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is it safe to eat huitlacoche

by Braxton O'Keefe Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Yes, huitlacoche is definitely safe to eat. It makes a delicious filling for a lot of different Mexican dishes such as tamales and quesadillas.Dec 18, 2020

Full Answer

Can you eat huitlacoche raw?

You can also enjoy huitlacoche raw as a salad or as ingredients for desserts, stews, soups, and corn patties. Huitlacoche can be harvested during the corn season. However, they are not harvested once the corn ears have grown, but you can harvest them right away once you see one.

What is huitlacoche and how is it treated?

One of these discoveries was huitlacoche. Also known as cuitlacoche, huitlacoche is a sporous fungus that feeds off corn before its ears fully develop. The contagion is usually brought forth by annual rainy seasons and results in bulbous, blue-gray growths that deform maize kernels into Frankenstein-esque galls.

Is huitlacoche healthier than regular corn?

As far as the healthfulness aspect is concerned, huitlacoche offers more protein than regular corn and has high amounts of lysine, an essential amino acid not found in normal kernels. Of course, not everyone is okay with plant-ruining diseases creeping in on their crops.

Can you store huitlacoche in the fridge?

Fresh huitlacoche can be stored in the fridge just as you would store mushrooms. However, the stuff doesn’t have a long shelf life, so if you get it right from the ear, use it as soon as possible. Canned, frozen and jarred obviously last longer; once you open a can or jar you can keep it in the fridge and use it for weeks. How to prepare it

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Is huitlacoche toxic?

Huitlacoche is a fumonisin, a carcinogenic mycotoxin produced by the fungus called fusarium ear rot. It inhibits the utilization of folic acid, lack of which in pregnant women often results in infants with spina bifida and, less commonly, acephalous infants.

Can huitlacoche make you sick?

Just like any fungus, it's important to eat Huitlacoche at the right time. If you leave it too late, it could make you sick.

Why would you eat that huitlacoche?

Like in Aztec times, a natural bout of huitlacoche symbolizes bounty: delicious food, higher profits, and a successful harvesting season. Anyone who fails to get their hands on the fresh fungus at a local market can still find it canned or jarred in major supermarkets year-round.

What does huitlacoche taste like?

Huitlacoche is a prized food in Central America where it is used in soups, enchiladas, tortillas, and many other dishes. It also can be found as a canned product at the grocery store. The taste has been described by different people as being mushroom-like, sweet, savory, woody, earthy, smoky corn-like, or inky.

Can corn fungus make you sick?

Corn smut is a plant disease caused by the pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis that causes smut on maize and teosinte. The fungus forms galls on all above-ground parts of corn species....Ustilago maydis.Corn smutCommon nameshuitlacoche (Mexico), blister smut of maize, boil smut of maize, common smut of maize, corn truffle5 more rows

How do you eat canned huitlacoche?

Holding the kernel upright on its stem side, use a sharp knife to slice the kernels off, working top to bottom. Sauté the huitlacoche with aromatics like onion, garlic, and chile peppers until soft and even darker in color. Season the delicacy with salt, and add it to your favorite Mexican recipes.

Are corn truffles safe to eat?

Yes, huitlacoche is definitely safe to eat. It makes a delicious filling for a lot of different Mexican dishes such as tamales and quesadillas.

Is huitlacoche vegan?

This vegan-friendly food is popular in upscale dining, especially where gourmands head, such as Oaxaca City and San Miguel de Allende. In Mexico City, lovers of street food will be delighted to find Huitlacoche on the menu at very generous prices.

Can you grow huitlacoche?

Huitlacoche is a fungus that grows naturally on corn, but according to Jozwik, it can be notoriously hard to cultivate as a crop. "Pretty much every single farm field and agricultural field in the Midwest has this (fungus) already in the soil," Jozwik said.

Is there a substitute for huitlacoche?

~ If you can't find huitlacoche where you live mushrooms are a good substitute, especially portobello mushrooms with their stronger flavor.

What is Mexican moldy corn called?

Cuitlacoche grows when a drop of rain seeps into a husk of corn. The moisture rots between the kernels and produces the fungus, which can grow over or side by side with the kernels. Monica Ortiz Uribe for NPR. It's still called by its Aztec name, cuitlacoche (pronounced QUEET-la-coh-chay).

What causes corn truffle?

Common corn smut is caused by the fungus Ustilago maydis, which can survive for several years as spores in soil and corn residue. Spores are spread by wind or through water splashing up onto young plants. Spores can also be spread through the manure of animals that have eaten infected corn. U.

What tribes have huitlacoche?

The Native American Hopi and Zuni tribes have also worked with huitlacoche from the get-go. The former called the fungus “nanha,” and the latter held the ingredient in such high standing they say it symbolized the “generation of life.”.

When is Huitlacoche season?

This gives the fungus a window of seasonality between May and November.

What color are huitlacoche spores?

Firm samples are overripe and bitter. For a superior earthy-corn taste, go for huitlacoche that forms on the ears, not the stalk.

Is Huitlacoche corn healthy?

As far as the healthfulness aspect is concerned, huitlacoche offers more protein than regular corn and has high amounts of lysine, an essential amino acid not found in normal kernels. Of course, not everyone is okay with plant-ruining diseases creeping in on their crops.

Can you use huitlacoche raw?

Using huitlacoche in the kitchen is far easier than saying the name. Since it’s technically a vegetable, you can use it raw. And because it’s a soft fungus, you don’t have to worry about chopping, pureeing or shredding, especially if you get it in a can or frozen.

What is Huitlacoche known for?

While huitlacoche is primarily known for its unique, umami flavor, it also has value outside of the kitchen. It has been used medicinally, primarily as a labor inducer for many Native American tribes, though much of its medicinal reputation is unfounded.

Does huitlacoche affect corn?

Interestingly, despite the fact that huitlacoche infects the corn, it actually significantly improves on the health benefits of corn. The fungus has notably more protein than healthy corn contains, and a far greater portion of lysine, an essential amino acid.

Where did Huitlacoche originate?

Origin. Huitlacoche dates back to the Aztecs who enjoyed the naturally-occurring corn fungus as part of their diet. They would use the corn and the attached fungus in tamales and stews. Many Indigenous tribes also consumed the fungus and viewed it as a delicacy.

What is a cuitlacoche?

Back to Top. Huitlacoche, pronounced weet-la-COH-cheh , is a fungus that grows on ears of corn. It is also known as cuitlacoche, corn smut, and Mexican truffle. It is a plant disease that causes smut –multicellular fungi with many spores – to grow on maize and is a delicacy in Mexico. The fungus affects every part of the corn and causes ...

What do Mexicans eat to prevent fungus?

Although American farmers view the fungus as a disease and take steps to prevent it from occurring, Mexicans consider the fungus a delicacy and enjoy it prepared in various dishes, such as in succotash, omelets, or as a filling for tacos or tamales.

What is Huitlacoche?

Huitlacoche, pronounced weet-la-COH-cheh, is known as a fungus that grows on ears of corns.

The History of Huitlacoche

This unusual delicacy dates back to the Aztecs. When the Aztecs saw blue-black spores overtaking their corn, they did not worry but instead rejoiced!

Huitlacoche as an Ingredient

American farmers see the fungus just as plant disease and would do all the measures required to prevent it. However, Mexicans see it as a prized possession and a lovely ingredient on many dishes.

Is Huitlacoche Safe to Eat?

If you're left wondering: well, is this fungus safe to eat? Yes! The corn fungus caused by ustilago maydis can be found on ears of corn is considered a maize mushroom or type of edible mushroom. Yes, it's safe to eat. It's actually a delicacy. Taste a piece of Mexico.

Can You Eat It While Pregnant?

I'm not a doctor so I am no clue about that; make sure to check with your own doctor based on your own health conditions. Definitely worth asking your doctor before ordering some at a restaurant. Just to be on the safe side!

How Is Huitlacoche Pronounced?

That's a great question because it's somewhat difficult when you first look at it. You can pronounce it weet-la-ko-che (the 'che' should sound like 'che' in 'checkers.') If you want to be super authentic then you can pronounce it more like "hwee-tla-ko-che."

What does fresh huitlacoche smell like, taste like, look like?

Don't forget this corn growth is a delicacy. The plant fungus grows on corn kernels. The infected kernels change color & shape. The name corn smut fungus doesn't sound so appetizing, so I love referring to its name in its mother tongue. I first tried huitlacoche back in 2016; I even mentioned it in my July A - Z monthly recap & my July Favorites.

How do you eat huitlacoche?

You can use this smut delicacy many ways. There are plenty of recipes. It's a versatile ingredient. You don't eat it off the cob as you would regular ears of corn. I loooove quesadillas de huitlacoche. The ingredients you'll are need tortilla, cheese, huitlacoche, that's it. You can use flour or corn tortillas. Delicious.

What's the nutritional value of huitlacoche?

As cuitlacoche grows, fresh huitlacoche is higher in protein than most maize or corn, & could be considered as an alternative protein source for vegetarians (or anyone), according to a research study published in Food Science and Technology ( Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos ).

Where Can I Find it

You're likely to find it at a Mexican restaurant but there are some canned varieties as well. I haven't tried canned, only fresh huitlacoche, so I can't say from experience. Fresh is usually always best. You can even had to a Mexican market to see if they have it or know someone who grows it. Know any farmers? Ask them.

What is Huitlacoche?

As we mentioned, Huitlacoche is a fungus that grows on corn. It has a few other names; it can sometimes be known as corn smut or Mexican truffle. This will be found on a range of above-ground corn varieties. It will be known for its shape. It can look a little like a tumorous growth. It will start silver. But over time, it will start to turn black.

How is Huitlacoche Made?

Like most types of fungus, this will be released through spores. These will travel along on the wind until they land on a suitable surface. In this case, they will land on corn. This is their cue to start germinating. Some people prefer to soak the corn in the spores before planting. This will guarantee that the plant starts to sprout Huitlacoche.

How Do You Use Huitlacoche?

Even though it is fungal growth, you’ll be able to eat Huitlacoche. It’s most common to use it in cooking. It is known for having a similar flavor to mushrooms, although it has been infused with corn overtones. It will also be soft. You should be able to use your fingers to pull it apart.

When to Eat Huitlacoche?

Just like any fungus, it’s important to eat Huitlacoche at the right time. If you leave it too late, it could make you sick. The best way to tell when it’s time to harvest is by looking at the color of the fungus. You will want it to be dark blue. It should also have a slight give to it. It should feel the same as a peach.

How Do You Get Huitlacoche?

There are a few ways you can try this delicacy for yourself. First, you might want to buy it from a store. If you are in Mexico, you can do this at a market stall. If you are in the United States, you will need to visit a specialty store.

Storing Huitlacoche

Once you have found a supply of Huitlacoche, you want to make sure that you are keeping it in good condition. The best way to do this is by putting it into the freezer. Make sure to keep it in a Ziploc bag. This will ensure that it doesn’t become moldy.


Huitlacoche is a delicacy, especially in Mexican countries. This is known for its rich flavors, tasting like a blend of mushrooms and corn. The good news is that it’s fairly easy to germinate this fungus. Because of this, you should be able to grow it at home. So, find some Huitlacoche and experience these delicious flavors for yourself.

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