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names for grandparents around the world

by Summer Crist Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What Do People Around The World Call Their Grandparents?

Grandmother Grandfather Language
Jadda Jadd Arabic*
Teetay, Teeta Seedo, Jeedo Arabic, Palestinian dialect*
Metzmayr Metzhayr Armenian*
Amatchi Aïtatchi Basque (region in NE Spain/SW France)
Apr 22 2022

Grandparent Names Around The World
  • American English: Grandma and Grandpa. ...
  • Russian: Babushka and Dedushka.
  • Greek: Yia Yia and Papou.
  • Portuguese: Avó and Avô (European) ...
  • Spanish: Abuela and Abuelo (can be shortened to Abu in some parts of Latin America)
  • Mandarin (Northern Dialect): ...
  • Mandarin (Southern Dialect): ...
  • Swedish:
May 6, 2019

Full Answer

What are some cool names for grandparents?

Unique Ideas for Grandparent Names

  • WOW – Mom upside down
  • HoneyDeux – Grandmother was Honey mother was HoneyDeux
  • Grandma Jeep, Grandma Honda – Grandmas of boys
  • Grannie back on the farm
  • Banana
  • Lolly & Pop
  • Annie & Bruce (not their actual names)
  • Happy – couldn’t say Pappy
  • Where’d he go – Grandpa likes to play hide & seek
  • Grandpete

More items...

What are some good Grandpa names?

Best Old Man Names

  • Abner. This neglected Biblical name--it was the name of the commander of Saul's army and appears twice in the New Testament--is ready to flee Dogpatch.
  • Abraham. Abraham is among the most classic baby names that's still widely-used today, popular for its references to both the Bible and American history.
  • Albert. ...
  • Alfred. ...
  • Aloysius. ...
  • Amos. ...

What are the most popular Grandma names?

Most Popular Grandparent Names. The traditional names Granny and Grandad came tops, closely followed by Nanny and Grandfather. Also, in the top selection were Grandpa, Papa, Gramps and Pops for grandfathers, while grandmothers were also called Nannie, Grandma and Nana. Time Away From Grandparents, Parental Guilt Rose

What are some nicknames for grandparents?

Other examples of funny nicknames for grandma include:

  • MainMa – For the grandma who had a formative place in your life.
  • Grammager – The perfect funny nickname for a grandma who likes to manage everything.
  • Grandzilla – A funny nickname for the grandma who can be a bit of a monster!
  • GrimGram – For the grandma who doesn’t have a sunny outlook on life.
  • The Oldster
  • The Matriarch
  • The Antique
  • Time traveller

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What are some good grandparents names?

Traditional Grandparent NamesGrandma and Grandpa.Grandmother and Grandfather.Nana and Papa.Mawmaw and Pawpaw.Meme and Papaw.Gramms and Gramps.Grammie and Grampie.Bubbe.More items...•

What are some cool grandma names?

50 Grandma NamesMemaw. This unique name for grandma is popular in the southern United States!Nanny. Much like the popular nanny Mary Poppins, this is a perfect name for a grandma who is sensible and sweet.Nonna. This quirky name means “grandma” in Italian.Bubbe. ... Abuela. ... Glamma. ... Lovey. ... Lola.More items...•

What are some cool names for grandpa?

Unique Spins on GrandpaBoppa.Boppy.Grampa.Gramps.Grampy.Grandpappy.Pappy.Pawpaw.More items...•

What do Europeans call grandparents?

Italians call theirs Nonna and Nonno respectively. For France, your grandmother is your Grandmére or Mémé and your grandfather Grandpére or Pépé. In Greece, our grandparents are Yaya and Pappoús.

What do British call their grandparents?

Some of the names cited for grandmothers include Boo, Mimi and Nanan. For grandfathers such terms of endearment include Pa, Papa and Captain. People living in Cardiff and Plymouth are more likely to use a unique name for their grandfather and those in Nottingham, London and Leicester likewise for their grandmother.

What do Italians call their grandparents?

nonnoThe most common way to say grandpa or grandfather in Italian is nonno (plural: nonni which can mean either grandpas or grandparents). Your paternal grandfather is your nonno paterno whereas your maternal grandfather is your nonno materno.

What do Irish call grandparents?

Ireland (Gaelic) While maimeó anddaideó are the words used to address a grandmother or grandfather, there are a few different words for grandparents in Irish. For example, there are máthair chríona, which translates to “wise mother,” and athair críonna which translates to “wise father.”

What do the Scottish call their grandparents?

-Scottish: In Scottish Gaelic, the word for grandpa is “Seanair,” but other commonly used Scottish grandfather names include “Grandad” and “Grandpa.” -Spanish: In Spanish, grandfathers are most commonly called “Abuelo” but can also be called “Abuelito” or “Tito.”

What is the Viking word for grandpa?

avus, avunculus 'grandfather,' 'ancestor,' 'uncle' (cf.

What do French call their grandparents?

The most common translations in dictionaries for grandparents are the literal translations of 'grandmother' and 'grandfather'. In French, these terms are, respectively: grand-mère and grand-père, or grand-maman and grand-papa. These terms are also commonly used in speech and writing.

What do the Irish call their grandma?

SeanmháthairIreland: Seanmháthair is Irish for grandmother, but Irish children are much more likely to use Maimeó or Móraí.

What do the Dutch call their grandparents?

Dutch. Like German, oma is the word for often used for grandmother in Dutch. But omoe and grootmoeder also mean grandma in Dutch.

What are some names for grandparents?

We all know Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, Gramms and Gramps, and so on, but there are cuter still! In Louisiana, grandparents are Mawmaw & Pawpaw respectively. And Australia is a strong contender too, with Nanna for grandmother, and for grandfather, Pop.

What is your grandmother's name in Japan?

In Japan, your grandmother is either Obachan or Sobo, and your grandfather Ojiisan or Sofu. Your Korean grandparents are Halmeoni and Halapoji respectively and in the Philippines the adorable Lola and Lolo. In Cambodia, the Khmer for grandmother is Yeay and for grandfather Taa, which should be easy to remember!

What do Afrikaans call their grandmothers?

Afrikaans call their grandmothers Ouma and their grandfathers Oupa. Moroccan Arabic uses Jiddah and Jadd respectively. For Swahili, the most widely spoken language across the continent, your grandmother is your Bibi and your grandfather Babu. Amharic is another widely spoken language and the official language of Ethiopia, where grandmothers are Āyatē and grandfathers Āyati.

What is the name of the grandmother in Greece?

In Greece, our grandparents are Yaya and Pappoús. In Denmark, the Flemish for grandmother is Bomma and for grandfather Bonpa. Continuing with Nordic countries, in Swedish your grandparents are Mormor and Morfar respectively. And for Iceland, your grandmother is your Amma and your grandfather your Afi.

Which continent is rich in languages?

Europe, like Asia and Africa, is rich with its diversity in languages, which means there are so many beautiful ways to name our grandparents!

What are some Chinese names for grandmothers?

China: Popular Chinese names for grandmothers include NaiNai, Ma Ma, Po Po, and Wai Po , but the exact name chosen depends upon the region, the language and whether a grandmother is on the maternal or paternal side.

What is the name of a grandmother in Germany?

Germany: Oma is one of the most popular international names for grandmothers and is often used to address grandmothers with no German heritage.

What is the Irish word for grandmother?

Irish: Seanmháthair is Irish for grandmother, but Irish children are much more likely to use Maimeó or Móraí. Japanese: Obaasan is the Japanese word for grandmother, but Japanese boys and girls are much more likely to call their grandmothers Sobo.

What do Russian children call their grandmothers?

Russia: Babushka is the name children in Russia call their grandmother, and, yes, the Russian nesting dolls are sometimes called babushka dolls.

What language do you call your grandmother?

In several other languages, the word means "mother.". Malay: People in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia may speak Malay. The Malay word for grandmother is Nenek. Romania: People in Romania and Moldova may speak Romanian and may call their grandmother Bunica. Swahili: Many Africans speak Swahili.

Is Omas a German name?

There are lots of Omas who aren't German and many Lo las who aren't Filipino. If you like the sound of one of these ethnic names or a grandmother name from another country, you should feel free to select it, although it's a good idea to discuss whatever name you choose with the parents of your grandchild first.

Who said being a grandfather is a fantasy?

Rick Bowmer/AP. Tom Hanks once described being a grandfather as " parenthood fantasy camp " — all of the fun with none of the responsibility. But there are also an increasing number of grandparents taking on the role of primary caregiver around the world.

Why did grandmothers protest in South Africa?

Several hundred protesting grandmothers gather in Durban, South Africa, to demand more government support as caregivers for children orphaned by the AIDS epidemic.

Ireland (Gaelic)

While maimeó and daideó are the words used to address a grandmother or grandfather, there are a few different words for grandparents in Irish. For example, there are máthair chríona, which translates to “wise mother,” and athair críonna which translates to “wise father.”

Greece (Greek)

Many Greek children are named after their grandparents. These names often correspond to a saint’s name,and along with celebrating birthdays, families also celebrate a child’s name day.The name day is the saint’s feast day.

Russia (Russian)

Both of these terms are used to address one’s grandparents as well as someone of grandmotherly or grandfatherly age. Babushka is also the name of colored, light wool headscarves worn by older women in Russia.

Morocco (Arabic)

A common Arabic proverb about grandparents goes, “Only your grandchild is dearer to you than your child.”

France (French)

French-Canadian versions of grandma and grandpa are slightly different, with many people using the terms mémère and pépère.

Israel (Hebrew)

Grandchildren may also call their grandmothers Bubbe or Bubby and their grandfathers Zayde or Zayda, the Yiddish words for these titles.

Sweden (Swedish)

Swedish last names often employ patronymics ,the tradition of adding a suffix or prefix to the father’s name and passing it on to the child.

What are some names for grandparents?

Names for Grandmothers: Grandma – (it’s the classic, had to include it) Granny. Omi – (what we call my husband’s mother, our Omi) Oma – (German for grandma ) Gigi – (Ukranian name for Grandma ) Yaya – (Greek name for Grandma ) Nana. Nanie – (pronounced like Janie with an N.

What is a good name for a grandma?

Lolly – (Super cute name for grandma’s, especially paired with a grandpa called Pop.)

Why do they call their grandparents Grandaddy?

They call him Grandaddy because that’s what we called him when I was growing up, so I don’t think they even know his real name at this point. When it comes to names for grandparents for the females, we are all over the place in my family. My mom was Grandma.

What is the Italian name for Grandpa?

Bonpa – (Flemish name used in Belgium) Nonno – (Italian name for Grandpa) Morfar or Farfar – (Swedish for grandpa, with Morfar being the mother’s father and Farfar being the father’s father) Opa – (Goes well with Oma, German) Afi – (Iceland) Lolo – (Goes with Lola, Filipino.


  • Asia is home to some beautifully cute names for grandparents! In Japan, your grandmother is either Obachan or Sobo, and your grandfather Ojiisan or Sofu. Your Korean grandparents are Halmeoni and Halapoji respectively and in the Philippines the adorable Lola and Lolo. In Cambodia, the Khmer for grandmother is Yeay and for grandfather Taa, which sho...
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  • Grandmother: Maimeó (pronounced Mam-o) Grandfather: Daideó (pronounced Daddo) While maimeó anddaideó are the words used to address a grandmother or grandfather, there are a few different words for grandparents in Irish. For example, there are máthair chríona, which translates to “wise mother,” and athair críonnawhich translates to “wise father.”
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  • Grandmother: Yaya (yah-yah) Grandfather: Pappoús (pa-poos) Many Greek children are named after their grandparents. These names often correspond to a saint’s name,and along with celebrating birthdays, families also celebrate a child’s name day.The name day is the saint’s feast day.
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  • Grandmother: Obaasan, Sobo (obaa-san, soh-boh) Grandfather: Ojiisan, Sofu (oh-gee-sahn, soh-foo) Though most Japanese homeshouse only immediate family, extended family often live close by and visit frequently. In Japanese culture, elders are highly respected.
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  • Grandmother: Babushka (BAH-boo-shka) Grandfather: Dedushka (DYZE-doo-shka) Both of these terms are used to address one’s grandparents as well as someone of grandmotherly or grandfatherly age. Babushkais also the name of colored, light wool headscarves worn by older women in Russia.
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  • Grandmother: Nani (maternal), DaaDee Jii (paternal) Grandfather: Nana (maternal), DaaDaa Jii (paternal) India has over 22 major languages, and depending on the region you are in, you might hear a variety of names for grandparents. For example, in one of India’s languages,Telugu, grandma is am’mam’ma, and grandpa is tatayya.
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