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how do you use liminal in a sentence

by Dr. Kory Parisian Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

liminal in a sentence

  • He did this to explore the ideas of liminal space and time.
  • Customs such as fortune-telling take advantage of this liminal state.
  • She exists in a liminal state where she is neither dead nor alive.
  • In such cases, liminal situations can become dangerous.
  • Liminal beings are naturally ambiguous, challenging the cultural networks of social classification.

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They occupy the liminal space between us and other, civilization and barbarism, human and beast, the real and the imaginary, attraction and repulsion. She removes herself to the liminal space of the hallway, a threshold to society from which she can assess her own status and avoid further assessment by others.

Full Answer

What is the meaning of liminal?

— Jon Goss When liminal first appeared in written use, it referred to something (such as a physical stimulus) which was just barely perceptible, or just barely capable of eliciting a response. This meaning is still in use today in constructions like "liminal auditory stimuli."

What is the meaning of get in between liminal?

Get In Between liminal. The noun limen refers to the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced, and liminal is the adjective used to describe things associated with that point, or threshold, as it is also called.

What is the meaning of liminal threshold?

Because the sensory threshold is a transitional point where sensations are just beginning to be perceptible, liminal acquired two extended meanings. It can mean "barely perceptible" and is now often used to mean "transitional" or "intermediate," as in "the liminal zone between sleep and wakefulness.".

What is a liminal experience?

They have lived liminal experiences which reveal the mysterious action of God at many wells scattered along the roads they travel. Anthropologists have frequently problematised the exciting, fraught and profoundly liminal stage that human beings traverse between childhood and adulthood.

How do you use the word liminal?

In its most common extended meaning now, it describes a state, place, or condition of transition, as in “the liminal zone between sleep and wakefulness.” The closely related word subliminal means “below a threshold”; it can describe something inadequate to produce a sensation or something operating below a threshold of ...

What is a liminal person?

Liminal beings are those that cannot easily be placed into a single category of existence. Associated with the threshold state of liminality, from Latin līmen, "threshold", they represent and highlight the semi-autonomous boundaries of the social world.

What is a liminal feeling?

To sum it up: liminal feelings are feelings of tension and unease created by a physical liminal space or considerable change. Liminal feelings are created by significant changes, like a change in job or moving to a new town. These changes make your future seem uncertain.

What is another word for liminal?

Liminal Synonyms - WordHippo Thesaurus....What is another word for liminal?borderingborderlineoutlyingperipheral1 more row

What is the opposite of liminal?

review today's word: 1. The opposite of LIMINAL is. A. WELL-READ.

What causes liminality?

The term liminal derives from the Latin, limins, and refers to the threshold passageway between two separate places. The liminal state is therefore a transitional one, the result of crossing a threshold between location, status, position, mental state, social condition, war and peace, or illness and death.

What is a liminal image?

The genre of liminal photography portrays an empty transition place between one stage and the next, an in-between period that is typically marked by uncertainty. They aren't comforting images — often they depict a place that might have been busy once, but now is empty.

Why are liminal spaces scary?

In other words: transitions are hard and stressful. And when a physical spot embodies that same feeling of change and stress, we are naturally uncomfortable. That's why uncomfortable liminal spaces fit in so well in horror. We can feel that we're on the verge of something, looking out into the unknown…

What does liminal point mean?

In physiology, psychology, or psychophysics, a limen or a liminal point is a sensory threshold of a physiological or psychological response. It is the boundary of perception. On one side of a limen (or threshold) a stimulus is perceivable, on the other side it is not.

What does liminal mean in writing?

Liminality is the in-between moments, the space between an inciting incident in a story and the protagonist's resolution. It is often a period of discomfort, of waiting, and of transformation. Your characters' old habits, beliefs, and even personal identity disintegrates.

Are liminal spaces real?

Liminal Spaces are perhaps, the unknowable, or unspeakable spaces that seem to be ever-present in our dreams. These are places in which appear real but because of their strange aura, we know for sure that they are indeed fictitious.

How do you make a picture liminal space?

1:5115:15PHOTOGRAPHING LIMINAL SPACES - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipI'm going to go out and use my iphone or a small little digital point and shoot probably the oneMoreI'm going to go out and use my iphone or a small little digital point and shoot probably the one that i've used in a previous.

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