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home depot key copy

by Ms. Lynn Greenfelder Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

Does Home Depot make copies of keys?

The answer is, yes, you can get a copy of your house keys at Home Depot. There is no need to go anywhere else as long as you live in the USA and visit the Home Depot store. The key copies are available at very affordable prices. They will be duplicated from an existing key without disturbing your original.

Can you get keys copied at Home Depot?

The simple answer is yes, it's quite possible to get a key copy made at Home Depot Key Copy section of the store. However, there's a limit to the type of keys the good people at Home Depot can copy. Also to know is, where can I get copies of keys made?

Where can I make a copy of the house key?

minuteKEY kiosks : One kiosk you’ll find in many stores is minuteKEY kiosks. These kiosks allow you to copy your home, office or padlock key in a minute. KeyMe : Another common kiosk you’ll find in store is KeyMe kiosks. These kiosks allow you to get copies for your home, office, and vehicle.

How much does it cost to copy a key?

So, without further ado, let’s look at some numbers:

  • $1 – $2 for basic car key duplication at a local hardware store
  • $1.75 – $4 basic key duplication using a car locksmith company
  • $100- $150 for car key duplication with additional features at a locksmith shop
  • $150+ for key duplication at an automotive dealership

Does Home Depot make copies of keys?

Home Depot does provide key copying services for most home locks, padlocks, and even vehicles. In addition to traditional key cutting, they also offer self-service key kiosks that let you copy keys in minutes without the help of a Home Depot employee.

How much does it cost to duplicate keys at Home Depot?

between $1 to $3The in-store key cutting technician will produce the copy in minutes. Alternatively, customers can purchase the key blank at Home Depot. Key blanks typically cost between $1 to $3.

Can you copy a key at Walmart?

Yes, Walmart provides key copying and cutting services in-store. Key cutting is self-serve and you do it at their MinuteKey kiosks.

How long does it take to copy a key at Walmart?

Just choose your design, and the robotic machines will spit your key copies within a minute. Depending on your chosen key design, Walmart key copy prices range between $2 to $6 per copy.

What is the difference between Home Depot and Locksmith?

In general, the biggest difference between Home Depot and Locksmith is that Home Depot uses automation machines to create your key copy while Locksmith uses customer. That being said, it is not surprising that Home Depot's key copying is cheaper than Locksmith's. However, the low price does not mean high quality.

How does a copy machine work?

During the copying process, the machine ensures that both keys are aligned at the same horizontal level. Then, the machine's blade cuts through the blank key using the original key as a guide. Once the cutting is completed, the newly copied key gets final polishing and smoothing before it's ready to be used.

How long does it take to get a copy of a key from Home Depot?

The process is very simple; All that you have to do is to provide your original key to the machine, wait for about 5 minutes if not less, then get a brand new copy of your key. What is interesting about the Home Depot key copy is that you don't have to pay anything for the service itself.

What is key copying?

Key copying means creating another version of your key using the original one as a template. The standard method for creating a key copy is called key cutting Or key duplicating.

Why is it important to have multiple copies of your house key?

It is important to have multiple copies of your house key, especially if you have more than one person living in the same household. A key copy comes very handy in situations like losing your key or your original key not functioning. For example, many people need to pull the key out of the lock slightly to get it to work.

Can you copy a key using a copied key?

They can tell you the exact depths to use when cutting through the blank key. Other people use a copy of the original key to get another copy or “copy using a copy.”. While you can get your key copied, experts have a different opinion. Experts recommend never to copy a key using a copied key. This is because the copied key is never like ...

Do copying machines match original keys?

In most copying machines at local stores, there are millions of key blanks that usually matches your original key. This does not mean that the new copy will look identical to the original key; you will still be able to identify your original key just by looking at it.

How many pins are in a Schlage key?

Most kwikset, Weiser, and Schlage keys have either 5 or 6 pins, the pins are assigned different numbers depending on their size. This number is the key code, the majority of consumer locks produced have them. If you go to a legit locksmith or some hardware stores, they can cut a key just from that number.

How long does it take to get a copy of a key from Home Depot?

Getting keys copied is simple, and can be done at Home Depot! You pick out a key, give it to the machine operator, and it shouldn't take any more than 5 minutes once your key is actually being copied. You pay the price of the key, and no additional for the service. Best, Leah.

Where can I get a copy of my keys?

Continue Reading. You can get keys copied at most any hardware store, including Home Depot. One important thing to consider is that no hardware store has the ability to properly adjust a key machine. In fact the only folks I have ever met who could are all locksmiths.

Can you program a kwikset key?

You need a dealer or capable locksmith to program it for you and most of the time will do it cheap. Continue Reading. The answer is yes and no. Some certain keys you can. For example, schlage, kwikset, arrow, things like that the “should" have no issue but tend to at times.

Do hardware stores have car key blanks?

Yes, as do most hardware stores. However they don’t have the key blanks for automobiles that have the sensors in them for newer cars. you’d have to go to a locksmith or the dealer for those. I at times have had issues when the keys don’t work after cutting them, but not too often.

Can you duplicate a house key at Home Depot?

If you are talking the average house key then you should generally not have an issue getting it duplicated at The Home Depot or most hardware stores. House keys, and keys for many locks (not marked “do not duplicate”) can generally be copied at Home Depot. Older automotive keys can be duplicated at Home Depot.

Can you get a replacement car key?

If you are the owner of the car or an authorised person for that car then you can get a car key replacement. Having an extra copy of your car key is a precaution everyone should take. If you lock your keys inside the car an extra set will save you the time and expense of having a locksmith retrieve them for you.

Guide to Getting Keys Made at Home Depot

Home Depot is an outstanding all-around key duplication provider! However, they don’t offer specialty services for programmable car keys and many older, non-standard keys. Plus, they will not be able to copy your mailbox or PO box keys.

How Long Does It Take to Have Keys Made at Home Depot?

One advantage of getting keys made at Home Depot is speed. They’ll tell you whether they can duplicate your keys right away, so you won’t have to wait around except during crowded periods. Go at an off-peak time of day to get the quickest service.

How Much Does It Cost to Have Keys Made at Home Depot?

If you like saving money, Home Depot is the place to have keys copied. The big caveat, of course, is that the store can’t duplicate every type of key in existence. But, if you have standard keys that are not high-tech or issued by the postal service, prices are rock-bottom.

Alternative to Home Depot for Having Keys Made

There are four alternatives for getting keys made if Home Depot cannot meet your key-making needs. They are the US Postal Service, a licensed locksmith, a car dealership, and a specialty hardware store.

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