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how could you speed up the freezing of the ice cream mixture

by Mrs. Mariela Towne Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Quickly cool the liquid ice cream base by placing it into an ice bath, or refrigerating overnight. This will speed up the freezing process, yielding a smoother product. Chill the ice cream base to the temperature range of 35-39°F (2-4°C) before freezing.

Can you freeze ice cream mixture?

Transfer the ice cream mixture to a freezer safe bowl or container if not already in an appropriate one. Cover tightly with plastic wrap, foil or an airtight cover. Place the container in the freezer and allow the mixture to freeze for 2 hours. Remove from the freezer and beat with a hand mixer to break up ice crystals that are beginning to form.

How does salt affect the freezing point of ice cream?

Salt provides the solution. Similar to sugar, salt affects how water freezes and effectively lowers the freezing/melting point of water. Creating a saltwater slush and packing this around our ice cream base allows us to cool the base enough so that it starts to thicken and freeze before...

How do you break up ice cream crystals when freezing?

After the ice cream has hardened sufficiently, take the ice cream container out of the freezer, remove the cover and scoop ice cream into bowls or cones. Serve and enjoy! The instructions below are for using an electric hand mixer to break up the ice crystals during the freezing process.

How do you harden ice cream in the freezer?

Place the ice cream in the freezer for several hours to harden. After the ice cream has hardened sufficiently, take the ice cream container out of the freezer, remove the cover and scoop ice cream into bowls or cones. Serve and enjoy!

How can you speed up homemade ice cream?

So to try and prevent your ice creams melting so quickly there are several things you can try:increase the fat content.add extra solids in the form of skimmed milk powder (SMP)add more eggs.use other stabilizers.

How do you make things freeze quickly?

To freeze water instantly, first, create a salt and ice water mixture by packing a bucket or cooler half full of ice and adding just enough water to allow the ice cubes to move.

How do you speed up freezing water?

How do I freeze water more quickly? If the water is warm, it seems to be freeze faster than normal water. You can use a container having large surface area, which will release its latent heat fast. The faster the release of latent heat the faster the freezing.

What can you add to water to make it freeze faster?

Lowering the freezing point of water is easy. All you have to do is add salt, sugar or any other solute. Going in the opposite direction and raising the freezing temperature of water is not nearly as easy.


Under normal conditions, pure water freezes at 32°F (0°C). But this temperature is not sufficient to freeze the liquid ice cream. Milk is one of the main ingredients in making ice cream. It starts to freeze at 31.1°F (0.5°C). A typical ice cream would also include ingredients such as sugar, color, and flavor.


When we take ice out of the freezer, its temperature is roughly the same as the inside of the freezer. But as it stays out, it starts absorbing heat, raising its temperature. We all know that water freezes at -32°F (0°C). Once the ice reaches this temperature, it begins to melt. But in the presence of salt, its melting point can be lower than 32°F.


Want to see how freezing point depression works at home? Sure you can by freezing ice cream without using your home freezer! You will only need three components here: fat, water, and sugar. So ready your whipping cream (1/2 cup), sugar (1/4 cup), milk (1/2 cup), and some vanilla (1/4 teaspoon) for flavor.

Freezing with an Electric Ice Cream Maker Using Ice

The instructions below are for using an electric ice cream maker that uses ice in the freezing process. This is just one type of model. Realize that there are many different types of ice cream makers and unless you have this same model, it is best to read the user's manual for your model before beginning the freezing process.

Freezing with an Electric Ice Cream Maker with a Freezing Unit

The instructions below are for using an electric ice cream maker that uses a freezing unit that contains a cooling liquid between double insulated walls. The unit is placed in the freezer for the cooling liquid to freeze; and once frozen, it does the work of the ice and salt in the unit above. This is just one type of model.

Freezing without an Ice Cream Maker

The instructions below are for using an electric hand mixer to break up the ice crystals during the freezing process. The mixture can also be hand beaten using a fork or a food processor can be used.

What is freezing point depression?

The freezing point depression says that the freezing point of a mixture of two components is lower than that of individual components. It involves a solvent (e.g. water) and a solute which you’ll mix with the solvent.

The freezing point depression in ice cream

In ice cream the freezing point of the water in the ice cream is modified. Water is the main components of most ice cream since it makes up most of the milk or cream you might be using. The freezing point is mostly lowered through the addition of sugar. Sugar dissolves in the water and this ways interferes with the crystal formation.

Calculating the freezing point depression

You can calculate the change in freezing point of water in ice cream quite easily. The freezing point depression is a so called colligative property. This means that the temperature drop, so how much the freezing point lowers, does not depend on the type of component added, the solute.

A note on frozen fruits

Ever noticed that frozen fruits often aren’t rock solid? Apart from the impact of the fruit’s texture this is also due to the freezing point depression. The fruits contain quite a lot of sugar which prevent all the water from freezing!

A video for more explanation

A more fundamental explanation can be found in this great video from the Khan Academy.


A more detailed explanation of the thermodynamics behind the freezing point depression can be found on the websites of: UC Davis & Bristol University.

Skip Pre-Chilling

With my Simac Il Gelataio built-in compressor ice cream maker I often go from stove to ice cream maker with no pre-chilling and have not had any problems with either egg custards over cooking or ice crystals ruining the resulting smoothness of the ice cream.

Ice Bath Pre-Chilling

Unless you are unlucky enough to have a canister machine with a canister that is starting to get tired or needs a mix to be close to freezing in temperature to work; pre-chilling as I’m about to describe is the best bet for most situations.

Refrigerator Pre-Chilling

This is the old fashioned, standard way of pre-chilling an ice cream mix and it will take at least 4 hours to end up with a cold mix. It does have some of advantages if you are in no hurry to make ice cream. For one thing it’s very easy. Just pour your mix in a bowl from the hot saucepan. Cover the bowl and place it in your fridge.

Freezer Pre-Chilling

For some reason no one seems to recommend pre-chilling a bowl of mix directly in your freezer. I’m not sure why. Unlike the set and forget refrigerator method you would have to keep an eye on it and stir pretty regularly to prevent the mix from actually freezing (think big bad ice crystals).

If Pre-Chilling Why Not Just Make Ice Cream?

Let’s say you are using the ziploc bag in an ice bath method. Well if you have some rock salt you can take this one step further and just make the ice cream! Read about it here.

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