conclusively determine if the above firms did or did not distribute Real Water. These records are included in FDA’s Demand for Records.
What is the complaint about Re2al water?
It alleges the “manufacture and distribution of adulterated and/or misbranded bottled drinking water and chemical concentrate” that “may have been rendered injurious to health”.
What is E2 water?
The product is sold as premium alkalized drinking water in distinctive boxy blue bottles touting “E2 Electron Energized Technology.” Labels say it is “infused with negative ions” and offers healthy detoxifying properties.
Is Real Water recalled?
Federal authorities have ordered a complete recall of the Las Vegas-based bottled water brand Real Water and ordered the company to surrender records in investigations of at least one death and multiple cases of liver illness among people who reported drinking it.
Does Real Water cause illnesses?
In court filings, the company acknowledges the FDA investigation but not that Real Water caused illnesses.
Is real water linked to liver disease?
The Las Vegas-based Southern Nevada Health District on Thursday reported five more cases of liver illness believed to be linked to Real Water, including the death of a Clark county woman in her 60s who had underlying medical conditions.
What is the consent decree for a recall?
The consent decree requires the company to recall and destroy all the product produced before Wednesday; to turn over to the FDA records about processing, bottling and distribution; and to submit to unannounced inspections of company facilities in Las Vegas, suburban Henderson, Nevada, and Mesa, Arizona.
Where does the water come from in Las Vegas?
Water is drawn from the Las Vegas-area municipal supply, according to the complaint, filtered and processed with potassium hydroxide, or lye, the chemical potassium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride, a salt.
What is E2 water?
The product is sold as premium alkalized drinking water in distinctive boxy blue bottles touting “E2 Electron Energized Technology.” Labels say it is “infused with negative ions” and offers healthy detoxifying properties.
Is real water linked to liver disease?
The Las Vegas-based Southern Nevada Health District on Thursday reported five more cases of liver illness believed to be linked to Real Water, including the death of a Clark County woman in her 60s who had underlying medical conditions.
Does Real Water cause illnesses?
In court filings, the company acknowledges the FDA investigation but not that Real Water caused illnesses.
Is Real Water recalled?
Federal authorities have ordered a complete recall of a Las Vegas-based bottled water brand called Real Water amid investigations of at least one death and multiple cases of liver disease in people who reported drinking it. LAS VEGAS -- Federal authorities have ordered a complete recall of a Las Vegas-based bottled water brand Real Water ...
What is alkaline water?
Alkaline water is water that has been altered so that it has a higher pH than regular drinking water which has a neutral pH of 7. Although companies that make alkalized water products tout their health benefits, there isn’t scientific evidence to support these claims.
Is real water still being sold?
recalled all of its alkaline water products after non-viral hepatitis illnesses including cases of liver failure were associated with them, the products are still being sold and marketed, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said in its most recent update on the outbreak. What’s more, the agency said, the Las Vegas-based company is still refusing to cooperate with the FDA investigation of the outbreak. Consumers, restaurants, and retailers should not drink, serve or sell Real Water alkalized water at this time, the FDA warns.
Who owns real water?
Real Water is owned by Affinity Inc. of Las Vegas. Several customers sickened in this outbreak have filed lawsuits against the company to cover their extensive medical bills.
Who is responsible for warning consumers about real water?
To alert consumers to the real danger these products pose, both the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) have issued consumer warnings about the Real Water products.
Is there a recall for real water?
The recalled products were sold in a variety of sizes. Consumer s who have purchased these products should not drink them.
What is the consent decree for a recall?
The consent decree requires the company to recall and destroy all the product produced before Wednesday; to turn over to the FDA records about processing, bottling and distribution; and to submit to unannounced inspections of company facilities in Las Vegas, suburban Henderson, Nevada, and Mesa, Arizona.
Where does the water come from in Las Vegas?
Water is drawn from the Las Vegas-area municipal supply, according to the complaint, filtered and processed with potassium hydroxide, or lye, the chemical potassium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride, a salt.
What is E2 water?
The product is sold as premium alkalized drinking water in distinctive boxy blue bottles touting “E2 Electron Energized Technology.” Labels say it is “infused with negative ions” and offers healthy detoxifying properties.
Is Real Water recalled?
LAS VEGAS — Federal authorities have ordered a complete recall of a Las Vegas-based bottled water brand Real Water and ordered the company to surrender records in investigations of at least one death and multiple cases of liver illness among people who reported drinking it.
Does Real Water cause illnesses?
In court filings, the company acknowledges the FDA investigation but not that Real Water caused illnesses.
Is real water linked to liver disease?
The Las Vegas-based Southern Nevada Health District on Thursday reported five more cases of liver illness believed to be linked to Real Water, including the death of a Clark County woman in her 60s who had underlying medical conditions.
Is real water alkaline?
For weeks now, the Food and Drug Administration has fired off warnings to the company that produces Real Water. Real Water alkaline water has reportedly caused a dozen illnesses, including hospitalization for five children, in various U.S. states.
Is real water still available?
Food Safety News also reports that the FDA stated: "The FDA has become aware that Real Water brand alkaline water is still being offered for sale through online retailers …. The agency is working to locate any remaining products to ensure they are no longer available to consumers.
Is bottled water bad for you?
When you open a bottle of water, you probably believe it's going to fill your body with health and hydration. But in a product recall saga that's gone from bad to disastrous, this week it's been reported that a particular bottled water brand continues to make people sick, as the FDA advises consumers that the company still lists its products for sale.
Who is the founder of Real Water?
Real Water founder Brent Jones issued a video apology as the Food and Drug Administration announced it had launched a probe over customer illnesses and lawsuits start to pile up. YouTube/Get Real Abundance
What are the ingredients in real water?
Real Water’s product label says its only two ingredients are purified water and potassium bicarbonate, an alkaline mineral.
What happened to Myles Hunwardsen?
Myles Hunwardsen was diagnosed with acute liver failure in September 2019 and was airlifted to UCLA Ronald Reagan Hospital for a transplant. While those patients have recovered, five other people from two of their households also suffered symptoms such as fever, vomiting and nausea, according to the FDA.
Does alkaline water help with cancer?
While boosters of alkaline water claim it can neutralize acid in the bloodstream and help prevent conditions such as cancer and heart disease, those claims are largely not supported by credible evidence, according to the Mayo Clinic. Filed under fda , lawsuits , mayo clinic , nevada , 3/24/21.
Who issued the mea culpa?
Real Water president Brent Jones issued the mea culpa amid a Food and Drug Administration probe of the alkaline water, which has been linked to several cases of hepatitis.
Is Real Water recalled?
The company has issued a voluntary nationwide recall “until the safety of our product is clearly established,” he said. The FDA is still investigating the cases, but officials say they have epidemiologic information indicating Real Water’s product caused the illnesses.
Does real water have a higher pH?
The video came four days after the FDA urged consumers and businesses not to drink, sell or serve Real Water, which has as higher pH level that the Arizona-based company claims can improve hydration. The feds say five infants and children in southern Nevada who consumed the brand’s water came down with non-viral hepatitis ...