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is spirulina dangerous

by Bridgette Schimmel II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Some minor side effects of spirulina may include nausea, insomnia, and headaches. Still, this supplement is widely considered safe, and most people experience no side effects (2). Spirulina may be contaminated with harmful compounds, thin your blood, and worsen autoimmune conditions.

Who should not take spirulina?

Spirulina is generally safe to use but may cause allergy, headaches, insomnia, muscle pain, and sweating in some. Because of its possible effect on the immune system, spirulina should be avoided in people with autoimmune diseases or on immunosuppressive therapies. Pregnant and nursing people or those with phenylketonuria should also avoid ...

Are there any risks in using spirulina?

While spirulina might help promote good health though its complete nutritional profile, do not overlook the dangers associated with this nutritional supplement. The risks are related to the fact that spirulina is grown in water that potentially can be contaminated with dangerous substances.

What is dangerous spirulina?

  • the biochemical composition (co-existing microbes)
  • what kind of exhaust gets into these waters
  • whether the effluents are treated before discharge
  • the health of the local community
  • how the QC (quality control) of the source waterbody is done

Is spirulina good or bad?

While spirulina is safe, it’s important to be aware of potential dangers and to get it from a trusted and proven source. Many commercially-available brands of spirulina have low levels of heavy metals that do not fall within an unsafe range, according to a study published in the Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences in 2013.

Does spirulina hurt your liver?

Spirulina has been implicated in isolated case reports in causing clinically apparent liver injury, but the role of spirulina as opposed to other herbal components or contaminants has not been shown. Liver injury due to spirulina must be very rare if it occurs at all.

Is spirulina safe to take daily?

Up to 8 grams of spirulina per day is safe, and many people add it to their shakes or smoothies because it comes in powder form.

Why you should not take spirulina?

It may also exacerbate medical conditions such as phenylketonuria, renal problems, or neurological disorders. In some cases, spirulina can cause allergic reactions or interfere with the functioning of certain immunosuppressant medications. Limiting or avoiding its consumption can help avoid these complications.

Is spirulina cancerous?

Conclusions: Spirulina reduces myelosuppression and improves immune function after chemotherapy in patients with malignant tumors....Characteristics of participants.CharacteristicControl groupTreated groupLung cancer7 (17.5)15 (25.0)Breast cancer4 (10.0)8 (13.3)Pancreatic cancer4 (10.0)4 (6.7)13 more rows

Who should not take spirulina?

You should avoid spirulina if you take blood thinners or have an autoimmune condition, bleeding disorder, allergies, or PKU. If you're unsure whether this supplement is right for you, consult your doctor.

Is spirulina hard on the kidneys?

These researchers, however, go on to suggest that it is not prudent to eat more than 50 g of spirulina daily. The reason they give is that the plant contains a high concentration of nucleic acids, substances related to DNA. When these are metabolized, they create uric acid, which could cause gout or kidney stones.

Does spirulina have heavy metals?

Many commercially-available brands of spirulina have low levels of heavy metals that do not fall within an unsafe range, according to a study published in the Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences in 2013. However, some brands are found to contain toxic levels of heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic.

Can spirulina cause hair loss?

It may help keep your blood sugar levels in check. Since high blood sugar can lead to the production of DHT, a hormone that leads to hair loss, eating more spirulina is a great way to keep your hair intact and healthy. In addition to helping prevent hair loss, this algae powerhouse may also promote hair growth.

How much spirulina is too much?

Tip. A February 2016 study in the Journal of Nutrition Research recommends consuming about 4 grams of spirulina per day. However, it's possible to safely consume about 7 grams per day, and you shouldn't regularly consume more than 15 grams per day.

Can spirulina affect thyroid?

- Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's or Graves' disease: Spirulina contains thyroid-supporting minerals like iodine, and the amino acid tyrosine, which together make up one form of thyroid hormone.

Is spirulina good for your gut?

Improves digestion Spirulina contains amino acids that provide digestive enzymes, which facilitates healthy digestion. It also helps fight intestinal infections as it has immune cells, which fight off virus and thus promote digestion.

How much spirulina should I take daily?

How much Spirulina should you take, and when? As a dietary supplement, the recommended minimum amount is three grams daily – one teaspoon of powder or six 500 mg tablets. Since it is a pure and natural food, you may safely take more, to suit your personal health program.

Is spirulina safe to take?

No. To my mind, spirulina and other blue-green algae supplements are unsafe. For years, I have been warning against consuming them. My main concern is the neurotoxins that spirulina and related organisms may contain. The possible connection between one compound and a fatal nervous system disorder ...

Can spirulina cause heart failure?

In addition to liver damage, contaminated spirulina can cause nausea, vomiting, weakness, rapid heartbeat, shock and death.

Is spirulina a superfood?

Spirulina is widely marketed as a “superfood” and protein source, available commercially in capsules, tablets, and powder, as well as in some foods (energy bars) and smoothies. It is promoted as a preventive or treatment for a wide range of health problems: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, depression, and more.

Is spirulina good for you?

Good Nutrition. By Janet Renee Updated December 06, 2018. With a full spectrum of essential nutrients , spirulina is considered a nutritional powerhouse. As such, it has experienced a recent surge in popularity among the health-conscious. However, it’s not without dangers.

Is spirulina a heavy metal?

Many commercially-available brands of spirulina have low levels of heavy metals that do not fall within an unsafe range, according to a study published in the Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences in 2013. However, some brands are found to contain toxic levels of heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic. These metals in levels that exceed safe amounts are highly toxic to the body. For instance, lead exposure through contaminated water has toxic effects on various body systems, including the nervous system and liver.

Is spirulina a cytotoxic?

Cytotoxin Contamination. Commercial brands that use proper quality control methods produce safe spirulina products. Because spirulina is harvested in natural waters, failure to adhere to quality control methods allows for contamination with toxins known as microcystins.

Is spirulina safe for pregnancy?

However, supplementing during pregnancy with additional nutrients like spirulina is not proven safe. The megadoses of certain vitamins in spirulina may harm your unborn child. There is a case report of spirulina supplements taken during pregnancy causing excessively high calcium levels that led to seizures in an infant after birth, according to the report published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Steer clear of algae supplements during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Is spirulina a regulated supplement?

Like other dietary supplements, spirulina is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. However, you can take steps to choose a safe spirulina supplement. Many reputable commercial brands display independent lab certification on their labels confirming that their product is free of contamination. These labels contain unique numbers that you can verify with the independent lab confirming that the brand has passed independent testing. Choosing one of these brands provides the best way to ensure that you purchase and consume a safe and clean spirulina supplement.

Can spirulina cause seizures?

The megadoses of certain vitamins in spirulina may harm your unborn child. There is a case report of spirulina supplements taken during pregnancy causing excessively high calcium levels that led to seizures in an infant after birth, according to the report published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

What is the name of the disorder that causes the patient to not metabolize phenylalanine?

1. Worsens Phenylketonuria. Phenylketonuria is a genetically acquired disorder in which the patient cannot metabolize the amino acid called phenylalanine due to the lack of an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase.

Is spirulina a single cell supplement?

If so, you’d be shocked to learn about the other side of one such popular single cell supplement – spirulina. Scroll down to find out how spirulina, the superfood, is harmful to you, how it introduces toxins in a healthy body, and more fatal side effects.

Does spirulina cause edema?

Triggers Edema And Body Weight Fluctuation. Spirulina is packed with vitamins, proteins, and minerals. People with compromised renal function would be unable to expel the unnecessary components from their bloodstream. One of the most abundant minerals found in spirulina is iodine.

Does spirulina interfere with immunosuppressants?

Interferes With Drug Action. Spirulina is an irritant to your immune system. It can interfere with drugs, especially immunosuppressants. A person on immunosuppressant medication must not consume spirulina. Else, it will diminish the effect of the medication, resulting in serious complications. 4.

Can you take spirulina powder in a smoothie?

People consume spirulina orally in the form of powder, flakes, or tablets for several health benefits. Spirulina powder and flakes are usually added to fruit juices and smoothies. It can have an adverse impact on your health if you do not take it in controlled doses. Read on to find out how.

Is spirulina a microalgae?

Spirulina is free-floating filamentous microalgae growing in alkaline water bodies. Due to its high nutritional value, spirulina has been consumed as food for centuries in Central Africa. It is now widely used as a nutraceutical food supplement worldwide. People consume spirulina orally in the form of powder, flakes, ...

Does spirulina affect thyroid?

While on the one hand, it is good to take in iodine via spirulina, on the other hand, it could affect your thyroid and parathyroid glands. The effects are more pronounced in people with hyperparathyroidism.

Why is spirulina important?

Spirulina’s quality and safety are directly related to the environment. It is so because spirulina can absorb toxins and heavy metals from the environment in which it grows . That’s why it is very important to buy spirulina which grows in pollution free environment. Not only Chinese spirulina is dangerous. After the Fukushima accident in 2011, there ...

Is spirulina safe in China?

Like many products from China, cheap spirulina which comes from unknown sources is low quality or even hazardous. Over the past few years Chinese supplements, including spirulina, have been found to contain many dangerous substances. This sometimes brings even life-threatening side effects to consumers.

Does spirulina cure cancer?

Lie #4 : Spirulina cures cancer. If spirulina cured cancer, it would be wonderful and it would surely have been known for a very long time! Spirulina alone obviously cannot cure cancer. However, it has proven anti-tumor properties, such as chlorella.

Does spirulina contain iodine?

Thyroid and iodine. People with thyroid problems regularly wonder if spirulina contains iodine: this is not the case, spirulina does not contain iodine. Only seaweed contains it, but spirulina is not an algae and is not grown with seawater, except in some rare cultures.

Is spirulina good for pregnant women?

Spirulina is an excellent food supplement that pregnant women can consume if the quality of it is impeccable. For all foods that expectant mothers consume on a daily basis, it is important to be even more vigilant about the quality and origin of the products!

Is spirulina a toxins?

Presence of toxins and salmonella in spirulina! Toxins, such as microcystins and salmonella are dangerous to the liver, and have sometimes been found in some spirulina samples from Asia imported into Europe. Be vigilant and favour serious producers and close productions.

Is spirulina a good source of cobalamin?

Even if spirulina is a super food full of valuable nutrients for your health, on average only 20% of the cobalamin contained in spirulina is bio-available. The remaining 80% represents what researchers call “pseudo-vitamin B12”.

Is spirulina a microalgae?

Spirulina is commonly referred as blue-green algae and is considered a microalgae because it grows in water. In fact, it’s a cyanobacteria! This appellation is obviously of little importance, only its health properties are really important.

How many grams of protein are in a spoonful of spirulina?

A spoonful of Spirulina contains approximately 4 to 5 grams of Proteins. Iron in spirulina: Spirulina is a favorite among vegans and vegetarians because it provides high amounts of iron. And unlike the iron derived from meat, it is easier to digest the iron that comes from Spirulina.

What is spirulina algae?

What Is Spirulina? Spirulina is a biomass of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) that can be consumed by both humans and animals. There are two species of Spirulina, namely Arthrospira platensis and A. maxima. Arthospira is cultivated worldwide and used as a whole food or dietary supplement.

Is spirulina a good antioxidant?

Powerful Antioxidant Qualities: Spirulina is a fantastic source of antioxidants. It can protect you against oxidative damage. Oxidative damage can harm your DNA and even lead to Cancer. The main active component in Spirulina, Phycocyanin, has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Does spirulina cause stomach cramps?

Even though Spirulina is beneficial for a lot of people, as with everything else, it too has a few side effects. Contaminated or low-quality Spirulina can lead to a variety of side effects, including: Nausea. Stomach cramps. Thirst.

Does spirulina increase blood count?

A study showed that consumption of Spirulina led to an increase in the red blood cells count and also improved the immunity of the patients. Though more research needs to be done on this front.

Does spirulina lower blood pressure?

High blood pressure is the reason behind many diseases, including heart strokes, attacks, and kidney illness. It is believed that high doses of Spirulina lead to a decrease in blood pressure. Spirulina produces nitric oxide, which helps dilate and relax the blood vessels, thereby decreasing blood pressure. 7.

Is spirulina a protein?

Spirulina contains high amounts of: Protein in spirulina: Spirulina is considered to be a complete source of Protein, i .e. it contains all the proteins that our body needs but is unable to produce by itself. The protein in Spirulina has a net protein utilization rate of 50% to 60%.

How much spirulina should I consume a day?

To avoid excessive uric acid, the hospital recommends limiting your intake of spirulina to less than 50 grams per day. One of the keys to longevity is the consumption of nucleic acids (RNA/DNA) and only algae like Chlorella and Spirulina have it in abundance.

Where does spirulina come from?

The best spirulina in the world comes from southern India and Southern Taiwan. Hawaiian spirulina is good – however that is going away – Hawaiian land has become too expensive for the cultivation of Spirulina. But not Astaxanthin.

Does spirulina absorb mercury?

One thing she is right about: “Like other water-grown nutritional products, spirulina easily absorbs heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, from its environment. Spirulina grown in areas with large concentrations of these metals can contain dangerously high amounts of of them, passing them on to consumers.”.

Is spirulina a toxic substance?

But not Astaxanthin. The spirulina you need to be careful is that which is cultivated in China, one of the most polluted countries on Earth. “Spirulina contains microcystins, groups of amino acids that can be toxic to your liver if you take in too much of them, according to Purdue University.”. Agreed.

Does spirulina contain nucleic acids?

Spirulina contains an abundance of nucleic acids, according to the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. These substances, which are related to DNA, produce uric acid when they are metabolized. If too much uric acid accumulates in your body, gout or kidney stones can develop.

What is chlorella and spirulina?

In the quest for supplements to boost your health, you may encounter chlorella and spirulina, two types of blue-green algae. You may also encounter a number of claims about these supplements' health benefits, from spirulina for heavy metal detox to chlorella for chronic conditions like hypertension. Video of the Day.

Is spirulina regulated by the FDA?

Harvard Health Publishing adds that spirulina, like other dietary supplements, is not regulated by the FDA. Therefore, there's no guarantee that any supplement you buy will be free of contaminants or contain the amount of spirulina indicated on the label. Advertisement.

Is chlorella harmful to skin?

Regardless of whether chlorella or spirulina benefits skin, improves chronic conditions or aids overall health, it's important to understand the possible risks. Certain forms of blue-green algae may be contaminated with microcystins and anatoxins, both highly toxic substances, says Winchester Hospital.

Can spirulina affect blood thinners?

URMC notes that spirulina may impact the effectiveness of blood thinners.

Is chlorella a good supplement?

At best, chlorella and spirulina may offer certain health benefits, though those benefits are generally not scientifically proven, according to Harvard Health Publishing. Advertisement. At worst, there can be adverse results of taking chlorella and spirulina. Side effects may be more pronounced if these supplements are taken in excess, ...

Does spirulina help with hair?

Study participants largely reported that spirulina benefits skin and that chlorella and spirulina intake had improved their hair and skin quality. Although these benefits are not directly evidenced, say the authors, the claim is nonetheless plausible, given the nutritional content of these supplements.

Does spirulina help the immune system?

The same is true of claims that spirulina can boost the immune system and improve kidney and liver function. When taken at the recommended dosage, spirulina side effects are few, says Harvard Health Publishing.

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