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how wide does sweet viburnum grow

by Mr. Branson Powlowski MD Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The Sweet Viburnum height can grow very large – up to 25-30 feet tall and 15-25 feet wide at mature size making it a nice privacy hedge or windbreak.

Full Answer

What does a sweet viburnum tree look like?

This member of the large viburnum family offers showy, snowy spring blossoms with a very appealing scent. For sweet viburnum information including how to care for sweet viburnum, read on. The extremely fragrant flowers of the sweet viburnum are tiny, but the shrub is enormous. At 20 feet (6 m.) tall, it qualifies as a small tree.

Do viburnums bloom all year round?

Viburnums offer year-round interest with spring to summer blooms, vibrant fall color (on deciduous types) and colorful winter berries. Viburnums bloom with two main types of flower heads: Flat-topped clusters similar to lacecap hydrangeas and rounded snowball types.

What kind of soil does a viburnum like?

Viburnum shrubs are quite adaptable, but do prefer organically-rich soil with a pH of 5.6 to 6.6. They also like consistently moist, but well-draining conditions. A general-purpose fertilizer can be added in spring before new growth appears.

Do Viburnum trees produce fruit?

Viburnums are also prized for their showy ornamental fruits that add color and interest in winter, and are an important food source for birds. Fruits are usually round or egg-shaped, and may be red, pink, purple, blue or black. Most viburnums aren’t self-pollinating and will need a little help to produce fruit.

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How wide does viburnum grow?

Most viburnums grow as shrubs and are known to spread. Depending on the mature size of the plant, space viburnum anywhere from 5 to 15 feet apart.

How far apart should I plant Sweet Viburnum?

Place these plants 3 to 4 feet apart... any closer and mature shrubs will eventually be fighting each other for a place in the sun and the base of the plants will be bare. For planting by the house, come out 3 to 4 feet (or more). Along a walk or drive, come in 4 or 5 feet.

How much space does a viburnum need?

Many viburnums are deciduous, while others are evergreen. Plants in the latter group make the best hedges. In general, viburnums should be spaced between 4 and 10 feet apart, but this varies depending on the plant's maximum width at maturity.

How wide does viburnum hedge grow?

VIBURNUM DENTATUM DETAILSUSDA Hardiness Zones:2 - 8Watering Requirements:ModerateGrowth Rate:ModerateMature Size:Up to 10' height and 10' widthDrought Tolerance:Moderate7 more rows

How far from a fence should you plant viburnum?

Divide the mature width by two and plant your viburnum shrubs that distance apart.For example, if your variety gets 8 feet (2+ m.) wide, half of that is 4 feet (1 m.). ... For an airier hedge, increase the distance between shrubs to 75% of their mature spread.

Does sweet viburnum make a good hedge?

The Sweet Viburnum growth rate is also why it's a favorite – it can grow 1-2 feet per year. The Sweet Viburnum height can grow very large – up to 25-30 feet tall and 15-25 feet wide at mature size making it a nice privacy hedge or windbreak.

Can viburnum be kept small?

Viburnums can be cut back hard in late winter or early spring to keep compact. When pruning any shrub, though, the general rule of thumb is not to remove more than 1/3 of its growth.

How big do viburnum bushes get?

Viburnums range from 3-foot-tall shrubs to 15-foot-tall trees. Here are some of our favorites. 'Blue Muffin' viburnum is a compact type of Arrowwood viburnum. It gets 4' to 7' tall and produces intense blue fruit in the fall.

Where is the best place to plant a viburnum?

full sunMost viburnums prefer full sun but many will also tolerate partial shade. While not particularly picky about their growing conditions, they generally prefer fertile, well-draining soil. Planting viburnum takes place in spring or fall. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball but at least two to three times wider.

How tall does a Sweet Viburnum get?

25 to 30 feet tallOften used as a screen or clipped hedge, its dense, spreading, evergreen habit makes Sweet Viburnum suitable for use as a small tree, reaching 25 to 30 feet tall and wide at maturity, with a dense, multibranched, rounded canopy.

How quickly does viburnum grow?

Viburnum tinus Hedge Plant Description Growing approximately 45cm per year when young, the growth of Viburnum tinus does start to slow down as it matures, but it can reach up to 4m in height. Viburnum tinus is easy to grow - it can grow in partial or even full shade, but natural sunlight is best to allow it to flower.

Which viburnum is best?

We've picked eight of our favourite viburnums to grow, below.Viburnum davidii.Viburnum opulus.Viburnum x bodnantense.Viburnum fordiae.Viburnum macrocephalum.Viburnum tinus.Viburnum plicatum.Viburnum sargentii.

Sweet Viburnum Information

The extremely fragrant flowers of the sweet viburnum are tiny, but the shrub is enormous. At 20 feet tall, it qualifies as a small tree. In springt...

Sweet Viburnum Growing Conditions

If you are thinking of growing sweet viburnum bushes, you’ll want to figure out optimal sweet viburnum growing conditions. The tree thrives in eith...

How to Care For Sweet Viburnum

Sweet viburnum care is delightfully simple, as long as you plant the tree in an appropriate site. This large shrub establishes quickly in either a...

Growth Habit

Sweet viburnum naturally grows as a large, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree. When pruned and trained to a single stem, it forms a glossy, spreading canopy. At maturity, sweet viburnum generally reaches 10 to 20 feet tall in the northern ranges of its hardiness zones. Elsewhere, it has been known to grow twice that height.

Ornamental Features

As its species and common name suggest, sweet viburnum is known by its scent. A fresh, sweet fragrance emanates from creamy-white flower panicles that cover the plant in late spring. But the leaves -- if crushed -- give off a distinctively unpleasant odor that positively identifies the plant at hand.

Growth-Enhancing Culture

Sweet viburnum does well in full sun to full shade and well-drained soils from sand to clay. It prefers slightly acidic soil pH near 5.5 to 6.5, but it withstands highly alkaline conditions. Low-maintenance and undemanding, sweet viburnum tolerates drought, but regular moisture enhances steady growth.

Growing Considerations

Sweet viburnum performs admirably in difficult urban settings, including median strips and concrete islands, but urban challenges can affect its growth rate. Don't be tempted to manipulate sweet viburnum through unnecessary fertilizers or other measures. Unnatural growth rates lead to weak, problem-prone wood.

Is Viburnum a good hedge?

A: Viburnum is a shrub that grows to about 3-6 feet. It has dark green leaves and white flowers in the springtime. It can be used as a hedge, but it is not very dense and will require frequent trimming.

How do you plant sweet viburnum?

A: You can plant sweet viburnum in the spring or fall. In the spring, dig a hole about 2 feet deep and place the root ball at least 4 inches into the soil. Fill with water and let soak for about 30 minutes. Plant as you would any other shrub or tree. In the fall, dig a hole about 3 feet deep and place the root ball at least 6 inches into the soil.

How cold hardy is sweet viburnum?

A: Sweet Viburnum is a deciduous shrub that can grow up to 6 feet tall. It has small, white flowers in the spring and fall. The leaves are alternate, with three leaflets on each leaf. This plant grows best in full sun or partial shade and prefers moist soil.

How do you prune a sweet viburnum hedge?

A: The best way to prune a sweet viburnum hedge is to cut it back in the spring, when new growth is starting. You can also remove branches that are crossing over each other or growing too close together.

How tall is a viburnum?

Height/Spread: There is a wide range of sizes, from a few dwarf varieties like Viburnum opulus ‘Nanum’ at just under 3 feet, to large species like V. seiboldii that may reach 20 feet tall. Most viburnums grow as shrubs and have a full-spreading habit; others can be pruned to medium-sized trees or standards.

What are the colors of viburnums?

Most deciduous varieties display fantastic fall colors of yellow, red or burgundy. Viburnums are also prized for their showy ornamental fruits that add color and interest in winter, and are an important food source for birds. Fruits are usually round or egg-shaped, and may be red, pink, purple, blue or black.

What are the two types of flowers that a viburnum has?

Viburnums bloom with two main types of flower heads: Flat-topped clusters similar to lacecap hydrangeas and rounded snowball types. Their sometimes fragrant flowers bloom in shades of white, cream, and pink and are usually tubular or salverform (long, thin tube that widens suddenly to a flat-faced flower) in shape.

What are viburnums' fruits?

Fruits are usually round or egg-shaped, and may be red, pink, purple, blue or black. Most viburnums aren’t self-pollinating and will need a little help to produce fruit. Plant 2 or 3 together for cross pollination to stimulate abundant production.

How tall is a sage tree?

Height/Spread: 6 to 12 feet tall, 3 to 6 feet wide. Color: Attractive green foliage, white to light pink flowers, and dark fruit. Bloom Time: Late spring. A more upright variety suitable for training into a small tree by pruning the lower limbs.

How tall is a lacecap sage?

Height/Spread: 2 to 3 feet tall, 3 to 4 feet wide. Color: Green leaves with white lacecap flowers. Bloom Time: Spring. A unique variety that grows low and wide, perfect for front of beds or along walkways.

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