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i can see my heartbeat in my ankle

by Domenic Ondricka Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The ankle, on the tip of the ankle The anterior neck, the front of the neck (usually after heavy physical activity) A person may feel or see his heartbeat in these areas and this is absolutely physiological -- not pathological.

This is called PAD, or peripheral artery disease. A doctor may pick up on this by checking the pulses in your feet. PAD may also produce other symptoms such as an uncomfortable feeling or pain when walking. Severe PAD can even result in amputation if the blood flow to the leg or foot is inadequate.

Full Answer

Is it normal to feel a pulse in the ankle?

No it is not a abnormal thing.In a normal person we do have a good artery on the posterior aspect of the ankle known as posterior tibial artery.You are feeling pulses of that artery.Feeling of pulses means that you are having good circulation at foot. If you are satisfied with my answer then please PRESS GREEN ACCEPT. Experience: M.D.

What causes pain in the pulse point behind the ankle?

Pain in the ankle at the pulse point behind the ankle bone is a common symptom caused by the pressure placed on the vessel as blood circulates through the affected area. Pain may be dull, throbbing and consistent, or sharp and intermittant, depending on the size and exact location of the aneurysm.

Where can you Feel Your Pulse in your leg?

In the legs, doctors will commonly feel for pulses in the femoral (groin), popliteal (back of the knee), posterior tibial (ankle), and dorsalis pedis (foot) areas. Your doctor will listen to your pulse with a stethoscope for a "whooshing" sound called a bruit (say "broo-E"). Additionally, why can I feel my leg pulsing?

How do you know if your ankle is swollen?

Ankle is swollen in odd ways, like pockets of swelling (but irregular pockets, not symmetrical at all. 2. Numbness from mid calf to mid foot, on … read more Licensed and Practicing Ph... Senior Registrar Dept of Ur... Pain on bottom left or bottom right or top left or top right or ankle or any combination/varies, right foot only.

Can you see your pulse in your ankle?

Two possible pedal pulse positions to check Check for either the dorsalis pedis pulse (on the top of the foot) or the posterior tibial pulse (located behind the medial malleolus — the ankle bone).Dec 7, 2009

What causes pulsing in ankle?

Throbbing ankle pain that gradually increases can be due to repetitive-use injuries. Many ankle injuries stem from those who do too much-too soon, load the joint with bad mechanics or exercise with improper footwear. How does it feel?Jul 21, 2020

Should you be able to see your pulse in foot?

The simplest test to screen for PAD is to have your physician check for the pulses in your feet during a routine physical exam. In each foot, there should be two pulses that are easily detected by a trained physician. This test is performed to determine whether the blood flow to your feet is normal.Feb 28, 2019

Why can I see my heartbeat in my leg?

Your popliteal pulse is caused by your heartbeat. Your heart pumps blood through your body and your arteries pulse as your blood flows through them. The popliteal pulse is named after your popliteal artery. This is an important blood vessel that carries blood down through your leg to your feet.May 18, 2021

Why can I feel my heartbeat in my legs when I lay down?

Some people get heart palpitations when lying down because of the position in which they sleep. Sleeping hunched over on your side can increase pressure inside your body, causing palpitations. Many other common causes of heart palpitations include: Anxiety, stress and depression.Sep 22, 2021

What is the pulse on the foot called?

dorsalis pedis pulseThe dorsalis pedis pulse is palpable on the dorsum of the foot in the first intermetatarsal space just lateral to the extensor tendon of the great toe.

What are the warning signs of clogged arteries?

SymptomsChest pain (angina). You may feel pressure or tightness in your chest, as if someone were standing on your chest. ... Shortness of breath. If your heart can't pump enough blood to meet your body's needs, you may develop shortness of breath or extreme fatigue with activity.Heart attack.Jun 5, 2020

What are the symptoms of a blocked artery in your leg?

What Are the Symptoms of a Blocked Artery in Your Leg?Painful cramping in one or both of your hips, thighs, or calf muscles after doing physical activities, such as walking or climbing stairs.Prolonged soreness on your feet, legs, and toes that don't heal or are very slow to heal.Discoloration of legs.More items...

What are the signs and symptoms of vascular disease?

Wounds that won't heal over pressure points, such as heels or ankles.Numbness, weakness, or heaviness in muscles.Burning or aching pain at rest, commonly in the toes and at night while lying flat.Restricted mobility.Thickened, opaque toenails.Varicose veins.Feb 28, 2020

Why can I feel my blood pumping in my leg?

Chronic venous insufficiency occurs when your leg veins don't allow blood to flow back up to your heart. Normally, the valves in your veins make sure that blood flows toward your heart. But when these valves don't work well, blood can also flow backwards. This can cause blood to collect (pool) in your legs.

What is popliteal pulse?

The popliteal pulse, located at the back of the knee (popliteal artery), is the most challenging pulse to find in the body. It's an important vital sign, though, since the popliteal pulse can help in assessing peripheral artery disease, or determining the severity and nature of a knee or femur injury.

Why is my skin pulsing?

A muscle twitch is an involuntary contraction of the fibers that make up a muscle. Nerves control muscle fibers. When something stimulates or damages a nerve, it causes the muscle fibers to contract, resulting in a twitch. A person can often see or feel these twitches below the skin.

My toes turn blue if i sit or let them hang. leg red & hurts. my dr checked pulse in foot and said it isn't circulation issue. what else cld it be?

Good chance of Clot.: You had better have your circulation checked again and soon. Pulses have nothing to do with it. More than likely, a vein in your leg is blocked to som... Read More

I'm due to have a spur removal in my ankle. the pain is unbearable today and my pulse is visible. is this ok?

Not OK.: Give your surgeon a call and see if he can give you some suggestions based on his pre-surgical assessment. Unbearable pain is not OK and either your s... Read More

If i can't feel a pulse on my root foot, does that mean its broken?

See below: These symptoms could be serious and need to be thoroughly evaluated by your doctor.

Ive been awake all night studying and now i can feel and see (i think) my pulse in my feet. is it because i havent slept? or should i be concerned?

Pulse pressure...: Don't concern yourself. Sitting for long terms can cause foot swelling. This mild swelling can cause you to feel your pulses. Get up an walk around. T... Read More

What's the best way to handle poor foot circulation?

Poor foot circulatio: at 39 unlikely to be an artery related problem "poor circulation " needs to be addressed ?symptoms etc need a vascular surgery evaluation to run thru ... Read More

I can see my right foot pulse above my talus, is this normal ?

Probably: The artery is right under the skin there. If one is slightly enough it is normal to see it pulse in some positions

What ways are there to increase foot circulation if you are diabetic?

Diabetic circulation: Yes there are. A diabetic can be referred to a vascular surgeon for an evaluation. There are several tests that we use to determine the type and level... Read More

I have unilateral lower leg swelling and when i curl my toes i can feel my pulse around the 5th metatarsal without touching. what might this indicate?

Normal : when curl toes you tighten muscles and skin. So you will feel pulse more.

Where can we find our pulse in our leg?

Several sites: People can find their pulse in the crease of their groin, behind their knee, behind the inner part of their ankle and on the top of their foot. This ... Read More

I'm experiencing a what feels like a pulse in my lower right leg. what does it mean?

See below: It may just be the normal circulation to your leg. If concerned let a doctor exam your leg and check the pulses.

How can i check the pulse of my legs?

Feet: There are two spots in the feet with palpable pulses: on the surface of the foot right in the middle, and just behind the ankle bone on the inner ank... Read More

When i put all my weight on my left leg i can fell a vibration in thiegh and it is like a pulse what would this be caused by?

Sciatica or PN: It could be due to pinching of your sciatic nerve or peripheral neuropathy of many different types! Could be that your pyriformis muscles are too tigh... Read More

I feel like electric pulse at my leg for few seconds and disappear but come back again several times per day at different areas?

Nerve irritation: This may be nerve irritation. Either pinched, post trau or other injury. IT coudl also be metabolic. Ask you physician tonclarify.

What exactly does it mean if the doc can't find a pulse in your left leg?

Need Test: Do a doppler sonogram study of youe whole left extremity to make sure.

How to check for PAD?

Checking for pulses in your feet. The simplest test to screen for PAD is to have your physician check for the pulses in your feet during a routine physical exam. In each foot, there should be two pulses that are easily detected by a trained physician. This test is performed to determine whether the blood flow to your feet is normal.

Can you test for PAD without symptoms?

No symptoms, no testing needed. Screening for PAD probably doesn’t make sense for a healthy individual without symptoms, who is younger than 60 years old, has never smoked and has no family history of atherosclerosis or heart disease, he adds. In this case, screening may actually expose a patient to more risk.

Can a PAD cause pain in the legs?

PAD can cause discomfort in your legs and feet, and limit your walking and activities. Severe PAD can progress to loss of limb. Your doctor can check for signs of the disease with a simple test of pulses in your feet. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.

Why does my ankle feel pulsating?

An aneurysm in the vessels leading to or from the ankle may also cause a pulsating sensation as the blood pushed from the aorta down into the femoral artery or popliteal vein reaches the affected area . Cramping is also often experienced as surrounding muscles react to the presence of the aneurysm.

What is the symptom of an aneurysm in the ankle?

The aneurysm has thinner, weaker walls than the rest of the blood vessel 3. The danger of an aneurysm is rupture, which may cause severe and potentially fatal internal bleeding, depending on its location.

Can ankle pain be felt in the foot?

Learn More. Pain or tenderness will most likely be felt around the ankle joint. However, pain and swelling may also be found in the foot or toes if blood flow is compromised by the swelling.

Can an aneurysm in the ankle cause gangrene?

If not treated, a peri pheral aneurysm in the ankle may ultimately lead to gangrene as blood flow to the foot or toes is compromised. In many cases, such tissue death may result in the need for amputation of the affected limb.

Does pain from an aneurysm disappear?

Pain in such cases does not disappear with rest. An aneurysm in the vessels leading to or from the ankle may also cause a pulsating sensation as the blood pushed from the aorta down into the femoral artery or popliteal vein reaches the affected area.

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