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m16 m203 kf2

by Jazmyne Wilkinson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The M16 M203 Assault Rifle is a Demolitionist weapon in Killing Floor 2. The primary fire functions like an assault rifle, while the alternate fire uses the underslung grenade launcher to fire explosives. Like other explosive shells, the grenade must travel a certain distance to arm itself, or it won't explode.


It should be noted that Demolitionist does NOT get any bonuses towards M16's ballistic damage, however Commando 's skills affect both - ballistic and explosive parts of the weapon.


Its grenades deal the same damage than the M79 but with a 41% smaller explosive radius and greater explosive damage falloff, and the rifle itself deals sligtly more damage than Commando's AR-15 Varmint Rifle and SA80 L85A2 Bullpup: 33 vs 30.


Bullets can deal up to 9900 damage with full ammo (300) capacity as off-perk weapon.

Technical Information

Bullet damage: Bullet (damage) = 30. Bullet (afterburn damage scale) = x0.3. Bullet (afterburn duration / interval) = 2s / 0.5s. Bullet (damage type) = Ballistic (Assault Rifle).


Upg1 (700): Base damage x1.2, Base weight + 1. Upg2 (1500): Base damage x1.4, Base weight + 2. Upgrades affect bullet damage (and its DOT since it is a % of the base damage), impact and explosive damage of underbarrel grenade. Upgrades, however, do not increase ground fire and residual flame damage.


Grenade explosion does not spawn a ground fire on a direct projectile impact with the ZEDs but does spawn it otherwise. Does spawn residual flames all the time.


Upon initial release had it second upgrade cost no extra weight, had shorter ground fire and residual flame duration (5s vs current 10s). Upgrading this weapon also did not increase its incendiary grenade damage, later it got fixed.

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