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how does a high power laser work

by Dayne Daugherty Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

At the atomic level, a laser works by pumping energy into electrons bound to an atom, which pushes the electrons to a higher quantum energy level (a). The electrons remain in the upper level for a period of time, effectively storing the pumped energy.

Full Answer

How do high-energy lasers work?

How do high-energy lasers work, anyway? At the simplest level, electrical power is used to generate a laser beam, getting rid of the waste heat from that process. You also need a system that knows where to point the laser beam and can hold it precisely on the target for long enough to kill it.

What is a high power laser?

Our high power lasers are robust, reliable and economical. Laser Quantum manufacturers both continuous wave and ultrafast lasers with high output power, such as the finesse laser family with output powers of up to 16 W. At wavelengths between 3.9 and 9.7 μm, Alpes Lasers offers multiple high power Fabry-Pérot lasers up to 1.5 W.

How do lasers get power?

First, there is the power subsystem, which reconditions electrical power to whatever voltage is needed to drive the laser. The power can come from the platform that the laser is mounted on, such as a destroyer ship, or from lithium-ion batteries, like those in the Polaris MRZR ATV that was adapted. Then there is the thermal subsystem.

What is material processing with high-power lasers?

Material processing with high-power lasers is the second largest segment of laser applications concerning global turnovers (after communications).

What makes a laser high powered?

Lasers basically work by getting a bunch of atoms all excited. You can 'excite' an atom with a flash of light, through causing collisions between atoms, or by supplying electricity. An 'excited' atom has absorbed enough energy to jolt it from its normal resting 'ground' state into a higher-energy 'excited' state.

How does high intensity laser therapy work?

High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) has photochemistry effects that stimulate oxidation of mitochondria and ATP creation by delivering high energy output inside tissues. HILT can cause quick absorption of edema and removal of exudates through increased metabolism and blood circulation6).

Which laser has highest power?

World's most powerful laser developed by Thales and ELI-NP achieves record power level of 10 PWThe Thales system has generated its first pulses at a world record power level of 10 petawatts.ELI-NP now has the world's most powerful laser system.

How does a laser get its power?

A laser is created when electrons in the atoms in optical materials like glass, crystal, or gas absorb the energy from an electrical current or a light. That extra energy “excites” the electrons enough to move from a lower-energy orbit to a higher-energy orbit around the atom's nucleus.

Can laser break up scar tissue?

Laser treatment can also make a scar less noticeable, but it cannot get rid of a scar. When you have laser scar treatment, you're replacing one scar with another less-noticeable scar.

How long does it take for laser therapy to work?

Laser therapy provides you with a safe and effective alternative to drugs and surgery. Most patients see results within 3 to 5 short treatments.

How strong are military lasers?

30 to 100 kilowattMost military lasers tend to be in the 30 to 100 kilowatt range, which is mainly useful for shooting down small drones, so the new weapon is a significant increase.

What would a 1 megawatt laser do?

The device can generate a powerful 1 megawatt laser light and can fire 100 shots per second for nearly half an hour without overheating in a space environment, according to its developers.

What can a 10 petawatt laser do?

What Do You Do With a 10PW Laser? With 10PW of power, scientists can literally vaporize matter, opening up possible new insights into what happens during a supernova. That's just one example, albeit a rather epic one. That kind of power in a laser also makes it possible to study how heavy metals are formed.

How do you make a high power laser?

1:463:34How to make a powerful burning laser from DVD-rw - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipFirst is going to plus off laser diode and short to plus of power supply. - is straight from batteryMoreFirst is going to plus off laser diode and short to plus of power supply. - is straight from battery to laser. One important moment because I used a new diode.

How does a military laser work?

Pulsed Energy Projectile or PEP systems emit an infrared laser pulse which creates rapidly expanding plasma at the target. The resulting sound, shock and electromagnetic waves stun the target and cause pain and temporary paralysis.

How powerful can we make a laser?

Over their 50-year history, lasers have gone from producing powers of a few hundred watts to greater than a petawatt, or a quadrillion watts. Several key technological jumps have allowed researchers to compress laser beams into infinitesimally short pulses, which amplifies their peak power.

How do lasers work?

A laser is created when the electrons in atoms in special glasses, crystals, or gases absorb energy from an electrical current or another laser and become “excited.”. The excited electrons move from a lower-energy orbit to a higher-energy orbit ...

How much power does a laser have?

Modern lasers can produce pulses that are billions of times more powerful. Scientists have demonstrated NIF’s ability to generate more than 500 trillion watts of power. Some lasers, such as ruby lasers, emit short pulses of light.

What type of lasers emit light?

Some lasers, such as ruby lasers, emit short pulses of light. Others, like helium–neon gas lasers or liquid dye lasers, emit light that is continuous. NIF, like the ruby laser, emits pulses of light lasting only billionths of a second. Laser light does not need to be visible.

How do mirrors work in glass?

Mirrors at both ends of the glass amplifier cause the photons to travel back and forth through the glass, stimulating more electrons to drop to their lower energy states and emit photons. This process produces huge numbers of photons of the same wavelength and direction—an extremely bright and straight beam of light.

How is laser light different from normal light?

Laser light is different from normal light in other ways as well. First, its light contains only one wavelength (one specific color). The particular wavelength of light is determined by the amount of energy released when the excited electron drops to a lower orbit. Second, laser light is directional. Whereas a laser generates a very tight beam, a flashlight produces light that is diffuse. Because laser light is coherent, it stays focused for vast distances, even to the moon and back.

How long does a flash of light last in NIF?

In NIF, as in most large lasers, intense flashes of white light from giant flashlamps “pump” electrons in large slabs of laser glass to a higher-energy state that lasts only about one-millionth of a second.

How many watts does a laser have?

Early lasers could produce peak powers of some 10,000 watts. Modern lasers can produce pulses that are billions of times more powerful. Scientists have demonstrated NIF’s ability to generate more than 500 trillion watts of power.

What is the damage of laser light?

1. DAMAGE IN OPTICAL MATERIALS. High-power laser light can produce damage in materials that are nominally transparent to the light at low intensity. The initiation of optical damage or optical breakdown occurs at some threshold value of laser irradiance.

What are the problems with lasers?

In addition to damage, there are problems associated with absorption of laser energy by lens and window materials with resultant deformation of the material and degradation of the quality of the beam that is transmitted. Such effects that degrade system performance may be encountered at values of irradiance well below those required for catastrophic damage. The problem is especially severe for infrared lasers, for which the available materials may have higher values of absorption than materials used with shorter-wavelength lasers. A spatially inhomogeneous laser beam causes a temperature gradient, which produces nonuniform changes in the thickness and index of refraction of the material. The resultant increased physical thickness near the center of a window material causes it to become a positive lens having aberrations, birefringence, and a finite focal length. The effect of the temperature-dependent change in index of refraction varies with the material. Covalent materials generally yield a positive contribution and make the effect worse. Ionic crystals like NaCl have a negative effect, which at least partially offsets the contribution of the increased physical thickness.

How to make a commercial power plant?

In order to make a commercial power plant, the high gain of a device like HiPER will have to be combined with a high-repetition-rate laser and a target chamber capable of extracting the power. HiPER proposes to build a demonstration diode-pumped laser producing 10 kJ at 1 Hz or 1 kJ at 10 Hz (the final design choice is still open). This would be between 10 and 500 times bigger than the best high-repetition-rate lasers currently operating (typically, they are in the range of 20 to 100 J). A forerunner to HiPER will be the multi-petawatt (10 15 watts) high-energy laser (PETAL), which is a planned development of the LIL system in Bordeaux (see Section 12.3 ). PETAL will be used to address physics and technology issues of strategic relevance.

How does Hiper work?

One of the key physics issues for HiPER will be to study the rapid heating processes. To work efficiently, the relativistic electrons have to penetrate into the compressed core and then stop in as short a distance as possible, in order to release their energy into a small spot and thus raise the temperature as high as possible.

Why is it important to understand the complex range of phenomena encountered in catastrophic breakdown of nominally transparent materials by high laser power?

It is of economic importance because lenses, windows, and other components placed in the path of a laser beam will be damaged if the irradiance becomes too high, and they will have to be replaced.

How do electrons separate from plasma?

When electrons are heated to high temperatures or accelerated to high energies, they can separate from plasma ions. Such charge displacement creates an electrostatic sheath, which eventually accelerates the ions. The ions are pulled by the charge of the electrons and pushed by the other ions’ unshielded charges (similar to the ‘Coulomb explosion’ that can occur during the ionization of atoms). When the charge displacement is driven by thermal expansion, as in long-pulse (low-power) laser–plasma experiments, the maximum ion energies are limited to less than 100 keV. However, when the charge displacement is driven by direct laser heating, as in short-pulse high-power laser–plasma experiments, multi-MeV ion energies are possible. This was first shown with gas jet targets, in which case the ions were accelerated radially into 2 π, and then later with thin solid-density-films, in which case the ions were accelerated into collimated beams. In the latter case, hydrocarbons and water on the surface of the film can become ionized and provide a source of protons to be accelerated.

How does optical breakdown occur?

It is now generally believed that optical breakdown (at least intrinsic breakdown) is similar to dielectric breakdown caused by a very high dc electric field. The mechanism for dielectric breakdown of an insulating material includes avalanche or cascade ionization, a process in which electrons are accelerated in the electric field of the light wave, gain energy, collide with bound electrons, and excite them across the energy gap of the material. These electrons then also may gain energy from the light wave and cause further excitation. This process starts with a very small number of free electrons in the material. Cascade multiplication yields an absorbing plasma into which a significant fraction of the laser energy can be coupled, and eventually this produces damage in the material. At low frequency, the ability of an electron to gain sufficient energy to cause excitation of additional free electrons is limited by electron–phonon collisions. Unless the electric field is very high, the electrons will lose energy in these collisions before they can excite other electrons. When it is the field of a light wave, the electric field must be even higher, so that the electron can gain enough energy within one-half cycle of the oscillating field. Otherwise, the field will change direction and the electron will be decelerated before it can cause further excitation of free electrons.

What is a high power laser?

greater than 500 mW or. 0.5 Watts are termed High Power Laser Therapy HPLT (Class IV lasers in the USA). HPLT creates heat on the surface of the skin due to their higher power. density (irradiance). LLLT is often referred to as “Cold Lasers” since they do not create a heating sensation during treatment.

How does laser light work?

Laser light is then emitted through the partially reflective end of mirror.The light production occurs in the following steps: 1.Electron is pumped to a higher energy level. 2.Pumping level is unstable so the electron quickly jumps to a slightly lower energy level.

Why do physiotherapists use HPLT?

Physiotherapists use HPLT basically on the presumption that energised cells from the laser increase the rate of healing.

What is a laser device?

Laser device is made up of an optical cavity or chamber that contains active medium for which laser is named.The chamber has mirrors on either end that are perfectly parallel to each other within a single wavelength of light.One of the mirror is partially open.

How does a diode laser help the body?

The energy fuels many positive physiological responses resulting in restoration of normal cell morphology and function but at enhanced rate.Targeted in haemoglobin and cytochrome oxidase, the high power diode laser could help in respiration and then in result have a good performance therapy.

How many photons are produced by light and electrons in an excited energy level?

4.Light and an electron in an excited energy level produces two photons of same wavelength and phase.

What is laser light?

LASER means Light Amplification from Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser is created by specific process within the laser device to cause the controlled emission of radiation in form of light.Lasers were first invented by physicist Gordon Gould in 1958 and first working model was built in 1960.They have been used in Europe ...

How to make a laser diode?

Drill a ½ inch hole horizontally into your heat sink. After that, clean the whole form (all metal debris), and insert your laser diode assembly into it, making sure the side with the lense sits flush against the edge of the heat sink. After carefully positioning the diode assembly, use thermal glue to permanently affix it into place. Allow ample time for the finished product to dry. (During this time you will start working on the PSU.)

Where is the laser diode extracted from?

The laser diode we will be using will be extracted from the DVD burner itself, saving us more money on parts. What we will be doing overall is inserting the laser diode into the heat sink extracted from the desktop computer, and hooking it up to a regulation module.

How to remove laser diode from DVD burner?

Open the DVD burner and extract the sled. After extracting the sled, you will need to remove the laser diode located in the sled. The sled should be relatively easy to remove, as it is located on the upper face of the burner. ...

What to do if you have a 110V power supply?

Make sure all of your wire connections are properly insulated and soldered, since we are working with a 110V power supply all naked wires must be covered to make sure no exposed wires are rubbing on each other. Put on safety goggles.

How to get a DVD burner out of place?

The PSU should come right out, and the DVD burner might be anchored down with two small screws. Undo those and it should come right out of place.

Is laser heat bad?

The laser becomes very hot, and with electronics, heat is bad. With too much heat, components wear out or fail completely.

How do high energy lasers work?

How do high-energy lasers work, anyway? At the simplest level, electrical power is used to generate a laser beam, getting rid of the waste heat from that process. You also need a system that knows where to point the laser beam and can hold it precisely on the target for long enough to kill it. Of course, this description oversimplifies what is a sophisticated series of steps.

Where does the power come from for lasers?

The power can come from the platform that the laser is mounted on, such as a destroyer ship, or from lithium-ion batteries, like those in the Polaris MRZR ATV that was adapted.

What is fiber laser technology?

First, the advent of fiber laser technology. The systems have shrunk down to a level where they can fit on ground vehicles, helicopters and ships – platforms that the military actually uses. And the beam quality of fiber lasers – a measure of how much of the laser power actually reaches the target – is excellent.

Why did lasers fall out of favor?

First of all, there were no significant commercial market opportunities for chemical lasers, so DoD had to provide the vast majority of funding for components, subsystems and the laser. Second, the chemicals themselves were toxic and large volumes were needed, driving system size and safety issues. Chemical lasers themselves fell out of favor because of these operational concerns, but from a technological standpoint, the HEL community continues to leverage the many successes and lessons learned in that era.

What is laser system?

The laser system slews and points in the direction of the threat. A camera looks at the threat, often providing a better, higher resolution picture than the radar could provide. The decision-maker then determines whether the object is a threat that must be engaged.

What is beam combining?

Two of the main beam-combining techniques are spectral and coherent beam combining. With coherent beam combining, sensors measure a distorted probe laser beam at, or near, the target, then use algorithms to provide phase corrections and compensate for the distortions. Matching phase corrections can then be applied to individual fiber laser beams comprising the high-energy laser beam, correcting for the distortions in that high-power laser beam.

How does beam control work?

Once that decision is made, the beam control system engages sensors to ensure that the target is precisely tracked despite motion of both the platform and the target. Based on prior knowledge of the identified target, the most vulnerable point is selected – either manually or via automation. The beam control system ensures that the high energy laser continues to hit the same point on the target with high precision until the target is neutralized.

When comparing low vs high power lasers, what are the main talking points?

When comparing low vs high-power lasers, the aspects of treatment time, treatment depth, and surface heating have historically been the primary talking points. Recent pain research is suggesting the conversation has pivoted towards the analgesic effects of high-power laser, 3,4,8,9 which changes the discussion dramatically. RM

Why do IV lasers heat up?

Class IV lasers create heat on the surface of the skin due to their higher power density (irradiance). Class III lasers are often referred to as “Cold Lasers” since they do not create a heating sensation during treatment.

Why is power important?

Remembering that energy applied (Joules) = power (Watts) x time (seconds), recent research is showing that applying energy to tissue with high-power lasers impacts tissue differently than applying an equal number of Joules with low-power lasers. This has been shown in studies that compared the two regarding knee OA 3 and plantar fasciitis, 4 where high-power laser provided more pain relief and better functional outcomes comparatively. Other studies looking at high-power laser vs placebo have also shown favorable outcomes regarding shoulder impingement 5 and low back pain. 6

What is PBM laser?

PBM is the goal of all laser devices that are intended for therapeutic applications. It is not unique to any single class of laser, nor is the term Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), which is another common acronym used to describe therapeutic lasers. 2.

How many watts does a laser have?

In the United States, the FDA defines laser class by the output power of the device. Class III lasers have an output power of less than 0.5 Watts, whereas Class IV lasers have output powers greater than 500 mW or 0.5 Watts. Class IV lasers create heat on the surface of the skin due to their higher power density (irradiance).

What is laser therapy?

Laser therapy is a non-invasive modality that can have effects on acute and chronic pain as well as ameliorate the tissue repair process. 1 Laser therapy stimulates PBM, which is primarily a photochemical process that takes place when mitochondria are excited by a light source. 2. PBM is the goal of all laser devices that are intended ...

Is it better to treat PBM with higher power?

All PBM reactions require adequate tissue dosing to be successful. Treating with higher power makes this easier to accomplish, especially when treating larger areas, as you can deliver higher amounts of energy in less time. 7 This has clinical implications for most busy treatment settings.

How does a laser diode work?

Semiconductor lasers or diode lasers produce light when electricity passes through them in a single direction. Laser diodes usually contain a circuit board, optics, and a case.

What is a laser pointer?

In a nutshell, a laser pointer is a device typically used to highlight something important. It works by powering a laser diode with an energy source which will then emit a coherent low-powered beam ...

When was the laser pointer invented?

Affordable, pocket-sized laser pointers that we know today can be dated back to the 1980s. However, the concept of the laser can be dated back to the late 1950s.

What is the medium used in laser pointers?

Light mediums can be in the form of gas, liquid, or minerals like the rubies used in the first laser pointer. Once the laser medium is powered or pumped, it will release the energy in the form of monochromatic radiation. The function of the resonator then comes to play. It holds the energy and builds it up before it releases the energy.

What are the components of a laser pointer?

Laser pointers have three important components: lasing medium, energy source, and a resonator. The lasing medium refers to a material that can be powered by an energy source, which can be in the form of light or electricity. Light mediums can be in the form of gas, liquid, or minerals like the rubies used in the first laser pointer.

What color laser pointer is used for stargazing?

On the other hand, laser pointers used for stargazing are usually green and have higher wattage so we can use it during the night. Other laser colors include blue, violet, and yellow.

Why are infrared particles left in laser pointers?

The infrared then is left as particles in cheaper high-power laser pointers because of the difficulty to filter the infrared. This invisible infrared component in these cheap green laser pointers can be a source of an extra potential hazard when pointed at nearby objects and people.

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