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potatoes on bottom of feet

by Nelda Sauer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The claim is that putting sliced raw potatoes against the bottom of your feet — and wearing socks to hold them in place — can help cure cold and flu symptoms likes coughs, runny nose, congestion, and fever. The reason why potatoes (and onions) are put against the feet may come from a therapy in traditional Chinese medicine called reflexology.

The reason why potatoes (and onions) are put against the feet may come from a therapy in traditional Chinese medicine called reflexology. In this healing science, the soles of the feet are thought to have access points to different parts of the body. According to reflexology, treating the feet helps to treat the body.Oct 4, 2019

Full Answer

What potatoes are considered Waxy potatoes?

Starchy, Waxy, and All-Purpose: Potato Types, Explained

  • Starchy. As the name might suggest, starchy potatoes are high starch and also low in moisture. ...
  • Waxy. On the other end of the potato spectrum are waxy potatoes, which are low in starch and high in moisture.
  • All-Purpose. Think of all-purpose potatoes as the ultimate workhouse, they have medium starch and medium moisture content.

How do potatoes make me fat?

The Truth About Sweet Potatoes and Weight Loss

  • First, change the way you think about sweet potatoes. Sure, they’re a vegetable. ...
  • Sweet potatoes are loaded in fiber. ...
  • There are other ways sweet potatoes could help with weight loss, too. ...
  • The bottom line on sweet potatoes and weight loss: Eating any kind of food in excess can contribute to weight gain, but in terms of everything out there that you ...

Are potatoes a comfort food?

There are no frills and no enhanced surroundings, and you are very likely to eat with the same dining companions, if any, every time. For me, as a diner and not a food reviewer, the monotony is often there. So is my objection about the necessity of the meal.

Do you eat the skin on potatoes?

Yes. Eat the skin to capture all the natural nutrition of a russet potato. The potato skin has more nutrients than the interior of the potato. It has lots of fiber, about half of a medium potato’s fiber is from the skin.

Do potatoes draw out infection?

The potato was used as a natural remedy in traditional medicine for centuries before it was eaten as a food. A substance in the common potato, the investigators found, prevents invading bacteria from latching onto vulnerable cells in the human body.

Are potatoes good for healing?

Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, Potassium, fibre, B vitamins copper, tryptophan, manganese and even lutein, notes the book 'Healing Foods' by DK Publishing. It also works wonders for curbing inflammation in the body and boost immunity and healthy blood circulation.

Does putting potatoes in your socks help?

Bottom line. Putting potatoes in your socks cannot cure a cold or other ailments. There's no medical research that shows that it works. Eating potatoes, however, may help boost your immune system and help you beat a cold or flu.

What is potato poultice?

Sprains, inflammation: finely grate raw potatoes, wrap in gauze and place over the affected area. If you wish, you can wrap another cloth around it. Leave to work for approx. 10 - 20 minutes, repeat as required.

Potatoes – Health Benefits

There are many different of types of potatoes that come in all shapes and sizes. Potatoes are packed with nutrients such as potassium, thiamin and niacin as well as vitamin C, making them an ideal part of a healthy diet. They can also be used to treat various ailments, either taken internally or as a topical treatment.

Nutrients In Potato Juice

Potassium – A 1/2-cup of potato juice provides almost 27% of the daily recommended dietary intake of potassium for all adults. Read more about the importance of potassium in my article about potassium deficiency – causes, symptoms and what to do.

Home Remedies Using Raw Potato

The list of remedies using raw potatoes or their juice is virtually infinite. Although some of these remedies are simply folk remedies passed down through the generations, others have been studied empirically and are backed by hard science. Here are a few great potato remedies you may wish to try.

Detox with Potatoes on Feet

Your skin is sometimes called the third kidney because if its role in body detox. I’ve already mentioned that you can draw out toxins through your skin by taking detox baths or you can even detox your armpits.

Potato Slices in Socks as a Remedy for Fever

I’ve recently learned about a folk remedy for fever using potatoes. If you suffer from fever, all you need to do is put a slice of chilled raw potato at the bottom of your feet. Put it in your sock and leave for a 2-3 hours to break the fever.

Do Potatoes on Feet Pull Out Sickness?

There is an anecdotal evidence that potatoes can pull out sickness but I couldn’t find scientific evidence to support it. The idea of putting potatoes in your socks for sickness could be attributed to foot reflexology which can be traced back to ancient Egyptian and Chinese civilizations.

Do Potatoes Draw Out Infection?

A lot of people use a potato poultice to draw Infection from wounds, boils, or skin abscesses. Depending on the infection, it may help to draw out the pus within 1-3 days. According to the Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, potatoes have been used for healing burns, skin cracks, sores, and other types of skin infections.

Why Your Feet Hurt and How to Find Relief

Laken Brooks (she/hers) is a freelance writer with bylines in CNN, Inside Higher Ed, Good Housekeeping, and Refinery29. She writes about accessibility, folk medicine, and technology. She served as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Szczecin, Poland and has worked with various museums and nonprofits.

When to See a Healthcare Provider

Sometimes foot pain goes away on its own in a few days. But sometimes it becomes chronic. That can have a big impact on your life.


To identify the cause of your foot pain, your healthcare provider will likely examine your foot. They'll look for areas of pain or tenderness.


Treatment for foot pain depends on your diagnosis. You have several options.


Feet have lots of moving parts. They're all important for balance, standing, and walking.

A Word From Verywell

Foot pain can impose a lot of limits. Don't think you have to just live with it. Many common foot problems are treatable.

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