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is burgundy rubber plant toxic to cats

by Ms. Nicolette Turcotte I Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Because of its gorgeous glossy foliage and ease of maintenance, this tropical is a favorite among houseplant enthusiasts. However, is rubber plant toxic to cats? Yes, rubber plant is toxic to cats.

Full Answer

Are rubber plants toxic to cats?

These plants are non-toxic and can give you peace of mind. Many plants that are toxic to cats do have artificial versions that are made to look exactly like them. Rubber plants are toxic to cats, and you should contact your veterinarian if your cat has ingested this plant.

Is Ficus benjamina poisonous to cats?

The rubber plant, Ficus Benjamina, is a member of the Moraceae family and is also known locally as the fig, weeping fig, rubber tree plant, or fig tree. Ingestion of any part of this bush-like plant, including the roots, stems, or leaves, causes rubber plant poisoning in cats.

What is the difference between the different types of rubber plants?

Bred from the Indian rubber tree there are quite a few rubber plant variants now popular as indoor plants, each with physiological differences such as more compact growth, larger leaf structures and of course differences in colors and patterns.

Are rubber plants harmful to cats?

Oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing. Some rubber tree plants (such as Japanese/Chinese/jade rubber plant and Indian rubber plant) are toxic to cats and dogs.Sep 12, 2018

Can cats be around rubber plants?

Baby Rubber Plant (Peperomia) Note: The Baby Rubber Plant's larger cousin, the Rubber Tree (or Ficus benjamina), is actually toxic to dogs and cats. According to the ASPCA, contact with the skin can cause dermatitis, while ingestion can cause oral irritation, salivation and vomiting.Jul 14, 2016

Are rubber plants poisonous to pets?

Rubber trees belonging to the genus Peperomia are nontoxic to pets or at most cause mild stomach discomfort if ingested, as exemplified by the baby or American rubber plant (Peperomia obtusifolia), a small evergreen plant, only up to 1 foot tall.

Are rubber plants poisonous?

Are Rubber Tree Plants Poisonous or Toxic? Yes, rubber tree plants are toxic along with its cousin Ficus Benjamina. The plant is dangerous not only to cats and dogs but also to humans and horses if consumed.

What happens if a cat eats rubber?

If any rubber plant material is ingested by your cat it might experience drooling, vomiting, diarrhoea and loss of appetite.

How to manage houseplants that pose a risk to cats, dogs, or any other domestic pets?

The best and easiest way to manage houseplants that pose a risk to cats, dogs or any other domestic pets for that matter is to keep them out of reach (on a shelf, at the back of a group of plants) or at least away from frequently visited areas (i.e. on the floor next to the water bowl).

Can cats have rubber plants?

Cats are naturally curious and so are perhaps more susceptible than other pets to experiencing the negative effects of toxic houseplants such the rubber plant. This is especially true if your feline friend is young or just extremely inquisitive.

What Is Rubber Plant?

Rubber plant is a flowering plant from the Moraceae family that is native to eastern South Asia and Southeast Asia. It has naturalized in Sri Lanka, the West Indies, and the state of Florida in the United States.

Can You Keep Rubber Plants Around Cats?

No, you should not keep rubber plants around cats, if you want to do so, make sure they are out of reach of the cat.

How Toxic Are Rubber Plants To Cats?

Rubber plant toxicity level is moderate but highly depends on the amount ingested by the cat.

Signs Of Rubber Plant Poisoning In Cats

Rubber plants can irritate your cat’s gastrointestinal tract and cause inflammation around the mouth if they eat them. If a cat comes into contact with the sap on a regular basis, it might irritate its skin.

How To Diagnose Rubber Plant Poisoning In Cats?

Your vet will diagnose rubber plant poisoning in your cat by ruling out other possible causes of your feline’s current condition.

How To Treat Rubber Plant Poisoning In Cats?

Rubber plant poisoning in cats is treated by removing the plant from the feline to prevent further ingestion and eliminate the toxins from the cat’s body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, and other citrus fruits are also unpleasant to cats, which will flee as soon as they smell them. All you have to do is sprinkle the lemon or orange juice over your rubber plants, or cut them up and keep them nearby. Apart from that, stones can assist you to keep your cats away from your rubber plants.

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